Will there ever be a war for free speech? will you fight for free speech if it ever gets taken?

will there ever be a war for free speech? will you fight for free speech if it ever gets taken?

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probably not? but i guess i would try to fight for free speech if it tries to get taken.

UK, Ausfailia, NZ, Canada already lost.

Do you mean in the US? Free speech isn't really a thing outside the US.

Venezuela and other countries have had their social media blocked so they couldn’t properly arrange protests.

Take reddit for instance, they only allow you to take about certain subjects and ban certain sub reddits. It’s a big circle jerk and hive mind. This happens with our everyday media.

It is slowly being taken. Everyone is concerned with being politically correct and is looked down upon for having a difference of opinion.

Free speech online doesn't exist. I've been blocked on social media for dissenting opinions several times. In the United States, free speech is now being rendered useless because the brainwashed liberal masses will just outcast you from society if you don't "Fall in line". It's really crazy how the jew media has manipulated and controlled the masses.

>time to move to the country

Somebody would have to point out to me something I am not allowed to say, then I'd think about it.

Out of curiosity, how would you define free speech?

There won't be a war because people disagree with each other not in a geographic sense like north versus south, but in an identity sense and those factions exist everywhere. Political correctness and the kinds of things that the progressive left are proposing is the opposite of freedom and will lead to the erosion of free speech.

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Yes, hive mind is the term. It's kinda a "zombie apocalypse" in itself. Blind leading the blind, stampeding off a cliff.

The ability to say whatever you want. Sort of the definition, isn't it?

They'll wake up soon enough. The wage disparity will bring us together in an uprising against the oligarchy.

Whatchu talking about Willis? There's a war on drugs/racism/etc. They'll fight a war anywhere if it means either money or civil obedience

free speech is not even a moral concept

no, look at europe. people are fucking cucks.

How is it not? Youre saying it is moral to take someones right to speak, share ideas, report news, etc.?

If so, how is that moral? Why?

I'm pretty sure anyone who uses the term "Free speech" is a cunt

if we allow anyone to have a voice then we also allow psychopaths to manipulate masses through lies and deceptions into often criminal/immoral acts.
inb4 facebook lib meme
thats why most sects are illegal.
inb4 every religion is a sect with large following.

You're not allowed to talk about Israel's oppression of Palestine, nor question the holocaust or the figures.
Well, you Can (you Can murder), but you'll go on the Canary Mission watchlist where (((they))) actively make your life harder as much as they can (blacklisting jobs, renting, loans, etc).

Might not mean much to someone not talking about it anyway, but why even have limits, and why does one group seem to corner the market on what's off limits.
Let a bitch slide and she'll start figure skating. I say don't let free speech be encroached upon at all.

So people cant think objectively enough to form their own opinions, so we pick and choose who can speak? You realize that is fascism, right? That opens the door for only the psychopaths you speak up to have a voice and dissenting opinions are squelched. This is already qhat is happening with social media. All the mainstream media, Facebook, YouTube, etc is controlled by a handful of zionist jews.

Wake up. Stop being a parrot.

This guy gets it.

Being alive isn't an abstract concept

Whether that true or not is up for debate apparently, but what's objectively true is it's a good concept though. Progress happens when ideas are exchanged. Limiting ideas limits progress. You're gonna have to take the good with the bad. Besides, who's to say the psycopaths won't control the narrative/masses anyway? And this time with unquestionable authority. They're pretty good at climbing the power ladder.

that's right, giving people the wrong kind of information is deceptive

Not really correct dipshit. It's protection against the government, not individuals or corporations. You're allowed to say what you want without fear of retribution from the US government. And you also can't infringe on others rights with your own. This is why if you walk into a business ranting and swearing, they are well within their rights to refuse service and have you removed. And it's also why 'free speech' on Facebook/reddit isn't a thing. These are corporations, they can do whatever the fuck they want.

Well... Aren't all concepts abstract?

>Besides, who's to say the psycopaths won't control the narrative/masses anyway?
they are controlling mases already and thats why 'free speech' is immoral
>This is already qhat is happening with social media.
its happening DUE to 'free speech'- facebook can choose HOW they report news and they are doing so. Free speech allows them to tell half trues/lies and control the stupid masses that cannot think critically and dont even have time to research every lil bit of (mis)information they are being fed.
Free speech allows for this

You got it right here faggot.

Civilized society doesn't have it, so.

It's a dumbfuckistan meme.

So much stupidity in one post.

Honestly? You win nothing with ghandi peaceful protests or the news.

Technology and power are on their side, user. It's already too late. - posted from my ISP

Youre right. Time to get put of dodge before they turn the zombie squad on us all.

