Are we all done talking about this already? This is 4chins biggest happening in a while
Are we all done talking about this already? This is 4chins biggest happening in a while
Other urls found in this thread:
>This is 4chins biggest happening in a while
It happened on 8 chan
there's nothing to talk about other than the dude is a laughable clown and a dirtbag claiming to represent white people, I wish I could crush him with heavy stones
why so much anger towards him? You got some Muslim friends or something
You got muslim friends or something thst was a good argument
Does anyone have the video i want to record it and watch it before sleep
why so much apathy towards the loss of life? you an edgelord wanna-be sociopath or something?
yeah the 'mossad' spammers sort of ruined it.
that's the plan though. "you can't actually fight back, it was staged"
ahhhhh the classic
>"you made bruh?"
>you seem like your having a rough day
>who hurt you?
>why are you so bitter
I dont think any of these straw men diversions work when discussing hate crimes though. cuz like its a HATE crime, there is obviously some anger going around
he just shot some guys, it happens all the time
OP is an uninformed fag
I never implied any of this though. Way to dodge the question, really can't answer it I'm guessing
My fucking sides!! Called out OP you have to be 18 or up to be on here kid
Yea...he frequented /pol/ as well.
And if you've ever been there, he did exactly what they talk about all the time.
He asked a simple question and you're sperging out
>Yea...he frequented /pol/ as well.
Sure he did
It's out of the news, the Elite want it gone...
Meanwhile the mosque president blames it all on the {{{JOOS}}}.
Excuse us for not liking someone who went out and murdered people simply because they believed something different.
Muslim, Christian, it's all idiotic ideology. That you use it to justify taking someone's life is asinine.
Very American of you to say
It would be getting more attention if it was somewhere else besides NZ. But no one gives a shit anymore, apparently.
whos sperging? all I see are two level headed responses.
you on the other hand, sound mad.
having a rough day, user?
Not asking you to like him. Stop taking everything so personally.
>, it's all idiotic ideology
Grow up, while you're at it.
>lol u mad
Greta post newfag
Or just someone who realizes people die everyday. But you're not sad 24/7 are you? Fucking idiot
why so much anger towards me? dont you have any non-racist/xenophobic friends?
>it was staged
Are people really saying this. The whole sprees fucking on video.
Sorry I triggered you
bestgore has it
i can smell your seething through the screen
go take a shower and cool down kid, ill be here when you get back
Can you tell me what is not idiotic about believing in sky Jesus, sky Yahweh, or sky Allah?
It's literally the worship of a made up, unfounded idea, passed along for millennia to explain things we didn't understand.
dont argue with the theists user, it literally cant be won, and normally they are to dumb to have a real convo with
There are people who think earth is flat. There are people who think vaccines cause autism. There are people who think Trump is a Christian paragon of virtue installed by the christian god.
You can't argue with these people. They aren't even idiots. They're mentally ill.
>lol u mad: Part III
Jesus christ newfag, get a grip
>It's idiotic to have beliefs that I don't
Again, grow up.
i lol'd yeah that other nigga mad
can somebody provide a link to the vid
thanks in advance
check out bestgore
Every shooting is staged and mossad op. Yes, people ACTUALLY believe that
It's idiotic to have beliefs that have no evidence to support them, and it's even more idiotic to have them when there is evidence against it.
Bro, I was raised hardcore conservative fundamentalist christian, I've been there, I've experienced the delusion. It's a lot of work rationalizing all that shit.
nah bro he's right you mad, your tried to instigate and got caught hate little rats like you, probably weak af irl
Very mad I see
I can see the cold shower didnt work.
I dont know else how to help you with this little tantrum your throwing. Deep breathing is normally what they teach in anger management. Give it a go for a second?
