hey Yea Forumsros can we get a rekt thread going?
Hey Yea Forumsros can we get a rekt thread going?
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damn savages
Knows his dying
Knows "she's" dying. Whatever, dead is dead
I see you know your gore
lol dumb nigger
thats fucking awesome
what are those ching chogs doing
wtf user
can we get some more child beatings?
How tf did this happen
I had never wanted to jump into a webm and save a nigger before, but this video was the first to make me wish I could. I usually want to help the animals and White women being attacked by niggers. But this video, and the ones with the parents choking and slapping their nigglets, elicit a very sympathetic and angry response in me. It must be like what the otherwise racist southern abolitionists felt when saw slaves being whipped or something. They still hate niggers, and don't see them as equals, and generally have very little sympathy for them. But seeing them being tortured and terrorized while defenseless and undeserving of it was too much.
These kids have it hard enough being born niggers. They're dumber and almost infinitely less likely to succeed in life to any respectable degree. They don't need some angry nigress cunt doing this to them while they're too small to do anything about it. I want to kill this evil bitch.
But on the bright side, this story has a happy ending. The father came home, saw the bruises on his daughter, checked the video and saw what happened. He went to the babysitter's house and beat the holy shit out of her. She had the nerve to call the cops and have him arrested. But he showed the video to the police, and prosecutors dropped all charges. Then they pressed charges on the babysitter. But the court of public opinion has done more to her than the criminal courts have. She's been ostracized, attacked in the street, had to move several times, and can't find work anywhere. That's what you get, stupid cunt.
good to know it has a happy ending
Just fucking kill him already!
Can we fuckin not? You sick cunt.
atleast it has a happy ending
just checked and im out
These retards are pretty psychologically rekt.
Yea gonna need to know what's going on here
Is that Brendan?
shut your shithole nigg.
someone should gas those faggots
Chinese jews harvesting foreskins. They have quite the racket going. They convinced the goyim to circumcise their children, then they make facial cream out the foreskins and sell it right back to the mothers of the circumsised goyim.
If you're the mother of a cicumsised baby, and you use facial rejuvenating cream, you are rubbing your your son's dismembered dick skin all over your Gentile face. Some of it gets in your mouth sometimes.
stay alive thread
>white kids
I'm 100% against legit child abuse, but you sound like a compete faggot.
"Can we fuckin not?"
What a fucking pansy. I bet you like can't even right now
this autistics school kids learn Fortnite dances in the free time?!
Weird that the face does not shoot blood out?
You either get a white school and have a bunch of retarded faggots or you get a black school thats full of wanna be thugs
It's a false flag so the deep state can take away our machete rights. You can tell because her face doesn't look like it does in the movies, and because of your expert knowledge of trauma medicine
>and because of your expert knowledge of trauma medicine
Still, shuldn't it be shooting blood out like mad?
thanks fam
watch this and listen to one - metallica, thank me later
Not necessarily. I mean, I'm no trauma expert either, but maybe there's no major veins in the front of your face? Maybe there's not enough blood pressure left to shoot blood out of her face because she already lost so much blood through her wrists, since they also cut her hands off? Maybe there's no air forcing blood out because the wound is above her throat, so when she breathes out, she's not blowing blood out of the wound?
I don't know, but my brother got stabbed one night through his shoulder and into his lung. The spic brought the knife downward into his back, deep enough to puncture the lung. They had to cut into his side and run a hose into his lung to drain the blood leaking into it. He was laying on his back and he coughed at one point and blood shot out of his side and soaked the sheets. But the thing is, the wound where the knife went in barely bled at all, even right after the actual stabbing. His shirt only had about a 1' diameter blood spot on it around the hole where the knife went through it. Meanwhile, he was bleeding internally enough that he passed out before the ambulance got to him and they had to drain all the blood out to save his life.
Point is, projectile bleeding doesn't seem to be an automatic thing that always happens. External injuries, or relative lack thereof, aren't necessarily reliable indicators of just how fucked up a person might be.
He asked about the guy on the gurney with no face, not the woman who took the machete to the nose. Try to keep up.
Have taken my sight
Taken my speech
Taken my hearing
Taken my arms
Taken my legs
Taken my soul
Left me in a lifeless HELLLLLL
I'm madly in anger with you
I'm gay
Such a dead fucking thread
RIP this thread
Sitting for prolonged periods can lead to spinal damage. I'm glad you're not rekt yet.
its dead
What is this? A rekt video for ants?
Hey look, an ant!
>But seeing them being tortured and terrorized while defenseless and undeserving of it was too much.
You have COMPLETELY misunderstood the idea of Yea Forums. Yea Forums is not "hey guys take a look at this funny link ha ha." Yea Forums is not Facebook's whiteknighting. Yea Forums is not Reddit, Tumblr or 9gag.com. Yea Forums is a place for people to be monsters. Disturbing, cold, heedless monsters that they really are. Tsunami kills people in Asia and we laugh. Psychotic emo fulfills her sick desires with her cat and we laugh. A man rapes his grandchildren, we laugh and demand more. Suicide, foul play, genocide- we laugh. Racism, sexism, discrimination, xenophobia, rape and unfounded wrath- we laugh.
We are cruel; we do not forgive; we do not forget; we are the real face of the internet.
Standing for long periods of time can cause spinal damage. The game is rigged. Mother nature is a cunt and a half, bro.
What can dancing lead to?
ah, ancient copypasta used totally out of context by a newfag
fuck Yea Forums
But it's a full sized video, you squinty-eyed yellow dog-eater. Normal people can see the video just fine. How fucking blind are you?
Where'd you find that pasta? I haven't seen that in years, you gigantic twat. +1 interbutttz to you for reviving it, but -150 internetz for using it wrong.
Sexual activity between juveniles. This is why merriment of any kind must be tightly controlled by adults who have never known merriment. It is the only way to keep Him from destroying us. Dancing must be banned or the children will kill us all. It says so in the Torah or just some book I read somewhere or something
My husband might disagree with that
these people have obviously never done this before. fucking retards. 100% chance that they fucked up the butchering process and got poop all over their meat.