There are a lot of "wars" on things like poverty, racism, drugs, etc. But it's more of a way to pay for itself. The government will continue to grow and the fools who think the power they give it will never be turned against them are what's going to ruin the United States.

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no that's because words are smaller than your brain

Just make sure you don't make too much bad noise on the internet now or over the last 5-15 years and you'll be fine. :)

The matrix is real

You believe free speech is immoral? And that the government must control it for the sake of morality and the common good?
What is the difference between that and a theocracy?
Whoever is in power when these laws go into effect will establish the authority to ensure that only their own belief system is allowed to exist and thrive. It is the path to totalitarianism. Regardless of however immorally people may choose to use the freedom of speech, it is fundamental to a free society.

why are bots such cunts sometimes

I plan to unplug

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws which respect an establishment of religion, prohibit the free exercise of religion, or abridge the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.

>prevents the government

Please, tell me how I'm wrong again. It says nothing about saying whatever you want.

Psychopaths already control the masses and your solution is to further restrict what the masses can talk about?
Are you one of the psycopaths or just fucking tarded?

Also don't call it immoral. Telling someone else what they can and can't talk about because you feel a certain way is not only immoral, it's illogical and subjective.

those people probably thought that thinking words was talking because they weren't human

It says right in your fucking copy and pasted paragraph.... You serious?

Hes a tard. Thats ok. He has a right to be one

>free speech.

>Whoever is in power when these laws go into effect will establish the authority to ensure that only their own belief system is allowed to exist and thrive. It is the path to totalitarianism. Regardless of however immorally people may choose to use the freedom of speech, it is fundamental to a free society.
just because totalitarianism is immoral doesn't prove free speech is. in fact its statistically more probable that a smaller group of people will use their right to 'speech' morally than the entire society, the problem will arise during the selection process. bu don't be fooled, even with true free speech only few voices will be heard- we are experiencing this now

"language barrier" is an abstract concept because tard

>Telling someone else what they can and can't talk about because you feel a certain way is not only immoral, it's illogical and subjective.
all of you fagots do exactly this when you rage at facebook when they spin their lies... you actually defend these cucks with your argument.
>Psychopaths already control the masses and your solution is to further restrict what the masses can talk about?
no, the idea was to take away the power of 'speech' from people that have been proven to misuse it. not everyone deserves to be heard, and more importantly some people/organizations have been proven to be toxic.

>Free speech online doesn't exist.
Yes it does, in the US at least.
> I've been blocked on social media
Facebook isn't the internet.
There are alternatives to those social media sites that you frequent, and you're also free to create your own platform where you can ban users who disagree with your views... or randomly ban them for the lulz like mods here used to do

Nah just protests and votes with the red pilled youth coming along.

imagine not fighting for free speech
some kinda fucking jew

u mean when it gets take, and its already been taken

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>is at work

I feel like we're inching closer to an Orwellian nightmare future. I sure hope I'm wrong

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>you're also free to create your own platform
Exactly this, just like you're free to start your own hotel if the one you tried to go to in 1950's Alabama doesn't allow niggers or start your own ISP if Verizon decides it wants to throttle Netflix

step 1, take sock off
step 2 put dick in sock3, ??????? profit

When people just trying to play video games are on the receiving end of the PC police stick, I feel that it means everything actually real has already been taken.

I use to mock pol, but they may have been telling us real warnings, and sicking tumblr on us, but that isnt related...

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>Orwell a shit, Huxley was right
Honestly active government censorship isn't the real concern in the U.S., it's the fact that gigantic private companies do it voluntarily because certain types of content aren't friendly to advertisers.

I was pointing out how communications can be blocked if you were to have a call to arms. The government would surely stop it or give out false information ie different day and time and make arrests.

I doubt citizens would be peaceful unless the government disarms them.

>Well, you Can (you Can murder), but you'll go on the Canary Mission watchlist where (((they))) actively make your life harder as much as they can (blacklisting jobs, renting, loans, etc).
i don't think its about can/cannot but about 'free' isn't? you are not free to murder, but you are free to talk shit about Israel's oppression of Palestine /Holocaust, and then (((they))) are free to
> actively make your life harder as much as they can
i think what you want is - i do what i want without any consequences... in which case you should grow up. life and world are neither friendly nor fair. you wanna stand up for Palestine? do it and bare the consequences. if the world will be composed less of cowards like you some justice might be reached, but till then its gonna be the way it is

I am Australian and it has been taken away.

I am surprised we aren't in an uproar but the majority of us seem to be sjw's from what I'm reading on twitter

>I am surprised we aren't in an uproar
are you really? did you leave your house to protest?

