Sup Yea Forumsros. Just became NEET, wat do?

Sup Yea Forumsros. Just became NEET, wat do?

I make about 1200$/mo from state disability benefits, have gym membership, and do bible studies a few times a week.


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Im newly neet too, dunno wtf to do tho. wanna work in the music/audio industry

OP here

But what to do in the mean time? There is only so many times you can fap/smoke/anime. Need to find some purpose to life other than being a hermit.

So you're free, no job you have bible studies (your place) and a gym.
And you want more shit?

Yeah Im thinking ill just get some menial temporary job while i work on music/audio on the side. i have a diploma in programming but idk if i wanna do that for a career anymore. dont know if i could do music on the side if im working in programming

There is no more shit to have buddy.

There are 2 animes as Chinese cartoons

Death note and dragon ball.

Everything else is trash. That's it.

Do you drink hi c at McDonalds with your chicken sandwich? No.

Go outside, go west, then enter cave OP.

Also check inventory

OP here,

Well, no. I'd like advice on what to do in the mean time. I'm basically retired and in my 30's. Not sure what to do outside of the rat race.

Want to not die?

Replace gym with MMA gym. Have fun rolling in BJJ and hitting the thai pads and bag. Don't get a heart attack doing it.

Sounds like you know what to do. I don't have any hobbies outside what was once school/work.

I mean it's what I would do besides eating at the best restaurants

There is no more shit to have because if there is tell me.

OP again,

MMA gyms are about 200$ in my area for part time stuff. Cost of living is also semi-high hence the larger income.

Do you live with your parents? If not, how do you afford to live on that?

What is your claimed disability?

If you have a disability, what is it? If you are just working the system, tell me how you did it.

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Buy a fairtex heavy bag. Not the banana bag but the fat one.

Have fun. What I would do.

Schizophrenia/Bipolar w/ PSTD. You can easilly fake the schizo part by telling people you hear voices and taking religion too seriously. That and calling 911 to say the house is going to burn down after you smoked near a freshly varnished pile of wood.

Living with family now, rent is 500$/mo.

Disability = schizophrenic/bipolar w/ ptsd

Wish I could know if there was more shit to have. That was the whole point of starting this thread. I need something more in my life to keep me occupied.

I crap feces out my mouth and eat food with my ass

>schizophrenic/bipolar w/ ptsd
how did you get that? smoke too much meth?

Nah Yea Forumsro, marijuana induced psychosis. Smoked all day every day for two months, had a breakdown at work, sent to a mental hospital for a two week observation. Spent that time reading a bible (staff thought I was suffering from delusions but w/e) Got out, got sober, benefits rolled in in two months. Only thing in my system now is caffeine and nicotine.

I never received disability from that fucking bullshit I got for being a clown at my highschool. I was a clown and a teachers pet big fucking deal.

u jelly

So do you believe you're sane pr do you believe the bullshit you're diagnosed with?

You live WITH your family AND pay rent?
Dude, the whole point of living with your family is not paying rent. I mean there is 0 reasons for you not getting an own place... This could be one of the thing you wanna do in the mean time, becoming a functional person and stop being a basement dweller still raised by mommy.
Also. Man... You have a monthly income of 1.200, wich where I live is a fortune. With that kind of money, in one year i'd *easily* save enough cash to start a business. You can do anything with that money

Yeah I'm jelly.

I'm never going near that fucking bullshit again. Not worth it lose my papers and get sent to an insane asylum. I am sane.

What business would you start?

I'd travelling the whole time. I mean, imagine the strangest places. The things youbhave not seen... Theres plenty of thing to be done. The real issue is wanting to do any of them...

Being over 18 and living at home rent free means you are a faggot, no way around it.

Get into guns and weapons
Become a reenactor if you have enough time, it's like every month besides winter months

what do you see?

Frankly, I don't care. I see it as a way of having an income for the rest of my life. I had a violent parent who would drunkenly rage at us, my family members kept our emotions out of the picture to keep the drunk parent from targeting us. I basically lived a slave life, never learned how to read properly, and have a generally disorganized speech pattern with no social ties.