Im just tryna help
>my parents are faggots so everyone who disagrees with me is irrational and stupid
>lol u maaaaad
You're not changing tactics
no,americans never miss a good opportunity to exploit a shooting to mass more gun control
>It's idiotic to have beliefs that have no evidence to support them
Not really. Its idiotic to think having a belief is stupid because you can't prove it. I think maybe you don't know the definition of the word. When you grow up you'll realize people on the planet might actually think differently from you, and that that's okay.
there are inconsistencies in the video, the main one being that there was a magazine on the floor when he walked in, before he dropped any.
Clearly none of it stuck in your thick skull if you turned out like this instead.
Not when they believe in submission because then i have to fight
Trump placed the magazine there.
I do, but beyond that I'm a white person and I don't wish to have dirtbag white scum pretend to represent me or my interests
you started it, i just flipped it
I'm more impressed that you actually got triggered about someone asking a simple question that you're now in full shitpost mode. This is of course chided the original poster for "u mad" posting, now that's literally all you are doing. Looks like you're a child afterall!
No there wasn't you fucking tinfoil retard
It was just a simple question. Sorry it chapped your ass
> When you grow up you'll realize people on the planet might actually think differently from you, and that that's okay
Says a guy who literally supports a guy (or at the very least, can't understand why people might be upset at) who killed people because they thought differently than them.
Fucking. Delusion.
I've had it worse than you.
Anyway, it's idiotic to believe in something like 6,000 years old Earth and the Fundie's version of an angry faggot God.
However with something like love, we wouldn't consider it idiotic.
So I guess it depends. Some beliefs are cool. Others are bullshit.
Like I believe, no no no KNOW, that OP is a faggot. That isn't idiotic.
>Says a guy who literally supports a guy
No ones doing this. You're a strawmanning retard now on top of a child who needs to grow up. Amazing.
See, I don't want low iq individuals promoting themselves on my behalf. I've lived in the Middle East and am familiar with Islam, both the positive parts and the negative and inhumane aspects. There's nothing some little dipshit from the Internet can teach me, especially with not a gay cartoon
Eat a sloppy nigger dong, chomo!
t. doesn't understand the cartoon
arent people saying the same things about the new zealand shooter tho?
I think all this meme shows is that people are tolerant, perhaps over tolerant, in todays society.
He sounds like another ignorant incel.
not everyone
Any belief in submission must be fought to destruction or the world will burn
what are you getting at?
i mean obviously not everyone, not everyone says tolerant things about islamic terrorists either lol
your looking more and more like an ignorant edge lord with every post
The only tragedy was that the people of New Zealand got their rights stripped away by the long facist cock of thier government.
Retarded Trumpturds think we are tolerant of radical Islam and that if we even think positive about Muslims we support terrorism and want America destroyed.
No there literally is, there was a thread about it ten minutes ago blowing up and the mods removed it.
Watch the video. At 6:53 he LOOKS DIRECTLY AT IT ON YHE GROUND as he is walking to the sanctuary. This is before he was knocked down and dropped the coupled magazine. After he runs through the coupled mags he goes back to the hall way EXACTLY where he looked at 6:53.
I said the same thing as you first, then went back and watched again and it is SCARING THE FUCK OUT OF ME. There was a fucking planted mag already there.
> intel agency has the power to stage complex attack on muslims
> intel agency doesn't have the power to QC their fake video
Pick one.
link? This theory reeks of a tinfoil maga hat
if you browsed adult gif ud know people memed the shit out of it already
Holy fuck you're right. At 8:32, he picked it up.
Just watched it a few more times.
There's no fucking clip, you're on crack.
Dude I swear it's plain as fucking day. Shit made me feel so fucking uncomfortable I had to go outside and walk around for a while.
I'm not saying it implies anything, I'm just saying that shit happened plain as fucking day
Just haven't heard any self proclaimed Christian running on the street yelling "FOR JESUS!!" and then blowing up himself... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
pic related
Watch him pick it up at 8:32.
