h/fur thread time!
H/fur thread time!
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yeaaaah gonna need more
Anybody else going to post?
Familiar face in an unfamiliar place
yeah, don't usually post anywhere other than boxes but figured i might as well
how's a you?
Fancy seeing yall here
Often I hangout in s/fur, but h/fur is pretty based.
I'm well. I haven't really been up to much other than studies recently really. Study & chill. It's a lifestyle I hope.
Today it rained really heavy on the way in to class so I got to bare witness to the aftermath of two car accidents, and got stuck waiting in traffic for one of them. Both times the car was facing the wrong way all smashed up I guess after aquaplaning or something. Some people drive pretty crazy here when it rains. God knows why honestly. People are a bit silly
What have you been up to?
Yo Clyde
I think that's the first time I've heard it referred to as aquaplaning. My world gets a little bit bigger today
Not furry.
Yeah. Scary stuff though. I'm not sure if you have 'roundabouts' over there in the US, but we certainly do here in Aus. There's a couple of them on campus. I may or may not have accidentally managed to drift my FWD car around one of them in the rain before kek.
Oh no we do, I always thought they were potential deathtraps. (Different user btw.)
Oh, I remember so many roundabouts while I was visiting Perth. You guys are very fond of them.
They're just starting to catch on over here. I know of only a handful. That's pretty cool though, if you did that on purpose.
Roundabouts are actually considered to be exceptionally safe, because it's almost impossible to have a head-on collision in one
Well you're not wrong there, I'm thinking more about getting rammed from the side when someone makes a bad turn.
hello clyde
i lurked s/fur way back in like 2012, which is how i found out about NS, but haven't actually ever posted in it
FFXIV patch from yesterday added an ending to the story of the current expansion, so i've been enjoying that
sad it's ended but also excited for the new expansion coming in a few months
right now i'm overwhelmed by suddenly being involved in too many conversations
I finally finished A Realm Reborn story the day before Yesterday. It was such a slog, but it actually came to a decent climax. My friends are telling me that heavensward onwards is much better. So I'm a little excited about that.
H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:
oh yeah ARR isn't too great
especially the voice acting in ARR is horrid
but HW is by far my favourite expansion, probably because i'm so fond of dragons
you play on one of the NA data centres, i assume?
They aren't dangerous if you know how to use them because they force you to slow down a-lot, but there are plenty of funny videos on liveleak of people jumping over the top of them.
They do improve traffic flow for sure. Beats sitting at a set of lights. I wouldn't be surprised if the US eventually does adopt them.
There's heaps in my city, a regular traffic light intersection probably sees more crashes.
Until some bright spark goes the wrong way
Totally guilty at least once on my learners licence
Big oops
Man I wish. I held it though. In that moment my inner Gran Turismo professional racing driver was finally realised, even if only for a second. Lucky no one else was around to see because I was hella embarrassed. I *won't* be doing that again any time soon heh
I only ever got here in Aug 2016. I'm still a newfag, but yeah s/fur has a knack for showing people the ropes
New content sounds fun. And free too I'm guessing?
One of the games I hear a lot of but never checked out
Mind you, I don't check out much
Dubs checked, also too many s/fur, not nearly enough h/fur.
Well, err
moar big juicy /girlcock/s on the way
I do. Sargatanas I believe?
They're better than lights, and definitely better than four way stop signs. Oof on that mishap though. Glad you're okay, even if it was some time ago. Indid some dumb moves learning to drive as well.
of course, you have to pay for new expansions but all patches are free
that's how it works with all MMORPGs, i believe
i'd recommend the game but you'll have to see for yourself if it's something you're at all interested in
fair enough
maybe one day in the distant future SE will add cross-datacentre play
unless you feel like switching over to EU when the free server transfers start owo
Everyone is a bit silly at some point, it was the nerves. Man wouldn't life be great without anxiety. Just driving the local streets was stress inducing enough at first
You know I've never encountered a 4-way stop before, but they must stuck. It must burn off so much fuel having to do a complete stop/start for no reason. Makes me if those types of considerations actually make it into road design, especially nowadays with environmental concerns
hot af
Unfortunately I'm a bit established where I am. I have a few friends on my current server. But if they expand cross center interaction, I'll have to give you a visit.
They aren't so bad, and aren't entirely common. They're mostly in streets that used to be neighborhoods, but then became a way of bypassing local major roads.
Hmm cool
One for the holidays or so I keep saying
Motivation eludes me
*big* and stronk
Top tier stuff
don't think it'll ever happen, but one can hope
H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:
that's a big sack
I would actually like to see more despite my one unsettling experience with one
Anyways, how's you lately?
user doesn't do favours
Eh. Could be better. Work has been unsatisfying lately. I'm just assuming everything's weird because we're at the end of the fiscal year.
Parents are looking at moving out the house. It's weird to hear them talking about it so actively and excitedly. They haoftentimes have trouble following through on anything, but they do seem to be moving forward with it.
big sacks are nice
Any more knots?
Big fertile herms are the best
Should hope it all blows over soon
The whole situation sounds a bit weird in general
That's awesome, have you decided whether or not to stay?
Shower time
I need sleep soon-ish
Was driving home.
Yeah, they're gonna rent out the house for super cheap to my brother and I after fixing it up some, so it turns out to be a solid deal.
>Looks somewhat like an ice cream cone...
hey there
Still forced to share it with the bro though eh
Honestly that wouldn't bother me too much if it is cheap, but it's a factor
Anyways imma sleep
It's way too late
Lick it, suck it & swallow it
My brother's pretty cool, so I don't mind.
Sleep well
good night
2 h/ 4 me
is there a discord server you guys use for fur stuff?
not h enoug 4 me
H/furs are more welcoming than most furs.
for some season herm pussy seems incredibly hotter to me than female pussy.
anyone got any idea why?
some preferences just can't be explained
H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this /pol/ Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:
Because of the elusiveness of a third-gender based anatomy.
Wait a minute... this isn't Yea Forums.
Anymore like this? I love the thought and concept of this
bamp for furry girlcock