Of course faggot. I want free speech so that I can always come here and tell you kys.
Kys faggots.

government is corporate skin, we already know this

I personally just see them as exactly the same

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Will the megumin movement fight for freedom of speech?
The question is will you?

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No protests have been organised.

I'd say organize one but being garbage at leading people myself that would be hypocritical.. Also organize one urself asshole!

No, you fucking faggot, I will disagree with what you say but I'll fight to the death for you're right to say it. I'm not trying to stop you from talking, I'm trying to stop you from being an idiot. If you just merely shut the idiot up you're still left with an idiot.

That you see no issue with limiting only certain people from saying something you don't like proves you're just a hypocrite that can think past what's in front of you right now. Social norms change. Its not like any government ever took a step back and said "you know what, we have enough laws". It's only a matter of time til they ban you too.
Or maybe you're ok with mindlessly following what the powers that be tell you how to live your life. I say what's the point in living if you don't even get a say in how to do it.
But better than dying is just not even going down the path to begin with.

What bitch?

I would fight for freedom of speech to avoid hypocrisy.

Yes but with actual government government there's at least a bunch of hoops to jump through, that's the entire point of having a retardedly complex legal system - make it take forever for the gov't to enact something dumb like "you can't criticize Jews on the internet anymore", while Twitter could do it literally tomorrow with a terms of service change and hiring a hundred dedicated moderators.
Sure voting is like 70% a meme but having opposing parties at least means that either the D's or R's will adopt the contrary position if it means picking up a couple million votes

thank god god exists

Funny. This poster is what used to be called the liberal and the guy he's arguing with used to be considered the fascist.

The double edge sword is it takes them 3ever to enact something we're actually w8ing for.
Brexit sometime soon!

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That's why we have guns.

Exactly, if you think brexit is retarded you should be glad that there's so much paperwork and shit to go through so the brexiteers can't just widen the english channel by 100 miles by tomorrow

And if you like brexit, you should be glad that there are procedures that they have to at least kinda follow so they can't just say "fuck your retarded referendum lol we're staying" like they all want to
Government shouldn't give a shit whether individuals want laws to pass faster, for the vast majority of issues government should work on a timescale of decades, not months

you are derailing hard from the point of my argument and the fact that you are resolving to ad hominem in 70% of your post shows me you are threatened.

free speech allowed to what is currently happening with media, its their 'right' to freely choose the content they are broadcasting and hence they can polarize masses for their own gain. if you see nothing wrong with it then ironically you are
>mindlessly following what the powers that be tell you how to live your life
to be exact here- freedom is good, and free speech is good. have you ever questioned these concepts ? or you just ate whatever was in your 'feed'?

You're absolutely right, polarization of the masses to two different sides of the political spectrum is terrible for the country and should be avoided.
So which side should get b&? And who gets to decide that?

Will there? Maybe
Would I fight? Probably, idk how tho

Take my drawings and I'll take your life.
My books, my paintings, come if you dare.

>on a website were you can say anything and post nearly anything that doesnt violate us law anonymously
Kys faggot

>still believing in anonymity beyond anonymity by obscurity
o kawaii koto

ha, now we gonna run into the same problem socialism was never implemented... the truth is that human nature is pretty awful so even if we choose the handful of people that have high morality and let them decide on 'misuse of free speech' or 'toxic behavior' the chances are that their integrity will become compromised over time due to power creep.
imo the only way to implement this would be to rely on AI that will stay unbiased and will self calibrate itself accordingly to needs of the society. i didn't give this enough thought to strongly stand behind it, so i will just say that we probably can't come up with anyone moral enough to make these decisions.

Hmm but how would you decide what "the needs of the society" are? What if people, I dunno, disagreed about what the needs of the society are?
And let's say we COULD pick people who weren't going to get corrupted by power, what qualities would you say demonstrate that somebody has "high morality"? And what if a lot of people, say, disagreed that those were actually moral qualities, and thought that they were actually immoral qualities?

>And what if a lot of people, say, disagreed that those were actually moral qualities, and thought that they were actually immoral qualities?
this was already observed with some communist states that were not under direct rule of the current dictator. you might think of it as your pet dog- what it wants might not necessarily be good for it. as if the dog wants to be 'free' and escape your oppression by running away, regardless if it succeeds or not his life will be shorter and significantly harder than the 'good boy' who obeys and sits at home. you might argue that if some dog want to escape he will be happier at large, but considering happiness is a concept that relies on minimizing suffering i would argue against that. and the dog that strives to disobey makes itself unhappy just by resisting. yet the dog is not capable of knowing whats best for it.
I come from a country that experienced communism and people that have truly experienced it but were not fixated on fighting it all say that they were much more happier before it got abolished.