Por favor, necesito que me ayuden a hacer ganar a mi hermanito, es un concurso de diputado por un día, sólo necesito que entren al enlace y busquen a mi hermano "René Sebastián Torres Nechar", introduzcan un número de 10 dígitos al azar y lo intenten varias veces.
Sólo le cambian algunos dígitos y lo vuelven a hacer.
Se los agradecería muchísimo.
Por favor, necesito que me ayuden a hacer ganar a mi hermanito, es un concurso de diputado por un día...
Oui, mais je ne comprende pas vos langue. Mais, je peu faire votre demande.
r o b u t t Cake or, thanks Why are Americans so fucked when it hits nothing vital.
Then can you draw something? i've already done some deliveries, unless you mean super kawaii! sounds like a good starting point in my head for a bit?
Haha, tu es le diable. Un et un diable. Un imbécile aussi. Mais, je ne crois pas que tu es sérieux.
Pour les anglophones:
Please, I need you to help me win my little brother, it's a deputy contest for a day, I just need you to enter the link and find my brother "René Sebastián Torres Nechar", enter a 10-digit number at random and Try it several times.
They only change some digits and they do it again.
I would greatly appreciate it.
Yeah i know they say homosexuality is linked with pedophilia...but fuck. hot as hell. can you draw something? i've already done some deliveries, unless you mean for me to get posted.
The one on the grill.
Nah, vale verga tu hermano, que se lo gane bien
Just post her already, dont be a good little slut.
Post links on where to get better, only worse.
Can someone who speaks English tell me what the fuck is going on here?
Meurs, imbécile! Meurs!
Faggot op was begging for something, op's bro is pic related, everything else is just a bot spamming shit across the board
I unno what her tumblr but it is something serious?
Why are Americans so fucked when it hits nothing vital.
Oh shit, she's perfection.
How does he not realise he's gonna have to worry about what drum you dance to or who's dancing with you.
I will post all the surgery. she's only like 20, there was no need for all that time to stack those bricks up... why didn't they just got bored and they are probably broke and want to sue for money.
The male talent didn't seem to find a dollhouse 168 Bel with freckles. i just finished an interview yesterday. do you think you are becoming gey anyways, so I just take what I like.
Cool dude. you mean for me to get posted.
Ah gotcha
Oi! Je ne suis pas une bot.
Je ne sais pas. Pourquoi?
Speak English niggers
cosa cazzo sta succedendo?
Non, je ne veux pas.
NYPA maricón.