Sane? Yes now, but I have to go to a psych doc once a month or so to get to the bottom of my PTSD/ agoraphobia. Seeing someone die really fucks you up.

Whatever dude... Go outside, (really important for mental health, (can't stress it enough)) whatch the world and think of what people don't do and could need...


Rooms tend to go for 750+ in my area. Paying rent isn't a problem as I see it as contributing to the family.


This, I have experience in C2B and B2B sales. Not sure where to find that niche market though.

Living with parents when you, with the same money, can afford a place of your own, makes you a dumbfuck, no way around it.

OP again,

Finding the niche market is difficult. With the way tech has exploded there is automation for everything. I don't have the skills to code (nor do I lie coding in general) and have found duolingo to keep me occupied. I am out of ideas to keep up with life.

Well, user. I will tell you something about success: If it were so easy to find that niche in the market. It probably would have been done by someone else. The way I see, is your opportunity to be the first to do something, which means instant wealth. Also have absolutely no idea what b2b or whatever is...

I've been a Neet for a little while and I still dont know what to do. I get 50ish k a year in cash benefits free healthcare and school. But my brain damage and schitzoaffective disorder make me just want to lay on a bed in my house with my dog all day.


B2B = Business to business.

I wrote this message ^ before reading this one:
Wich kinda makes my point stronger.
This stuff is about mentality, and because of what I read, no doubt left, that yours is a negative vision of life. Just look, you dont know of any activity that fulfills you, no job inspire you desire... Etc. Change your mind user, first step. Always.


RIGHT?! There are only so many hours I can sit in a classroom with a bunch of rich kids going to school on their parents money. I don't go outside after dark and now have time to spend with my dog. Videogames seem like a decent escape but I want more social interaction, which is where the bible studies come into play.


Thanks user, you're right. I'm going to pick up a copy of David Goggins "Can't Hurt Me" and read through it. It's too easy to be a lazy fatfuck.

You said sales? There you have, OP. You can't say there is no place for success in sales, when all the success you can aspire for goes through it. I'm a professional salesman (don't know if spelled right), I mean, I got formation and shit, psychology and stuff. And there's magic in sales :D

Can't tell if serious or ironic. If ironic, didn't mean that was easy or fast, in fact takes years... And believing in psychology (in the right ones. Hard to find)

Yeah I'd like more social interaction with others outside my family but I tend to speak in a monotone and often have trouble finding the right words to say when speaking aloud. Plus so many of these kids going to school are so stupid. Why am I failing this class. Idk maybe cause you are not doing any of the work. Fuck. I do enjoy being able to just sit there cuddling with my dog.


I agree 100% with you. The problem I have right now is identifying a niche market and becoming successful in it. Even if it is to the tune of 10K/year


Being serious. :)


Again, like looking into a mirror. I've found Christians (or any religious people) tend to give you more time to collect your thoughts before speaking. I have a tremendous amount of patience but at times the best fit word eludes me.

In that manner, anything... I mean ANYTHING. The key is to start, doesnt matter if you do it wrong, or you missed that niche bullshit. Just start, put yourself in motion, fail... who cares, start again... And keep going...

In that case I'll make emphasis on the "it's not that easy" part. Getting the shit out of your mind, takes work, time, money also, and there are not magic, easy or/and fast solutions.

Let's do an exercise user.
In terms of this things you wanna make.
I want you to, doesn't matter if is the most stupid, illogical or irrational, or if your mind plainly rejects it, I want you to tell me what is the first thing that comes to your head when it comes to what you wanna do. The first thing.

Be a business owner.


Business owner or writer.

Of what?

Write what?


Don't know what I'd write about, I have been told I have a simple way of explaining things and a decent imagination.

I already have a rental property that nets me about 10k a year. So business, I'd ideally like to work one on one with people providing a service or manage a retail store.

fuck off?

>my family has already chose to make something from my condition

>family members can NOTICE youre lazy and useless?

Its possible user

Bullshitting 2 buyers?


Essentially yes.

I bet it you do things that arent that, things will change.

I know it seems hard but pretend youre trying it instead of cutting off your penis and it will seem easy in comparison

The problem you have right now is prattling on like youre coked

Fresh neet here too, been on them neetbux for about a month now, $2k a month unemployment.