Start at 6:53, HE LOOKS RIGHT AT IT WITH HIS HELMET CAM. if that's not a magazine WTF IS IT! and why does he come back and grab it, and insert it in his fucking rifle at 8:32
Have sex. Also what are you suggesting, the entire attack was staged completely? You a fucking retarded
It's not a win you useless waste of biomass. Get out
8 chan has /pol/ too. Its full of the same type of things.
I have no idea the implications of it besides "there's more to this than we are being told" I don't fucking know man I've been out of the conspiracy circles for the better part of five years. But I do know what I saw on that video and it makes me feel uncomfortable as fuck.
I was very skeptical at first, but I watched the video again, and it wasn't until he picks it back up at 8:32 that I decided you might be right and that is very suspicious.
Best for has fucking everything, where do they host?
Why are libs so apathetic towards muslims inflicting violence on others? Muslims want to kill all gays and 'sinners' and libs want to somehow support both groups. Libs claim to hate nazis when muslims hold the EXACT SAME BELIEFS as nazis.
These mosques should really stop leaving magazines laying around. They are only encouraging more people to do this.
He's such a pussy
liberalism is basically a form of self loathing thats why they promote any culture except their own
How does this make you so uncomfortable?
Liberals aren't allowed to do false flags to get necessary life-saving laws passed?
That's only a Right Wing thing?
Bush did fucking 9/11.
Oh I know, I just like to hear how they support a group fully who are basically brown skinned desert nazis. At least nazis let their women dress sexy.
because nazi is a white male, and muslim is a brown nigger and now this is racist
This is something that needs to be solved. Either it was planted there (a mole from inside is very likely but why?) or it was kicked by accident (I noticed something was kicked after he was done with shotgun).
arabs and nazis were mostly allied though since they held a lot of the same views
Islam is the Arabic word for submit and you know what the liberals think about other peoples freedom
A Kiwi killed a bunch of terrorists.
Next story pls.
Karadžić, lead your serbs!
What happened
Yeh, wasn't that impressed tbh.
It feels like these big shootings are just kinda... I dunno, played out.
Show me something I haven't seen 1000x
Get the fuck off this website. This is the last safe haven so guys like him don't explode.
Dipshit is 28 and he's never coming back.
Ya'll got mudslime friends or something?
Bombs and pedos please
Look at this incel. Have sex alreadyloser. Do you think calling someone edgey will make you think you won the conversation
wait wut.... The Crazy World of Arthur Brown...
wtf is this motherfucker serious? I was just watching the most rare (because it's the most boring) 1967 art film "The Committee" with the soundtrack by Syd Barrett, which even most Pink Floyd fans have never ever heard of, and in it, the party scene starts up, and it's not pink floyd playing dance music, which was their thing at that time, but it all changes to this horrible unlistenable garbage being warbled by some overacting twat for far too many minutes... . end credits, and it's "fire, by the crazy world of arthur brown". That is some grade A obscure shit, and after half a century of it being present in my little sphere, even I just heard it for the first time about a week ago. And here's that flaming turd on this psycho's playlist? like wat universe, just wat
So what ended up happening to him did he get caught or did he off himself or something?
>Shit made me feel so fucking uncomfortable I had to go outside and walk around for a while.
Dude relax it's just a shooting lol
No, because Christians do it in different ways, like full scale war
And i cant help wondering who is comforting the blond
He's talking about the magazine that was already there before the shooter entered.
Nah, 14 years, so he'll do 3 on good behavior. His agent is setting up the publishing deal and book tour, and he'll get a nightly spot on the news as commentator. Look for a run in local office by 2022.
pffffffffffttttttttttt we haven't even started yet
Han fuuuck... I lost.
Man his looks really went downhill between 22 and 28. No wonder he was so pissed.
Some Muslims*
^is right. I've seen the video before it wasn't too bad. Seen way worse on best gore or whatever. It bummed me out and made me more pessimistic but the planted magazine fucked me up.
