France is the worst country in the world. Prove me wrong Yea Forums
France is the worst country in the world. Prove me wrong Yea Forums
Nobody here is bound to prove anything to you, faggot.
Long live the French Republic!!!
could always be worse, you could live with the russianiggers.
Tg fdp
You ever been to Haiti?
La France n'est pas un pays c'est le paradis.
Et OP est une tarlouze.
they broke off from the French
Yeah, and it's much worse than France
...and became worse.
Anything there is not to like about France, some other country does worse
La France reste mieux socialement que les us user
even France didn't want them that badly
J'aime ton éloquence
ah un envahisseur
No they did, but Napoleon got btfo cuz french are pussies who can't win colonial wars
Wesh caremen frero le sang
Ok. France is the best country in the world.
/b's understanding of the concept of burden of proof.
not sure
And got besmoted them with a bevy of hurricanes.
Same with USA. Should have stayed a French territory, but NOOOO, had to go on to get sacked by the fuckin bongs, who poisoned everything they touched shitting the place up in their failed empires image and ruined everything for everyone forever. Good job idiots.
Clairement du coup dit bonjour a ton futur gendre
Wesh la honte le survet cefran lacoste nike ou ralf lauren limite pas un truc de facho
They have bread
Why do you think immigrants die risking their lives to go all the way to England when they could much easier go to France instead? lol Not even Africans want to live in France.
ps: these "people" also eat frogs lol.
Isnt haiti a fucking disgusting shithole because subhuman niggers live there? You can excuse them with whatever you want but niggers is the reason haiti is hell and only fat white lonely females going there for the gorilla D
Any Balkan country is worse.
Sure my dude, absolutely 100% true facts
OP needs to shut his whore mouth and post more hot sexy french gangbang sluts.
>t. iliterite gibing puliticul openion
Yes, the hurricane god saw the people of the equatorial regions had darker skin and smited them accordingly.
>this is the american version of the centuries long saga of haiti, one of the most interesting revolutionary lands in the entire world.
I mean jesus, I'll admit to hating on american niggers more than anybody, but user, you should strongly consider blowing your fucking brains out having publicly displayed the depth of your utter fucking stupidity of western history. I mean jesus motherfucking jones open a god damn book in your life, you're as fuckin ignorant as a mud toad.
nope, France is full of hot girls. Op probably a muslim
Nah neighboring country dominica fully recovered. Yet haiti stays a stinky shithole. Damn niggers are really true vermin. Can they do enything else beside survive on USAID and multiply like rats? Fuck niggers should be exterminated i mean it
UK and Brexit, much worse than the froggies
Why are niggers so incapable of doing anything positive. They live like vermin they need food like vermin they multiply like vermin and produce nothing else than more niggleton vermin. Pure scum literally nothing worse than niggers
...all those hot girls are Moroccans
Wrong thread retard.
So...worse than France?
OP is retard confirmed
Time to put up your work, and show how capable you are of pulling your weight, /btard. Fuckin pot, kettle. You, or niggers, which one's blacker?
This was either made by an American in which case fuck you, w/o France you'd be sucking the kings cock; or made by a German in which case fuck you go eat your sauerkraut you uncivilized mongol
France's shit. Cheese is stinky disgusting, wine tastes like metal and their meat is red undercook garbage. Even their butter has salt in it, fucking imbecile nation
B8 r8 8/8
France best wine best cheese best bread nuclear weapons aircraft carrier best monarchy in human history napoleon literally the grandest nation. Viva la france
They created the bagget
The baggot*
tu penses il a assorti ses chaussettes à sa casquette de manière consciente ?
Idk France is just thde country which won more wars than any other. And that made u american fatgot free.
Des snaps de fille chaude ?
Some sluts snapchat ?
Salted butter is a breton thing, you fucking pussy drier
Invented in Austria, perfected by the frenchs. GOD BLESS FRENCH BUTTER
the bretons are french you soggy turd toaster