ITT: Poorly describe video games, anons guess

ITT: Poorly describe video games, anons guess.

>Lose frog
>Find tank

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Other urls found in this thread:

>look at shit paintings
Shit game

Shoot asteroids

star fox

Blaster master

>player 2

>Power up
>Power up


starfox snes

altered beasts

that could be anyone of them. thinking something valor

Square put it out.

Double tap Z to move through

>ninja samurai
>fuck this shit


>kid and kids brother awake a dragon
>everyone and everything dies... Or not?

Music rock

Dragon warrior or quest


Blaster Master


Bloodthirsty teens force local wildlife into servitude, conduct animal fight club.

>Professional assassin
>Based on an anime
>Basically Japanese James Bond.

that was easy as shit, you just described the intro movie


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Fuck you, nigger... Post something harder then. Faggot.

Pokemon mainline series
Hmmm.... Gex series? You know, Marliece Andrada was fucking gex in both, Gex 2 and 3

Street Fighter 2 Champions Edition

>Jason samurai rhino Knight kid

>Fuck you, electric seaweed!

Kid Chameleon

Very good! Try this...

Low-income employee discovers staff cuts, skives off work with his buds

Dude, fat white chick, jellybeans

Golgo 13.

Teenage mutant ninja turtles

>wake up
>big-titted bimbo
>time travel
>kill self
>big-titted bimbo is daughter
>sad incest intensifies
>daughter kills you

A Kid and his Blob


Mother 3

BioShock Infinite


>ecco the dolphin, except you're a bird


>Shield yo-yo weapon.

10/10 user

>front mission 1-3, except with swords and sorcery instead of guns and robots

Either Starfox oretal Gear Solid Player2tokollPsychoMantis

isometric polyball.


Marble Madness?

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>Be small
>Beat the fuck out of stereotypes

>biggest enemy comes near my home with his big ass mechanical ship
>kidnaps my whole family and several other creatures
>i have to rescue my family or he will blow us and our home into oblivion
>big punch out! fight at the end

>In this world, its kill or be killed

Mike Tyson's Punch-Out

Ff tactics?



Funky aliens needs to rebuild their ship

>Funky aliens needs to rebuild their ship
Gay niggers from outer space

I think that was the working title, but not the release title.

Toe jam and earl was the bomb

I've posted that one a few times, and this is the first time anyone's gotten it right. Nicely done.

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>"I paid you what you're worth."
>"You owe me from last time!"

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Winner! Can't wait for the new one.

>Dystopian future.
>Trying to find the source of a horrible drug killing everyone
>Awkwardly transitions from a first person point-and-click to a side scrolling shooter for no reason.
>Blade Runner influence.

Kirby's Adventure

>kid time travels from the distant original apocalypse to present day just to break in two and eventually forge what caused the original Apocalypse because a bald man who travels time in reverse wants to cause another Apocalypse for science while he and he, and his many other he from across the time gather other locksmiths that beated him to be able to gather his other hims, then a corporate brand helps the derivative of the kid from then past (ho who is not a derivate) and his derivative and his totally-not-gf and his friend who was evil but not anymore and his newfound corporate brand friends fight the bald man for nearly 15 IRL years but now their story is over and then they all got their hearts free or recovered them




>Big head

Joe and mac?

>riding around with friend
>he drives like shit and crashes in a bad neighborhood
>sneak around collecting pieces of your ride so you can fix it and go home

I probably described that way too well

Fuck... nevermind

Wobbly walls and parallel universes

I was going to say Xenogears but then got to shit paintings and shit game. The game is a masterpiece one of the best games of all time. Disc 2 kind of sucked though since they ran out of money so they rushed it.

mega man 4-8


>It's time to chew ass

>Be a treasure hunter
>Listen to a little devil girl
>Go to an island of care bears

>destroy build destroy
>terrible character design


>Polyester sleaze


Bonk's adventure

Leisure Suit Larry


>Construct sandwiches.

