nuggies > tendies
Nuggies > tendies
If theyre mcdonalds nuggets then yeah, otherwise no
i ate 35 chicken nuggets for dinner today
Hold camera smart > Hold camera stupid
I’m a teacher and my 6th grade students have grown out of “REEEEEE” it’s reserved for elementary age children. Please stop.
Trash food.
Go eat some kayle and grass you fucking faggot
Mmmkay then. Guess you didn't get your tendies today.
go eat a free roam chicken breast you disgusting slob.
You could die any day fag. Could commit yourself entirely to health and be hit by a car. I'd rather eat what I want as long as I don't turn into a 600 pound blob that can't move. Go to /fit/ and circle jerk there.
no dummy.
Free roam affects the taste of chicken because..?
>not preferring chicken thighs baked with old bay seasoning
ah fuck, I can't believe you've done this.
You sound overweight. You should stand up and do some exercise before you hurt yourself. Put the nuggies down and the cookie too!
enjoy your meal user
my totay's rations have been a pot of porridge, some spaghetti (very nice) and a bag of potatoe chips. I'm skinny as fuck but I feel with this kinda diet I'm gonna become a stick off butter and it makes me want to die
I am. Doesn't really bother me though. What is the point?
well are you black?
Weird question. No I'm not.
well black people need to run from police, so they better stay in shape. you're good tho
I'm white and I played sports since I was 6. I just recently got fat, I can still run.
Price or taste?
Both normie
Whataburger nuggies better