There’s a video of this fuck beating up an autistic kid, do your worst.
There’s a video of this fuck beating up an autistic kid, do your worst
Does he have a Go fund me page where I can contribute?
he looks like your run of the mill fuckboy wannabe ghetto hoodrat
where's the video?
I knew an aut who was obsessed with martial arts. Being aut isn't usually even a handicap.
Only place I’ve found it is a private Instagram page,will post if I find another source
So, why didn't you provide the video? Something tells me you're full of shit
>get into an internet fight
>make up bullshit story
>post story on 4chin
Not your personal army nigger
it's real you retards, catch up
Why would he beat himself up. That’s kinda dumb
Not your personal nigger, army!
Rule 65
I knew an aut who acted as if he was physically challenged, not mentally
Ok whatever nigger faggot not appart ofyour army go rape a dead cat
Well didn't the cops handle it then?
Post the info faggot OP.
Those dislikes
I cant believe he's accepting all those friend requests in FN. Fucking stupid/
Post the phone number too.
This is his IP. Go crazy boys.
He needs flash in his selfies because his future isn't soo bright. kek
Time to start ordering pizzas for tomorrow morning
I dont care about retards and find them annoying but i do care about the law and you cant just beat someone up fucking dumbasses.
Those comments!
This is beautiful.
Has anyone made the swat call yet?
He's live right now on YT, streaming