YLYL thread. give me your best Yea Forums
YLYL thread. give me your best Yea Forums
'I did not have sex with that woo..uh, uh man.'
Indians obviously conquered those faggot white bois.
Unpopular opinion: they're both white.
Damnit you got me
Lmao and what happened to those indians?
>Faggot white bois
Damn. What a real man you are.
I need too start browsing incognito
fucking hell you got me with the thumbnail in the catalog i'm roping myself
Story time
>remember when I was 18 on Yea Forums
>every day I'd browse Yea Forums and /x/
>pretty lit
>later, about five years
>yuk yuk it's another reply to post or mother die in sleep post
>Tfw skipped it because sick of that shit
>ok moving on
>three days later off to work, getting promoted at my bank
>hell yes nigga
>I get a call from my brother let's call him Sam
>"shit man what do you want?"
>pretty rattled right now because in traffic and needed to be focused for promotion
>on the phone with brother, seems shaken and cant understand his words
>"Sam calm down wtf is going on?"
>then I hear the words that would change the rest of my life
>out of my brother's mouth
>yank on the steering wheel to veer out of traffic to hospital
>out of nowhere some hulking nigger wanders in front of my car
>run him over because natural instinct and natural selection
>mfw pic related
>on my way to hospital thinking to myself
>tf, I might have just killed an innocent man
>hell with it, keep on driving to hospital because worried about mother
>eventually hear sirens and some cop cars trail me
>whale tail it out of there
>i finally make it to the hospital, at least 3 cops chasing after me as I run into the doors
>"LEAVE ME ALONE" I cried out
>doctors rush to intercept me
>I dodge and keep running
>every attempt to stop me was brutally shut down from rage
>I frantically search for her room for a good 20+ minutes
>Not giving up, tears flying out of my face from rage wondering wtf happened to my mother
>Heaving in misery as more doctors come to stop me
>Every attempt was again failed
>roiling pain in the back of my leg, officer shot me
>limp to last room as officer stumbles and falls
>eventually find her room
>every moment has lead up to this
>pussy out and pass out in front of door
...It turns out my mother died that night and she left me a note saying this:
"Read every first letter."
Fuck you asshole
Circle of life
8/10, bretty gud
Haha n00b, I have protection.
I’m sorry.
You have no power here.
Is that candleja
American tribals fought off colonial powers for centuries before the 'Murricans finally got them
Give credit where credit is due
they probably all mixed together.
stop posting you turbo faggot
you sound like a faggot white boi
this is the dumbest shit you could have thought to post
who's sitting on their fatass in a trailer living off welfare and drinking all day?
A) Native Americans
B) White trash redneck Trumptards
C) All of the above