This is the Commodore Amiga 500, quite possibly the greatest thing ever made by mankind.
This is the Commodore Amiga 500, quite possibly the greatest thing ever made by mankind
1 of 2 The year is 1981
Negative. Commodore died because of ineffective Motorola 6800 series 8bit CPUs. Limited to 64K of RAM.
The greatest PC ever made that has spawned billions of computers is the IBM PC 5150 with an Intel 8/16bit CPU addressing 1024K of RAM.
>forgets the Commodore 64 is best selling PC of all time
Is that a 12 inch 256 color monitor and a floppy drive? That thing can run 5 apps at once! Sweet!
hack the planet
2 of 2 The year is 1984
The IBM AT 5170 is introduced.
Using an Intel 6Mhz 16bit 80286 CPU addressing 16Megs of RAM, and capable of holding dual high speed voice coil 16 bit interface hard drives, the rest of the market was left in the technological dust an never recovered. All the competition died because of this machine.
Then Compaq....