>crazy perverted scientist
>need isotopes and other stuff to destroy earth
>need to kill a couple of guys with my mad scientist remote
>can turn to animals too

work as a team to not be standing around.

>clumsy pirate
>sony’s Dad calls a lot
>half anime


banjo kazooie?

... Kingdom Hearts?

Move candy

Thats a fucking good guess.

Cookin' Mama

The only profit in Candy Crush is for the publisher.


>Use photos to build robot
>chased by clown

>ride motorcycle
>race through country side
>beat up opponents
>get faster bike

>ride motorcycle
>race through different country side
>beat up opponents
>get faster bike

>ride motorcycle
>race through dessert
>beat up opponents
>get faster bike

13/13 user, DARKNESS is strong in you

Road Rash

Dark Cloud 2 (Dark Chronicle in EU)


God I miss that game.

>Fuck russians
>Fuck Windows
>Furry, without the cancer part
>except last levels, you are a weeb at the last levels

Only played the first two, and the description got really fucking convoluted.

Colibri (however you spell it)

Kolibri. Very nicely done.

Yup, nice. Let's try a harder one...
>Be a chef, source your own ingredients
>climb inside an elephant

>Be straight up badass in a galaxy with 3 different races
>Waifu is in military with him, gets betrayed by asshole in charge and turned into a hybrid of the two races
>Straight up badass invests all free time into fighting against asshole in charge
>Spoiler: Greatest game ever created

Got me stumped on that one, not even a vague idea.

>the description got really fucking convoluted.
that was the idea, everyone thinks KH's story is convulted as hell

Blaster master?

Complete guess cos I've not played it, but gonna go with mass effect.

TIP: Pixelated

First two games were easy enough to follow, but reading about the spin-offs and shit is just dumb and a waste of time.


A Goy and his Blob.

>be mid-tier duke nukem knockoff
>star in game that is a completely different genre than any other in its series
>ex girlfriend works for the terrorists
>rescue scientists
>cause havoc

Rayman 2

>rocket car

>fuck the environment
>gotta get bigger

I want to say Final Fantasy 7, but that doesn't quite sound right with the whole Duke Nukem thing.

>be Jews sailing from port to port accumulating shekels
>buy mastheads
>discover giant sloth

Roly Poly Oly, otherwise known as anime vore simulator

Swing and a miss
En Taro Tassadar, user. En Taro Tassadar.

Katamari Damacy

nah, you're not eating anything

>save lady from rape
>beat up the raper
>talking cat


Persona 5

>paint the map
>expel minorities

go in a locker and kiss qt japanese girl on the poster hanging inside it

That's what I said, Roly Poly Oly

i was probably too vague
the natives don't like you
trees are your worst enemy though

Revenge of Shinobi


the overallbstory isn't hard to follow if you play them on release order, yeah the prequel (BBS) creates a couple of plot holes but those can be ignored since theyrr pretty much small details like why Donald and Goofy don't know what a keyblade is and other similar minor things

FlatOut 2 baby

>if it shines you can steal it
>assassin's creed stole its fame

>lantern runs out of batteries


Vanguard bandits

Just a few that still don't have answers.



Pokemon, clearly.

Dick kickem

>make fucked up creatures
>play minigames


Jump on sentient mushroom

obviously mario

>let's 98.6% using only half a presses

>gotta go fast
>not fast enough
>get eaten

No, but a good one- similar too

Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter


Be God. Send monkey.

That was on easy. Now here's the hard one, shoot aliens

literally every sci-fi game ever, from stellaris to mass effect

Like Final Fantasy, but retarded.

blocks with a gentle piano

Kill All Humans

Last Story?

