this man should be elected president
jussie 2020,do it for the it to make racist republicans mad.just fucking do it
this man should be elected president
jussie 2020,do it for the it to make racist republicans mad.just fucking do it
Black people cannot be president...( Obama does not count)
Do you honestly think that he's going to be alive in 6 months?
>hurr durr,me racist trump supporter.lets kill the big bad black man and prove the people who call us white supremacists right
you do realize people who dont drink alcohol arent going to get your joke right?
>I do what I want
look,do whatever the fuck you just saying
I just wanna do hoodrat things wif muh hoodrat friends
weak and predictable
this was retarded
and implying he'll be dead in 6 months is any less retarded? what do you thinks gonna happen,a bunch of trailer park meth addicted 100 pound honekys are going to try to kill him or something.comments like that are why people call trump and his supporters nazi's
It's Jussie "Keep your hands on your wallet" Smollett
President of cellblock C.
no charges filed
he's an innocent man,unlike your presidents administration.we'll get donald drumpf eventually.filing bankruptcy wont get him out of this
I keep my wallet in my back pocket and it would be kinda gay to keep my hands around my butt all the time
god you're retarded
weak and predictable
whatever you say nazi,how many heil hitler's did you do today
>make racist Republicans mad
Nigga, you forget where the fuck you are?
You do realize not everyone here is 12 right?
weak and predictable
>not everyone here is 12
but you are faggot,now go be a good little cuck and drink your girlfriends black bull's semen
weak and predictable
>things the left masturbate to regularly
still better then fucking your sister's like the right do
the Democrats handed trump 2020
that shy they pulled strings to make this go away
lol,donald trump guarenteed the republicans losing when he passed gun'll see throwing away 2019 years of supporting gun rights wasnt worth watching some draft dodging cuck replace it with immigration,nobody cares that america will have more non whites in morons couldnt even get your wall when you had the house and senate majority,if your own party doesnt want it,why do you think the rest of america will want it?