What age is it appropriate for a girl to own a dildo or vibrator?

What age is it appropriate for a girl to own a dildo or vibrator?
My daughter is 13 and I found one in her drawer, is this normal behavior?
Should I tell her mother or just pretend I nothing happened?

Attached: images-2.jpg (384x384, 11K)

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I'd be more concerned as to how she got.

it's normal

Mind your own business, dipshit.

depends what it tastes like

ask her why she needs one when she has you

use it with her

oh look it's this thread again

>Should I tell her mother or just pretend I nothing happened?
Chances are her mother got it for her.

As long as it isn't black you have noting to worry.

Wanting one is normal. But how did she got it is strange and might be cause for concern.

Oh look, it's this thread again

>LARPing this hard
You don't even have a daughter.

>My daughter is 13 and I found one in her drawer
What does it taste like?

LARP threads and pasta need to result in permabans

No you didnt. You are a virgin and a fag who hasn't come out yet.

Attached: 1547650334444.jpg (860x936, 170K)


Post pic of vibrator with timestamp OP

Attached: 7654332678.jpg (605x601, 123K)


I would do whatever Yea Forums suggested last time this was posted.


Attached: Same thread.jpg (390x376, 27K)

>My daughter is 13
>Should I tell her mother
Sooo you aren't the mother...?

you beat your meat let her pwn her zone

tinder and porn has wrecked evreything

you sound like some 60 year old christian mom
porns the devil!!!!

I think you're joking, but regardless I am a zoomer speaking from personal experience. Porn has wrecked me and I've been jerking off to it since I was in elementary school, all my male friends who use tinder are miserable and have no anchored relationships with girls. I stopped jerking off to porn when I saw people comparing the withdraw to quitting smoking. And shit do I feel like shit. But I cant jerk off to that shit anymore. I could feel it killing my brain

ohhh okay i get what you mean

sorry, I guess im in a bit of a dramatic mood

Amazon? I had a debit card when I was 13. It only ever had £15-30 of paper round wage but it was useful.

First, why did you look into her drawer?
Second, talk to her mother about it if you have to.

This. Sage