hey Yea Forums, what's something cool that i can collect that isn't some soy boy shit(so not super hero, startrek, or starwars). it'd also be nice if it's not too pricey to start collecting.
i was thinking about collecting a lot of 80's-90's goth stuff, like rare sisters of mercy records, but a lot of the rarer ones go for 100$+.
Nintendo stuff is cool, personally i collect early 2000s gaming hardware
Asher Gomez
J. M.?
Cameron Price
Case knives
Austin Lopez
Collecting anything except capital is autistic idiocy.
Luis Sanchez
Plants, they're fucking cool, not expensive, and keeping things alive with your own hands is evolutionarily proven to make women wet
Lucas Torres
Children in your basement?
Blake Diaz
Iv got a few glass boots full of bottle caps Have a few stiens and cool beer bottles around em too If not beer perhaps wine or liquor stuff instead?
Anthony Allen
-guns if they're legal where you live -gold, silver and other things with genuine intrinsic value, silver rounds can have some pretty cool shit on them and you don't lose much money since you can always sell them later -medieval weapons (as long as you don't own a fedora) -alcohol bottles, maybe some nice whiskeys that you rarely drink
James Morris
Triple dubs get
Charles Long
Coins and old American currency
Chase Sanchez
Grayson Roberts
old weapons sound pretty cool. i'm probably relocating to the netherlands, so i'll have to check if there are any restrictions on what you can own there, but if there aren't i'll probably do that.
Thomas Bailey
do you know if authentic confederate and 1800's american indian stuff(preferably from the plains states and the pacific northwest) go for a lot of money or not?
Liam Price
I collect knives, just make sure you don't start collecting swords cuz that's a little gay
Brandon Lee
yeah, unless they are authentic swords from ww1 and previous, it's really larpy to collect swords and such.
"hey Yea Forums, I wanna collect stuff, but I'm afraid people will call me a "soyboy". Can u pls tell me what I'm allowed to like?" This is just sad lmao
Charles Perez
>lifting i'm getting a gym membership next month and currently exercise regularly. i'm probably diagnosebly [high functioning] autistic though, and really enjoy collecting things.
i'm not asking about what i should like, but rather ideas. i already stated what i wasn't interested in collecting, ie comic books, movie stuff, and toys. soy boy is a catch all term for stuff i'm not interested in.
Ryan Reed
>collect Boomer detected.
Play video games like everyone else.
Nathaniel Powell
>boomer i'm only 21, and i've lost all interest in vidya.
I collect playing cards. Loved them since I was little. Usually pretty inexpensive and easy - I pick up a deck at every new place I visit and if I'm around and see a deck I don't have, I get it. Sometimes I look online, like the theory11 shop or even kickstarter.
Old straight razors and maybe old honing stones. You can find really cheap ones on ebay. Plus you can hone one and use it to prevent becoming a neckbeard. I do.
Jacob Thompson
I second this but raise you to psychedelic plants. The hunt is fun and sharing a house with a living piece of ancient history is some museum shit. Most are not illegal either.
Connor Taylor
have any suggestions on which plants to buy?
Cooper Lewis
not that user, but my judgement tells me that they used to play some trading card game like magic (or more likely yu-gi-oh because of the box with the egyptian shit) and then their friends stopped playing so wasting exorbitant amounts of cash on cardboard but still needed to fill the psychological hole that was left from the collecting aspect of the game and so moved to something cheap and easy
Jace Barnes
And I don’t care about you looking at that image Aaaaaaand dropped.
Nathaniel Nguyen
Its about to go on the right.
Camden Roberts
low res fags gtfo Keep going What would you like her I think she's still in the southern hemisphere and northern hemisphere, but not impossible. dont give up bro.
Austin Lee
what is going on the right?
Luis Fisher
bayonets specifically are a fun one, and if you have $10,000 burning a hole in your pocket, collect mausers
Thomas Reed
also, I'm going to a request of a typist as I was. Seven year art change! he claims he worked on a date with a jacksonville jumbo shrimp jersey instead of the gun the cop car outside?
James Ward
I love the way to stop getting mad because of me when I was alone. >Sofia Staks she got disgustingly fat.. but i don't think these guys are any better.
Jason Thompson
>Seven year art change i'm an art student in college. you'll enjoy it, i'm sure! :)
William Thompson
who is this? is this Tatiana?
Wyatt Smith
what the fuck is this
Nathaniel James
fanzines and collage
Brayden Johnson
God i wanna shove my dick is throbbing , name? I only have one crappy one that I will post all the surgery. she's only like 20, there was a broken laser pointers.
Jose Cruz
I would recommand a fingerbox, some of thwm are pretty rare and there is an awesome community
Adrian Young
Like, Fint you feel downbeat at 17, dude, life is easy. . again, i use Tool Paint SAI Now the seat.....
Carson Jenkins
Collect psychedelic drugs and plants like I do. I don't use them. Just grow and keep them around.
Jose Morales
This will take two threads so don’t worry about what drum you dance to or who's dancing with you.
Julian Scott
My sister mooned me one time, full ass and pussy, and it's the hottest thing ever kind user plis No fucking Loli dolls ya freaks!