I guess the idea of a lone gunman is more comforting than the idea that shadowy orgs with questionable and hidden motives are capable and willing to aid/execute something like this, and if it's end game is successful you can only expect them to utilize it more.
Yeah a kinda mark Hamill thing going on
the magazines he talked about having dropped, some of which he went back for and some of which he abandoned?
You tard.
So yeah no the magazine was not there before hand, basically after turning and hitting the guy in the room he quickly raises and fires down the hall at which point whatever cheap tacticool item hes using to create "jungle magazines" breaks and sends the mag flying forward,he manages to fire twice then looks at it because he clearly either felt it or noticed it flying off in when it happened (a full magazine is pretty heavy). You can see him using this double magazine thing later in the video not sure where exactly, but yeah just cheap gear you can put away the tinfoil hats boys, the light falls off shortly after as well. You can tell people who think this is really a conspiracy dont move around much.
Who is we?
>. Seen way worse on best gore or whateve
Have you seriously never heard of 9/11
Thousands of people died just so Bush could get a fat kickback form defense contractors.
Even if the shooting was staged, then this is just a few actors playing dead, so that the tiny government of New Zealand can ban guns.
Stop being a tard for a minute and watch the video again. He was looking at the magazine at 6:53 then he picked it up at 8:32.
As many have pointed out, he picks up a magazine he spotted while entering. You can't even deny it. Also the sound and the way they move does not look like most shit I've seen. I'm not saying this is staged by some big agency, but wtf
Also, he doesn't even really try to get away. He live streamed that shit in the first place, but he also does kill people that did not look to kebab and also he waits way too long before he drives off. He makes his car look obvious and drives like a maniac, but he doesn't do shit in the end. It's very anticlimactic and that bothers me the most, He could have burned that place or kill himself in a special way.. There is so much shit he could have done.
Are you blind? At 6:53 he looks DIRECTLY at something that is shaped exactly like a fucking a magazine, then at 8:32 he returns to the EXACT SAME SPOT, USE THE PAINTING ON THE WALL AS REFERENCE and picks it up, and proceeds to use it. If that's not a magazine at 6:53 then WTF is it?
All the charges were dropped for him and Jessie Smullet so they got ghey married and lived happily ever after
>Who is we?
Any one of us who are not retarded Trumpturds. Well other than the white supremacists and hardcore conservatives who are not retarded, just misguided.
>summer's coming early this year
checked, but i think you missed the point i was making. i will make it super clear:
Ah shit. This isn't the fisting thread. My bad faggots!
No fucking way man now you're the one with the tinfoil hat.
He did not turn with enough torque to launch an 8 lb magazine flying 15 ft infront of him. No fucking way.
its the same mag, retard or not his rifle handling is quite good, so the force of him raising his rifle is violent enough to cause his double magazine coupling to break, dislodging and throwing a single mag down the hall, leaving the one in his rifle intact, he is aware it happens and looks at it for a moment and makes a mental note to come back for it later. It only appears right after he raises fires twice and he almost immediately looks at it after he finishes engaging, its not like its so noticeable that he would look at it, it makes no sense that it was a "oh shit we messed up left a mag behind for no reason call off the false flag@" moment he literally felt it fly off his fucking rifle because it was suddenly pounds lighter.
>This is the last safe haven so guys like him don't explode.
bullshit. it's the other way around: sites like these CREATE guys like him
Thank you.
I was so dumbfounded by the stupidity of that comment that I couldn't even make a response, but you hit the nail on the head.
like I said all the naysayers dont move much, much less have ever held and still much less run a rifle its not a miracle feat he is literally murdering a room full of people you think hes not moving at full tilt? do you see how fast hes on target? notice how hes going from low ready to aiming like some shitty beast? Did you see how jacked this fool is? For a girly man like you this is not possible bit throwing a mag "15" feet ? i would say 8- 10 tops bit its not that wild
between the turn and the force of him getting on target its not that far fetched his mags split apart
pretty good looking fake heads :)
Fuck off sites like this are not responsible.
poor mental health accessibility, lying convoluted media, the fact we have been at war for 18 years! And the fact that something in him snapped or broke and never got fixed.
