I want to impregnate her so fucking bad FUCK

I want to impregnate her so fucking bad FUCK

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Other urls found in this thread:

static1.squarespace.com/static/54d7a4bee4b013644334dd91/t/5a31bdc524a6943e961f6064/1513209289631/Alita Eyes - The Sequel.jpg


those fucking momo eyes scare the shit outta me

Who's this?


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Deflowered bareback

her name is alterhacker

She’s a lesbian I guess. I wonder if they ever mess around with strap ons. Would love to see her get stuffed.

Fuck man

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Yeh, but just think how´d they´d look staring up as she swallowed your cum

Needs bukkake, stat!

static1.squarespace.com/static/54d7a4bee4b013644334dd91/t/5a31bdc524a6943e961f6064/1513209289631/Alita Eyes - The Sequel.jpg

Attached: Alita+Eyes+-+The+Sequel.jpg (780x439, 37K)

I would pay any amount of money to see her get fucking destroyed

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It's the jews

Attached: opfag.jpg (500x417, 33K)

Well, whatever it is, it's def. trying too hard

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i want to bust down her throat

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Made for sitting cowgirl so you can look her in the eyes as you both orgasm.
Jesus, my nuts.

well, then, maybe you should chop your cock off and mail it to her, and hope she uses it as a sex toy. bc I think that's your only hope as a btard.

She looks like my mom if she were skinny.

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her insta is @alterhacker

ITT: Graves disease fetish

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Goth Alita

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Looks like a dude on estro

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Shut the fuck up spiderman.

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she's known as crispy or alterhacker

>tfw chubby 5/10 gf has a 11/10 sister who looks identical to crispy but is 4'11" and has perky E-cup tits

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Why? She looks jew-y

Beat me to it

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Jesus fucking christ

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I'll bet all my savings on cashapp right now that this bitch been blacked

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Easy to talk big when only 57 cents are on the table

is there something like eye reduction surgery?

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>Tags: mating press, eye contact

Would dress her up in all sorts of clothes and make her my doll desu

Shes got pretty big eyes..

I would definitely make deep eye contact as I cum deep inside of her

shut up kid you're just projecting.€500 on cashapp right now lil boy

Unless you all have cunts good luck. She's a lesbian.

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What would you do to her?

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>those eyes
Bruh, please tell me you got some pictures to share.

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Is it a Jew?

Fuck her against that wall all day and night until she carries my child

Literal perfection

>Is a lesbian
My life has no meaning anymore fuck

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>you will never be in her thoughts

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>When she sees your dick

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who are you trying to square up to, me, or who you wish was yourself? If projection is the game, you're underage.

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I’m madly in love with her god fucking dammit

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Yeah, my thoughts
IDK what`s that but some jewish bitches seem super attractive, I just can`t understand what exactly is hot about them

>I just can`t understand what exactly is hot about them
The oven fires?

She looks disgusting, do those eyeballs come with Night vision as well. Jk

Would nut on her eyeballs

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Think its a spic actually. Would be the best one I ever saw

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I wanna paint her goth attire white

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sanpaku eyes, hope you like crazy. I've seen a few. They never think anything could be wrong with them. If it's a metabolic cause they spend years raging and being borderline psycho if made managers. Divorce and super rocky life. Typically metabolic disorder and or mental disorder. A crazy diet of carbs, booze and starvation may do weird things to the face too, carp eyes, fish face... And crazy also is common with that. If you're looking at a crowd of girls in an office and wondering if any of them will end up filing frivolous lawsuit, that's the one. That your gf and you're wondering if you're girlfriend will cheat on you, sorry bud. Wondering what chick will tinder/cosplay party fuck so much they get aids then talk about it at work and try to get people to put on nurses masks, yep, that's the one. Randomly show up or not for work then wonder why they are broomed out the door, yep.

I mean, it would be cool if woman could not be crazy with those eyes but it would also be nice if niggers stopped breaking the laws. It is how it is. If you're going to fuck her, put a rubber on your rubber.

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I want to marry her.

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I wanna bury my face in that tummy

It has to do with peripheral vision preprocessing. Your mind/resolution factors causes everything in your peripheral vision to warp into having big anime eyes/features. That's why anime exists as an art, Japanese and caption readers don't look at the faces directly and it looks more natural to their mind. They even get used to it.

Everyone has this vision warping in their peripheral vision. It's a strange beautiful thing when that artifact of peripheral vision is forced into your central vision, that's why anime is interesting art to many, you look at it in wonder. She's probably sick in the head or physically, but that's the appeal of her bug-eyes.


>You will never have a 13/10 cute small spooky goth gf

Thanks for the dump

She's a lesbian. Has stated as much on her insta story many times.

I just fucking fapped. Fuck you


>He stopped posting after this
Based thanos

the things you niggers never ask is who takes the pictures?

a darkskin nubian Queen penetrated her with a strap-on then faggot if you want to be that fucking specific


Citation needed

Who cares


I know for a fact that nobody is really racist in their hearts and I know for a fact also that black people are superior. So it's quite likely her preference would lie with ladies and/or men of a darker tone

Wonder what she’d look like post wifehood/shufu

Racism is a term invented by jews to trick white people into feeling bad for recognizing differences between the races.

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What nationality is she?

More pics

My nigga


This makes my nut the big nut


>When you take your pants off

I want to be whatever that anima is


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Cute, but she's no bonbibonkers

Would breed

The internet saw to boni's death.

I was married to a lesbian. Worst decision EVER

I’ll stick my dick in crazy then

No shit

How so

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they do

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Any good shops of her?

I think this girl gave me a goth girl fetish

>see her get fucking destroyed
not fucking destroy that pussyy. what a cuck

Nigger I would do it in a second if I realistically had the option