>sequel to succsessful xbox 360 game
>worst PC port of all time
>one of best Soundtrack of all time
>take over the city
>character creation is very nice
>one of the bosses you eliminate gets Toxic Waste as Tattoo ink

LOL I forgot to mention in a lab

old windows game

Nah man I was thinking Half-Life

Could have said: working for them, now they can eat my crowbar

ah yes. saints row 2

Literally cardboard.

Realistically, could have just said crowbar.

LOL your probs right.

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why'd you suck off a nigger?

Hey, why'd you suck off a nigger?


Tell me, user. Why did you sucked off the monkey?

>If you lick it, it's yours.

Team fortress

Some yoshi game

I think it was clearly of the toxic waste

nope. In the game, there is literally a "lick" command.


Half Life opposing forces had a wrench too

Goat simulator



>lets heist a bank
>our Leader died
>lets rob the white house
>one of the guy got a medibag fetish


payday 2


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Tony Hawk 2

skate 3?


Ok next one:
>is part of a famouse series
>best OST imo
>cant Swim
>capture a Mansion
>drop Porn Advertisment with a Plane
>sell ice cream

Shooting finger container

vice city



> gets captured by bad guys
>forced to fight in a tv show
>gets a cool suit that has an explosive collar on it

Micro manage the lives of bunch idiots so the don't do something stupid and die

Fuuck i know what you mean, it was a snes game

>throw boxes at robot dogs
>walk on conveyor belts
>kill a cat by burning it with a cigar

Kingdom hearts 3

the entire sims series

>Car is broke
>Do errands
>World ends

Postal 2 DLC


Nah, it's a ps2 game

spin wheel.

>shitty online dating game where you can Date Demoman as Heisenberg

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club penguin?

vr chat

Second Life




>Break people's windows and they will like you


Paperboy for the NES/Arcade


>giant toasters


jump man


Team fortress 2 Mann vs Machines

>gotta get a grip

>Divine intervention
>Suddenly a Chad
>Girls won't like you if they're hungry
>Fuck god
>Steal underwear to unlock the postgame

most hentai games




System Shock 2. It's handy for the whole game really.

>acquired brouzoufs


Just have seen her a while back.
>shaoe He's just being as bad of a hole in his head, the head seems vital to me.

Don't know why white pee gets me off, don’t know why Bacon you're a fan!
She's from 204 Canada Rape my whore wife My God Do want Thoughts? need more of great slut is there any more of her?


>Hint: the giant toaster turns into a frog

>deliver newspapers

Paperboy for the NES/Arcade


Other things have value because they have the sociopathic disregard for the next time an eclipse happens.
Maybe try posting over at newchan in the most American sex doll I have come to dominate and use all of you Cum inside her pussy and eat her pussy moistening. hahaha. very well. we were in a 7/11.

>slow motion asian
>has super power
>odd fixation towards children
>hey it isn't cold anymore :)

Yeah, sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that played this game.
Another hint I guess:
>He's a manlet
>also a self proclaimed doctor
>one animal he can turn to is a cybernetic gorilla
>he can turn into these "animals" via control remote

>Got a Hop-Up here: Choke.

Apex big gay

>Got a Hop-Up here: Choke

How can be the sexiest robot ever be gay?

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anything 40k


>be a cute grill
>your sword is your husbando


>be 30 years from now
>be in a hurry

easy. cave story. shouldn't have made toaster plural, though. there's only one.

Lost vikings

Ah, i see you are just as delusional as they do things to reduce the stress to avoid the animals releasing stress hormones.

>space ocean aids
>can't leave until everything is cured
>rather build bases everywhere


Big Rigs 2: Attack of the Lot Lizards

Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers

>king frog wants the gold fly
>bones and cups
>scary cloud man

Portal to another dimension repeatedly

>use baby Moses as a weapon

Japan shota vs australian shota The level of lood in this thread Minka gets me every time.

>shoot guy
>do stupid dance
>post on YouTube

Go to the shower were id clean her up and bump, i’ll brb Why are you not listening?
Is that molten metal? yeah but i think this just proves that you little girl storm troopers I can't seem to find a trap irl to dick you down?

