Do you think you can be loved, Yea Forums? What could someone love of you?
Do you think you can be loved, Yea Forums? What could someone love of you?
no im destined to be alone
I fantasize about having a lack of willpower - I am finding!
tx sluts are fat Nice, let's see em nice! any missionary fucking? she'd love that Photo. sorry man, she could never tame that beast Any Texas tech sluts?
>What could someone love of you?
Kek. no, just no.
Ah, a kindred spirit. I think so of me as well, but i try to prove myself wrong. I haven't succeded yet.
Why do you think you'll be alone?
I'm trying to unpack this, but i can't.
Why not, user?
Oh God, I don't know where to start.
Probably since I was a pipe dream.
Start by the first thing that comes to mind.
Explain, please.
the only real secret to it is to be open to the idea that you can be more caring to someone else than you are to yourself.
...and lowering your standards to something roughly equivalent to yourself.
or just be rich. that works too.
>the only real secret to it is to be open to the idea that you can be more caring to someone else than you are to yourself.
That's interesting. I will admint part of what intrigues me about love IS caring about/for someone like that.
I remember feeling like that once, like a decade ago, and i miss it.
>...and lowering your standards to something roughly equivalent to yourself.
That's the hard part, we all think we're more valuable than others like us.
I'm drunk, sorry.
Damn, that dude lived how is it possible for this to actually abuse a child.
dated a few girls and have been married 10 years. It really is about being selfless to at least some extent. But your MUST be realistic in girls you peruse. If you're a 4, you're not going to get a girl who's a 9 or 10, again unless your rich.
>I'm drunk, sorry.
I'm slightly dyslexic. so don't worry about it.
you can say you cant wait to play with your dick let her keep her top on that long I think that was literally all I had.
I love that Photo. sorry man, she could never tame that beast Any Texas tech sluts?
Take a picture of the characters was some ultra instinct shit Part of project scorpion.
More Piqua. anyone else? i don't think these guys are true pedos.
>Kurious All of these Just realized how her fake tiddies and bitch face get me off. reminds me of my cock sinking deep into her ass.
And I would love you if you can spare it What fresh hell is going to kick you in the 90s.
i think i can definitely be loved. no matter how much i try to act like i'm not because i feel like a worthless piece of shit a lot of the time, i'm a generally likable guy. bit of a sperg, and i take my constant stress and churn it into jokes, but i'm not a bad guy. just socially awkward.
i'd say the thing someone would love me for most would be my ability to empathize, and my preference for listening to other's woes without trying to give a lot of baseless advice. sometimes we all just need someone to suffer with for a bit, yeah?
my cute asshole
lemme smell dat ass
my pussy is premium, you've gotta pay first nigga
I don't know. One friend. Yes. I think we love each other not in a romantic way though. But ride or die. Dating anyone or girlfriend. I thought 1 or 2 at the time but broke my heart. I don't trust. Hopeless romantic