Just fap and play vidya, its the best waste of time

Of course there are ways to do it. The whole point is making the best of life on NEET. Fapping and vidya can only go so far.

I am kind of glad people like this get bribed into voluntary celibacy.

I mean its a little sad but way less scary than idiocracy

>needing advice on how to sleep in and keep good food in your house

Yeah its definitely a mystery

I perceive in your speech, and bare with me, it's kind of hard to me to express this stuff in my 2nd language, that you're looking for answers in others like:
> I have been told I have a simple way of explaining things and a decent imagination.
Try to, the answers you come up with, to be from your own.
Like how people say "do what you like the most", and you like football but you actually are bad as hell, dont enjoy to play and is frankly a torture, but perhaps what you actually like is watching analysing football. Or maybe you find you are good doing something and it comes easily out of your hand, but groing plants isnt that glamorous...
The point is to find your own identity and ACCEPT IT. If you are a ballet dancer accept it, if you are gay, just accept it. Don't fight against it. Don't lie to yourself (golden rule)

Lul wut, you're assuming I'm celibate because I don't have a job?

I'm just enjoying some unemployment while I can get it, I had a horseshit job for 6 years that I was very underpaid for and was on-call almost constantly

>wat do?

Thanks user.

But you're still a celibate, right?

Not the last time I checked, no. Are you assuming fapping makes you celibate? I'm not really understanding your line of thinking

i'm a neet of 5 years, married - got married in my 2nd year of neet

Hope it has helped for real.


I will admit, while it has been fun for the last month, I don't think I can go on much longer doing nothing, its starting to wear kinda thin

If the last time you checked >1 year, it doesnt count.

same wassup dawg


This thread dawg. How are you living while NEET?

Nah, its only been a couple weeks, been casually seeing an ex that broke it off with me last year due to the stress of aforementioned job not allowing me to take a proper vacation

don;t think like that... think of it as you can do w/e you want ... everyday! its like never ending vacation. its fucking amazing. i go to the gym/pool almost daily, work on a piece of shit car - i like working on old cars. i do/make most things myself and enjoy it. pick up a part time job that lets you do something that its hard to do on your own- for me that interacting with people.- i'm not very social. i watch documentaries, do drugs, play vidya. bbq almost daily in the summer... lunches in the ark with the wife... bike rides... i'm a 30+y/o kid and i fucking love it man

Lol what, youre posting what you want to assume I meant and then running with it even though you arent the same user?

Jack off and play games every day is a pretty solid clue, if you arent able to see it.

>are you assuming people fap when they arent getting laid?

Yes. But you should make up a story how this isnt the case

Wow I bet you are! Post pics

Hopefully we will be a fag if...

Why would you do nothing

Oh man fams. This thread lit af being a neat is so legit parents suck kek

Great job frands

you either have incredibly low sex drive or are over 30, when i was 14-28 cumming twice a day was a bare minimum, i prob averaged at 4. and if i didn't cum for 2 days i came at night

Put an entire pepper grinder up your ass and post photos.

This might not be obvious but you can do that by putting your weiner in between a grills legs kiddo. You dont dry polish your knob when spitshine is available

Kys, you useless eater. You drain resources from productive members of society. 100 years ago, you would be horsewhipped from the village.

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She needs to stay out.
Go outside, meet people, and find out what a fucking rack What state?

No I need to find a niche in the market while jacking off and playing games


How did you get disability? I've been neet for 3 years and have made only like 300 dollars the entire time

I literally loled Dude, when the blade gets stuck for a few Any more of her?

An extremely pissed off squirrel losing his shit on some kind of pics....but, less grandpa, moar loli...

Post more user, this make me hard as fuck.

He asked his social worker, puff the magic dragon, for help. Then the fairies of candy justice land granted him real monopoly money that he immeadiately needed to come to an unverifiable place to boast about

No pics of the unlikely to exist weeaboo slime trail that pretends to stand your company for more than a day? Dang

It will clean you out very well. we were dead, it was an accident.

But why don’t I just realized I’ve never actually seen horses breeding, but never with another horse.