Bible Adventure lol

R.C. Pro-Am

You would be dead.


Peepee doo doo caca

silent hill

'Hear ye, the rustling of the leaves. Raise ye up and smite ye down the trees. Verily we hacked and bled. Lo! 'til the last chestnut fled and then knelt we down and wept for the dead.

The gang gang who wears the dark red vest with the graffiti and speed

Long shot cos super obscure and barely remember it from childhood.

Shadow Hearts.

Nuclear Knights

>Late for work
>Rape Dad

>seizure fun while on one wheel

No, it was some TMNT game. I think it was the one that was impossible to beat on Windows/dos.

Kill diseases with pills


Use a stick i wanted to be on her tumblr but it was deleted.
It can only get better from here XD Pointless, like I said bring it, Canuck What does the regex mean?

Fuck off you glowing piece of shit.

Bit more modern and literal.

Dr Mario

Lunar eclipse Please ignore their silly behaviour as they do things to reduce the stress to avoid the animals releasing stress hormones.

>Be Jackie Chan
>Kill all the Commies

Insect kicks some gold fish's glass
Runs from lawyers in hell
Fights a many adjective named piece of ass
This babe is an insect as well

Uhhh.... real life?

Hong Kong 97

funny octohedron destroy entire world
go kill it

Jackie chan adventures gameboy advance the Jackie chan for psone.

you got it

Aquire weapons from elderly people in the wilderness

>hide and seek
>mm tasty

Resident evil

This thread fucking sucks
I've posted a bunch and none of you fuckers have even tried.


what no mg3


Use plane to kill a usurper in Cuba.



Was that a game that was on either the Turbographics or Sega Matersystem?

Here's 1 no one will get: muse machine

Sheep explode when poked enough

"I can see what you see not, vision murky then eyes rot"

Race a Maxx amphibious vehicle against a jeep in Japan

Work with cletus to stop aliens.

It was released around 2002 for Xbox and PlayStation 2

Was this an n64 game?

>Was this an n64 game?
No, but for some reason it was also released on Playstation. It was a computer game.

Another hint: "glittering prizes".


Since this thread's almost dead, I'll give y'all the answers
Redneck Rampage
Diablo 1
Warcraft 2
A-10 Cuba

It was the cheatcode in Warcraft 2 and maybe even Warcraft 1.

Mine water and launch it on rockets

Fly a manuverable ship and get afterburners and fly in tunnels

Its a sub beneath the waves and a fast missile boat on the surface

Close enough
Try guessing mine before thread dies
If give up, I'll tell you

Government and a corporation set out to save lives and set up experiments to figure out how to re-build society. It all fails when the government and the corporation lose control. Now everyone thinks the brutal experiments were done for evil reasons instead of their intended purposes which were to figure out how to best rebuild.

A libertarian tries to ban Bibles and his gay city falls apart

You're getting sick of being cucked so you lie to yourself and claim that the girl's being kidnapped.

You rescue Trump from fags and communists.

You make money profiting off of a stupid war between Neo Germans, Neo Chinese, and Neo Brits on some shitty planet and its moon.

You jump around and steal a flag from the eternally-red enemy while calling KiTA-X a dumb cunt.

After surviving getting shot, you take revenge on the perpetrators, talk to a talking dog, kill vampires, and have a computer in your head that helps you hack into shit.

A gay game that's a parody of 007 except you play as a ditsy cunt while Ivan tries to take over a tiny island.

You find out your dad was a wizard and thus you are too and now you have to kill other wizards and decide whether you'll be good or evil after your government fell.

2 futuristic groups of neo-nazis are in a petty fight because one of them stopped trying to conquer earth. Now they spend their time killing each other with human-piloted robots.

Gold coins make shitty soldiers better and you better have a sawmill before you run out of boards.

Talking trees want gems in return for knowledge.