What do you think of the hipster facial hair trend that started around ten years ago, and is still going strong...

What do you think of the hipster facial hair trend that started around ten years ago, and is still going strong? Do you like the revival of beards and mustaches, or are you more in favor of low-key stubble or clean-shaven?

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fools don't see (not remember) their faces

Clean shaven. Mostly because I don't like the feel of facial hair and the maintenance if you don't want it to look or smell like shit.


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Pathetic attempt at trying to be masculine. You can be the hairiest motherfucker out there, but if you're over twenty and spend your whole free time on vidya and drink soy, you're loser and a beta.

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facial hair is a big turn off for me

U big gay so I dont care what you think

beard for cold weather and shaven in hot weather. Depends for me

facial hair attracts hair follicle mites, and i am allergic to their tiny, tiny shit. if i don't shave frequently, i start sneezing.

hipster beards are a trend. give it a few years and it'll change, because nobody wants to be caught using old memes.

"Many pilgrims hope to simply style their way in by doing the chic thing, the hip thing, the trendy thing, the righteous jumping swinging thing. They dislocate limbs and slip disks in a frantic effort to assume fashionable postures, which constantly change with bewildering speed . . . the bumbling, sloppy, awkward thing is out . . . the tense, purposeful, graceful thing is in . . . the nonchalant, jaunty thing is out . . . the interested, earnest thing is in . . . sex is out, sex is in ... in out. . . right left. You'll never make a style queen, Brad, unless you straighten up, stoop a bit, loosen up, tighten up . . . keep your eye on the ball . . . learn to look away . . . learn to look at . . . stop . . . go . . . the style trap.

"The styles change faster and faster as the Ultimate Arbiter issues directives weekly, daily, hourly. People strip off unsuitable garments in the street, sneering at less agile contenders who have not taken the Alexander course in smooth, quick undressing and re-dressing. Everyone carries toilet kits, in case hair styles should suddenly change, and they are to be seen shaving off untrendy long hair or beards in restaurants, in the streets or in subways, their hairs drifting about and sifting into food like fine herbs. They learn to whip around like boomerangs. You come in leather and get the "sorry, sir" treatment, or you come in a tux and get the same from a leather bar.

"The Arbiter's face is like gray wax, his lips very red, his eyes sparkling with dazzling malice. He is going mad: loincloths to full dress, skinheads, eighteenth-century dandies, togas, djellabas. Everyone now carries huge suitcases about." - Burroughs, "The Western Lands"

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I can't wait for the fad to die. I hate the fact that the only way to tell someone my beard isn't a hipster fashion statement is to say the most hipster thing possible, "I was growing a beard *before* it was cool."
Despite my epic facial hair, I'm usually not mistaken for a hipster because I don't wear faggy skinny jeans and ironic shirts. When someone does mistake me for one it pisses me the fuck off.

I would love this trend to be over. I think it's not necessarily bad. But I can't grow a beard (at almost 27) and I feel like all woman want someone with a beard.

A maintained, trimmed beard is acceptable. Also, I have a baby face when I'm clean shaven and I just think my facial features work better with facial hair.

Currently rocking a year beard. Thank fuck winter is coming. Summer was death.

I basically have one because it helps avoid social interactions. People usually just look at you and look the other way unless you are a hipster with your trimmed shit and curly mustache.

I'm wanting to grow a beard but those soy boy fags are making it to where if I get it fully grown and the fad is still around, then I will stay clean shaven until it dies.

They don't want you because you're pathetic as fuck

You're an original, man. Keep wearing the beard if you like it.

Worrying about this kind of shit makes you a faggy beta in itself.

I'm just too lazy to shave and can't be bothered anymore

I sometimes go through phases of not shaving for a few days, but it becomes so itchy and rather unsightly to me, so I end up shaving, anyway. How long would I have to grow stubble out for it to be considered a beard?

facial hair is gross

Hairy teenagers are called virgins


i work in sales. i have a beard. its a bitch to maintain. i only have one because my hair goes halfway down my back. i only have hair halfway down my back because i hang with punks and hippies. its a tough life having to make all these images work in harmony

Im glad it exists, just for the variety.
I cant realy grow a 'uge beard, but its all good.

I think the main driving factor behind it are financial ones. Everyone is trying to cut costs, and shaving everyday can cost you a lot of money.

I haven't been clean shaven for the last 8 years, since I really started growing it. Every now and then I go over it with the smallest sized clipper I have on my electric hair clippers so that it stays neat. I also cut my own hair.

I'm gonna need more examples of hipster beards to tell you if mine is one.

men with attractive facial features don't need a beard to hide weak features

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I've had a long beard ever since I could grow one.

I wear it so that as soon as people look at me they know I'm not a soldier, not a cop, not a politician, not a lawyer; they know instantly that I'm one of the Good Guys.



I don't think this word means what you think it means

I hate everything about this mans face

Found the conservatard

junkie drivel

Why? What about it bothers you so much?

Fuck my pudgy face, so, hair on the chin it is.
And it does, in fact, work.

>Giving a shit about how other people do their facial hair.
Boy, isnt your life exciting?

means exactly what he means to say. just another subculture that will lose popularity untill man are wearing leather again. fucking gay urban subcultures

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>entire thread filled with facelets avoiding a beard "because the hipsters are doing it"

you all sound like females. If you want a beard, grow a fucking beard; anything less than doing what you want to do is soyboyism of the highest caliber.

mainly growing a beard, because it suits me. lookin like a fuckin 14 year old, when im fully shaved. age 31 here. however, gotta go to the gym and get fit. im on 230 pounds, bald and great beard genetics

have beard coz weak/no chin

seems to be the equivalent of glasses on a girl, it's to hide how ugly they are.

Ive chosen not to grow a beard because I have a strong, well defined jawline. Hipsters can cry themselves to sleep with their faggot beards. If anything, there are certain ways hipsters tend to trim them. Makes the soyboys easy to separate from the real men.