How bad is it? I'm planning on go on the big three.
Anyone have any experience? Did finasteride kill your dick?
How bad is it? I'm planning on go on the big three.
Anyone have any experience? Did finasteride kill your dick?
not that bad, bump would also like to know
need a picture of the top to see
The crown's fine, it's just the front.
I have the same shit going on.
what are the big 3. newb here
stop being a pussy go buzzcut down to 1-2 and start living your life.
Same thing here except worse and I'm only 26.
I'm thinking of saying fuck it and going full Hunter S. Thompson. Start doing a lot more drugs.
Minoxidil(Rogaine), Finasteride(Propecia) and Nizoral (anti-inflammatory shampoo)
can't beat bad genes. Get jacked and shave it like Stone Cold.
or one can stop being a pussy and cut it down to to minimal lenght that the machine can?
I know the feeling. It sucks when you're balding in your 20s, especially if you haven't really lived. I wanted to ho back to school but it's probably torture being bald or balding. It makes meeting women impossible to even if you're fit.
just shave it bro
extremely liberating
saw palmetto seems to be helping me a lot. jameison 1000mg/day
wow i havent posted on b in literally 10 years but i wanted to say i appreciate the helpfulness and kindness in this thread. all we get on r9k are angry underage incels tearing each other down.
finasteride is pretty harmless. try it
What you need is hydration, blood flow and semen retention, and cut out all flour and dairy.
There are plenty of rich bald guys with super hot wives.
Just as many broke guys with full mane and no sex.
Shampoos don't work.
Look at your grandpas hair.
That is what you're turning into.
You are on a train headed towards that.
No shampoo can stop it,
but you can certainly waste your money and fry your scalp.
Just rock a toupee, man. Why not?
Hi OP, no BS but try Biotin pills (10,000 MG) works the best. Try also some Biotin shampoo. The results may vary but most often not than not, you get great results. Unless you have the family genetics, simple changing in life style will get you to save some of those hair.
Also, do a search on Biotin on Amazon.
Not really.
Hair attracts people to you.
Just watch. When you're hair is long people will come up and talk to you all the time. When you're bald, when you have it cut short, all that goes away.
41 year old who has been off and on Finsasteride for 20 years.
>Started going bald at 20
Propecia was brand new back then from what I remember. I jumped all over that shit
>What happened to you hair?
IT stopped the loss totally, and my hair grew back normally.
>Your dick?
Yea my boners were not as strong... there was a decrease of sex drive for sure. Got to the point to where the slightest anxiety would kill my boner. Was a nightmare for dating.
>What did I do?
I started to ween off of it... would take one every couple days or one every 3rd day instead of every day... seemed to work fine for a while. Started to use Minoxidil... Met a girl - long term etc...
>Sex drive come back?
It is hard to tell because I was in my 30s at this point and natural aging kicked in.. but Yes... And then I went cold turkey at like 36
>Then what happened?
Something weird... for 1 year my hair came back really strong on nothing. Even on my body my hair seemed stronger. My hair was thick as fuck for 1 year.... Then it all started to fall out like fucking crazy. For the past couple years I went back on Finasteride. Hair is ok but not not thick...
If you have a good face that looks ok bald .. just go bald. Not really worth fucking up my good years in my 20s. But if you have a potato head and don't give a fuck about sleeping around then yea go for it.
What works do you live in? I had my had shaved and short the entire time in the army, have it longer now, I notice no difference in the amount of people wanting to talk, if anything less women hit on me now (but that’s becuase I’m out of shape and older now, not hair.)
>Hair attracts people to you.
That's why chicks have long pretty hair you faggot.
Men are the ones who go talk to the chick.
You aren't courting women with your hair you dumb fag.
What do you want to post up in a coffee shop and start flipping those emo bangs and hope the girls come flocking to you?
Women don't care how a guy looks as much as how he talks and how much money he has.
shut up faggot
Finasteride is the only proven way to stop it from progressing OP. See how you react, godspeed im in the same boat.
Grow a beard like all the other bald faggots
Isn't the entire point of wanting good looks to have sex?
The entire point of having sex is to feel good.
It's just ironic you are giving up your dick for worthless hair.
My advice is to shave the top all off and grow a beard, but keep it tamed.
>can't cope with the inevitable better put chemicals in my body to give me limp dick.
Been on Finasteride on and off for the last decade. When I start first couple of weeks I have low sex drive, littel harder to maintain ercetion and balls shrink like 5%. After 2 weeks sex drive/boners normal, balls stay slightly smaller. When I've come off it (cos of fucking up with pescriptions) increase in libido and random boners, balls seem slightly bigger.
Also take a pic when you first start to compare with, results are very gradual, compare with a year on it you can see the diff
>Women don't care how a guy looks
You're a fucking idiot.
Also, you're wrong and I'm wright.
You won't go bald unless you have the genetics. So not changing your lifestyle if you have the bald gene is the opposite of what you should do. People who aren't predisposed to baldness literally never have to worry about it.
>tfw when my grandpa died over 80 years old with a lot of thick nice hair.
>Women don't care how a guy looks as much as how he talks and how much money he has.
Yeah, until they end up fucking the fully maned dirty hippie they met on the coffee store, THE ONE THAT REALLY MAKES THEM FEEL IN LOVE REGARDLESS OF NO MONEY. Women date bald men just because they're not cute enough for a man with hair, or because they want to use their money until they really fall in love.
I was showing signs of balding at 25. Been taking finasteride daily for 7 years now. I have great hair for my age now and my dick's functionality didn't change at all.
>baldie detected.
Tried finny for a few days got non stop diarrhea, libido went down and whenever I busted a nut, my cum would just dribble down no more shotgun blasts. I got off of it
It's over, shave your head like the rest of us.
>80% of my hair is naturally white
>been this way for the last 6 or so years
>only 31
at least i'm not balding.
Bald fag with beard, RIGHT ON BROTHER! You need to watch WWE now too.
Like other folks said in this thread: just cut your hair short/buzz. And work out more instead -- if you've got a good body chicks don't care about the hair.
>dude start finasteride cuz his wife always says she doesn't like bald guys
>she cucks him with the godfather of their child
>finasteride guy didn't divorce her
>wife is a housewife who never worked on her life.
don't be the finasteride cuck man, just don't. train, improve yourself, research something interesting or useful.
this story has to do with a dude being a cuck faggot, nothing to do with the effects of finasteride
>taking finasteride to lower DHT to avoid getting bald
>loss sex drive
>giving a fuck about a women opinion
>not training to improve himself
a cuck cares about his looks.
It's like 3-4 inches above the original hairline, time to shave bro. 95% of white guys lose their little kid temple hair but you're well past that.
Medfag here, though I’m not a dermatologist.
Finasteride and Minoxidil do work, but they typically/statistically work better for “typical” male pattern baldness (when you have a bald spot at the top of your head that goes outward). They’re work less well for the “receding hairline” pattern of baldness.
May as well try the topical version first and see if it works. If not, start on the prophecia and just see how it affects you
Bald guy here.
During hair loss I panicked and thought no one would ever love me again. After two years of constant anxiety, I finally shaved my head. To all balding guys in this thread, please consider this as a solution.
The thing about "the big three" is that it's a constant routine and commitment. It's forever. And it doesn't solve the root issue - you're still balding. As soon as you stop taking it you'll start losing again.
The best part about being a bald guy is that it's a simple fact. I am bald. There is no hiding or prevention or worrying anymore. That alone is worth it. I own it and because of that, it works for me.
Also, have a 10/10 wife. She loves it.