And he still only came second
>Killing a bunch of unarmed people in a mosque with a shotgun and a semi-automatic rifle is a happening worth speaking of.
Yeah no, dude's a frustrated looser, not worth talking about him.
Why the strobe light " Strobe for special effects
>flying two airplanes into two office buildings without any AA guns is worth talking about
Yeah no, two airplanes went off course, not worth talking about it.
>Comparing some maniac in NZ to 911
Yeah no, this is not /pol/, not worth going full retarded over this.
Being this retarded.
fake heads (:
Forget the shooter. How do you feel about little sisters?
Noz Zica Srebrenica from Greece
Greek volunteer guard
Part and parcel, bitch.
Nah, why talk, we are just waiting patiently on the next one.
This man is a hero. Muslims do this to non-muslims all the time. About time there was some payback
Second chapter next
rip faggot enjoy ur dirt nap
I've got all the chapters. I can switch over to something else if you want.
Overtolerance promotes intolerance
How many times have you watched the video, be honest guys.
bout tree fiddy
Bush wasn't smart enough to do 9/11
Many more times until I find an explanation for the fucking magazine that seemed to be planted.
5, and I repeated the "Help me" part several times.
Good work. Keep blasting user kun
Small delay
I'm waiting for the rest here...
careful with that edge timmy, this place is not for little kids
Part 3
I still never saw the video
You can see it slide along the ground to it's position just before he notices and looks at it.
just give nhentai link you faggot
It's hard to see with pixeled shit but I did see a brief flash of something shiny. I'm deaf so I don't know if you could hear it drop?
It's the Deep State trying to distract us from us thinking it might be a false flag.
It detaches and slides across the floor just before u see it, quite obvious if u look closely
As a member of the deep state, there are far more effective ways of suppressing thought....
Edge Lord. 3 edge 5 me
Go back to posting mice torture videos fag
Whoever did the CGI should be shot.
Part 4
i watched it when this started, the mag fell out and he looked down at cant see it until he looks down at it..if you watch it real careful, you can see it turn over when it hits the can tell he thinks about picking it up but he just moves on...what i think is strange is that i was on b when it happened, and just happened to check out the thread it was as it saved and post here before it was reported by the the least he had help and at worst it was staged...
just need the magic 6 digit number
Shit. That worked.
There are so many people arguing if he is a hero or a villan. Let's settle this.
In the eyes of the law, he is a huge villan. Killing 54 muslims, showing his hatred for an ethnic minority. In my opinion, I could care less about the whole ordeal. I don't feel happy or angry that dozens of people died, I didn't know shit about them, and they live halfway across the planet from me. This whole thing is the problems for the New Zealand government and the family and friends of victims, not any of us. The rest of you will lose any care about this in a few weeks.
gettin spooky
he shot up a a mosque that what recruiting for ISIS
Apparently not.
Thanks op.
This is the weakest bait I've seen in a long while.
No, his post was spot on. Its illogical to believe in a skygod. Its ironic to say grow up when you have the mental capacity of a toddler. Yet even they stop believing in Santa Claus after a point. Dumb fuck
Look at the adminn of 8chn, you can keep your shitty site you sub human faggots.
White people have a right to exist in a culture of their own.
Happy end?
Politics is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex.
no, that's sports
>phony patriotism sponsored by the government while black people get traumatic brain injury
Watashi no, Onii-chan
Watashi no, Onii-chan 2
Watashi no, Onii-chan 3
Watashi no, Onii-chan 4
Watashi no, Onii-chan 4.5 Bangaihen
Thank you for reading
I know the guy in the photo. Phil Elmore, look him up, that faggot mall ninja is hilarious.
Deep state thanks you for participating in this procedure