Dindu nuffin. Not guilty, because that would be racist.
Dindu nuffin. Not guilty, because that would be racist
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Oh. So Yea Forums is ok with this. Gotcha.
Who did he hurt? He only hurt himself.
>Who did he hurt? He only hurt himself.
He hurt every non-racist white person by making false claims, he wasted police time and condemned black people as being too eager to "blame whitey" and play the race card.
I am half Samoan and half Dominican, this effects me directly.
Do you think anyone actually believe this twat when he says he has been completely truthful and didn’t do “one drop of what I was accused of?” Do his celeb retard friends believe this shit? His mom? Anyone? Fuck him.
Soooo black man bad, did I miss anyting?
Black or white, he’s a liar and hack. He couldn’t even execute his own assault properly. his career is ruined.
He should be tarred and feathered.
So black man bad, got it.
By the way, whats your opinion on tRump getting his AG to break the law for him?
Just another nigger day in Shitcago
Fuck this faggot nigger
>So black man bad, got it.
Oh, I don't think you do.
Reducing your opponent to a stereotypical racist is usually a good move on this site, but in this one instance it really is a case of a horrible person who just incidentally happens to be black.
Hey retard this really isnt even a race issue is and issue of the protected class and the rest of us.
Respect for his bribe game tho, that's white bribery level
black man bad
You mean niggerfaggot
Fuck off, Im black and I can call this shit when I see it. You are either black and have your head up your ass or some white sympathizer probably feeling guilt for shit your parent's parents didn't even do.
>Im black
Sure you are and so am I ;)
Drop a big enough bribe on the City of Chi and anything will go away, didn't hurt that the Obama mob pulled a few strings...
Your reading comprehension is poor, perhaps you should go back to your homework...
Here his my youtube and what I think of this POS, quality is shit and I just started but yes, I am black.
Black teens go to jail for having 20g of weed,this guy fakes an entire hate crime creating even more division and gets let off.
Now THIS is privilege.
>Your reading comprehension is poor
>I go out of my way to ignore the tRump question
Sure that's you.
The only criminals in the whole travesty were in the Obama admin and the FBI, I look forward to the new special prosecutor...
I wonder how the people working with him are going to react knowing he's full of shit? If he starts talking about his innocence, will they tell him to STFU?
I hope he gets attacked for real, but by actual black people.
Holy ass you can't stand to read through three measly sentences? Can you even feed yourself, user?
>hurr durr,the most cucked country in the world.america
who cares,stop giving this nigger attention
Sure is bitch
imagine being this much of a fucking retard
Back to black man bad I see. You tRumptards are very limited, both in intelligence and arguments. Hahahahaha!
Easily. I had chicken, rice, green peppers and onions for diner How about you?
>no timestamp
imagine falling for bait that easily
You are either so fucking dumb I'm not sure how you manage to use a keyboard or just trolling at this point. You think a white guy on the internet found a black guy with 17 fucking subscribers to impersonate on Yea Forums? Then to make a point has shirtless pics of the same negro?
I disagree. He also hurt
1. The police departments due to wasted time and resources.
2. The local community, due to the tax dollars wasted on above.
3. Any local crime victims who fell by the wayside so this high profile case could be resolved.
4. 100% of future hate crime victims. Because of him they will have to clear a larger evidentiary hurdle.
5. Every non racist white person and Trump supporter.
Guy filed a false police report. Should be in jail
Nice theft commie.
And the fucker still claims he did nothing wrong. Shame him.
Whatever the case is, his video came out 2 months ago and it has 72 views. My left nut is more known than this guy.
switch the races and he's going to jail
Fucking damage control
your liberal tears are delicious
>your liberal tears are delicious yummy
Hahaha! Ok I don't know if you're that guy or not but I've played with you enough.
His original point was; "Im black and I can call this shit when I see it", which implies there is no race card in mullet (or w/e his name is)'s case.
To that I ask, why bring your own race card into it then?
Already drunk?
Should have been charged for all 16 cases.
Let's see if Smollett's lawyers seek legal action against the Osundairo brothers.
I mentioned I was black because it was clear this guys thinking was anti-white, like "ok black man bad" he clearly doesn't believe a black person can actually call out another for bull shit
There are black guys who are teachers at universities and members of congress.
Nobody with an IQ above 60 actually believes that.
But seeing a black guy with a confederate flag always baffles my mind. If you really want to be a slave, just send me all your money each week except the bare minimum to stay alive. I'll be glad to oblige you.
Do not see the hypocrisy of this? You claim that left can meme by stealing a right wing meme.
But I guess contradictions are sort of your expertise since that is the only thing you political ideology has a basis upon.
>Feminist but pro-Muslim
>Whites moving into black neighborhoods is gentrification and whites moving out is white flight
>We should accept all races but whites
>The government should be secular but allow Sharia law
>It’s about love bigot so kill your children
>You can’t take pride in your ancestors achievements since they were not your achievements but apologize for slavery
There is no NPC manifesto that outlines this ideology because everyone there is too stupid to create a coherent one or realizes it is impossible to do with all its contradictions. Calling you left wing is insult to actual left wingers like Voltaire, Locke, Hobbes, Thomas Jefferson, and even communists like Marx because at least they can write an outline of their ideology unlike retards like you.
He wasted an incredible amount of tax payer dollars and police resources. He also trivialized hate crimes and also fuck him. He's a fuck
Woah dude, you're gonna need some ointment for that butthurt.
>implying i'm democrat or even liberal
>implying it isn't both dems and repubs who are NPCs