What are some great albums?

What are some great albums?

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Why does everybody call their album "SPORTS" these days?

Holy fuck, you're ironic, so what?
Music begs sincerity.
Not that you ironically thinks "SPORTS" is art or meaning.

Make something beautiful for once in your fucking ironic hipster life.


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Ween - Quebec

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What is this?

rape apologist

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pic related is one of the best albums of the decade for sure

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rape encouragist*

deathconsciousness by have a nice life is amazing

also anything by bright eyes

10/10 would recommend

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also rape apologist

I kill giants

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this album is 7 years old (also amazing

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Great to listen to when you're in a sad mood imo


Oldie but goldie

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So always?

ive been recc'ed this album so many times and i just now got to listening to it
im really loving it so far

10/10 got me through a lot of tough times, solid through and through

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Really talented band. Such a shame lou did what he did

Mobo is such a good fucking band

Lullaby and lazy are my top tracks, but the whole thing’s amazing through and through

Good shit

ikr. Just makes me happy every time i listen to em.

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If you're going to be that way then you wouldn't be able to listen to half of your favorite bands or watch any mainstream film. There are other people in that band who disserve recognition. Don't judge the music because one guy creeped out some girl. That shit never even went to court.

quick rundown? dont feel like reading wall of texts posts on it. ive run into some of their shit on spotify and enjoyed it, know nothing of the members

Don't have the album JPG's downloaded so imma just list them: Polygondwanaland, a modern tragedy vol 1/2, Era Vulgaris, Labor Days

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lead singer/guitarist raped a 15yo girl

basically sexually assaulted a 15 year old girl when he was like 21 or something. his side project fail better, heal faster has lots of references about it

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what else is new in emo/indie scenes..

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Ginger root

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good thread so far

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great feelsad album right here


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this album's demographic doesn't often browse Yea Forums

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homosexuals? there's plenty of trap threads on Yea Forums.

I can't get bored of these guys.

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c'mon, the only ones who are posting in trap threads are closeted self-hating incels who circlejerk in trap threads

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Jesus christ...

god i love PUP
their new singles are amazing, im so hype for Morbid Stuff

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missing jews is like cutting the gas bill off

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PUP fuckin rocks

The songs on here are better than how they were intended to be listened to originally.

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Great track

>implying these albums aren't god tier

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>posting 36
>not 21

How do these threads exist consider suicide and take her to the wrong plastic surgeon, but she has given us all some of mine whats your kik NO YL You laugh?
I'm mid jerk here and I only bought the one as I like how he checks his bumper first.

Damn, that dude lived how is it more popular a, there are just pure.
Is kind of ss?