Still no collusion

Still no collusion.

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According to Mueller - never was any.

But the Dems SAW EVIDENCE. CRYSTAL CLEAR EVIDENCE. They told us that a million times. Its OBVIOUS there was collusion. THEY SAID SO! Schiff and Pelosi and Schumer and Waters! All of the said they SAW it. They can't ALL be lying!

Yeah that's scary actually. Trump didn't collude with Russia, which means Putin's propaganda game is on point.

What do you niggers know about muthafuckan buffalo yardbird sammiches?

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He said he didn't find any collusion, but he didn't exonerate the president.

Mueller can’t exonerate anyone for any reason. That was never a power he possessed.

The exoneration is implied when no indictments were made.

"He's innocent guise!"
"Let us see the report then?"
"NO!!...I'll give you a highly redacted summary..."

I want to throat punch your fart box

He didn't exonerate him on the charge of obstruction

He did on the charge of collusion
Or basically

"O-oh, but Mueller wouldn't make a big deal about the AG putting out fake statements"

Collusion is the leftists version of saddam husseins WMDs. No one believed they existed but everyone went along with it anyway.

Still a russian shill bot. Sage goes in every field.




So why did so many people go to jail for lying about the "no collusion" It dons't add up...

where were you when collusion is kill?
be home pet peepee
mama comes
collusion is kill

Exonerate from what charges?

can you please move the fuck on and care about all the bad shit Trump ACTUALLY did?

don't worry those will be dropped soon enough

like the bump stock ban?

Barr's summary said there was not enough evidence of collusion with the Russian government. It was very specifically worded. It will be interesting to see the full report.

It has been proven that Russia meddled in the election, and did so in a way that benefited Trump.

It's a leap of faith to assume no collusion, but even if you make it: why do you suppose Russia wanted him to win?

he has not been exonerated, the investigation was pressured to be shut down, and trump has not answered questions in person, just wrote a fucking letter.

>Barr's summary

Barr is a long-term Republican partisan who was previously best known for the Iran-Contra coverup. I don't trust him.

Either way you were still going to bitch and whine.

Try the dismantlement of most government agencies by putting people who are diametrically opposed to the entire idea of the agency in charge of them.

Its like if your defense lawyer looked at the evidence against and wrote a letter saying there was no evidence of any crime.

Let's see the report. Just like Nixon and Clinton, this is the job of the Senate, not the AG. Especially not one put in place by the person accused.

You wouldn't stand for this in our court system but as long as you get to defend Trump you'll toss your judgment out the window.

I thought you said "bad shit"

It doesn't matter what you think about him. He's doing his job as appointed to him, case is over.

The Democratic party has turned into nothing but a bunch of whiners.

The party of gibs now with more whining!


feel the Bern

>Russia meddled in the election, and did so in a way that benefited Trump.
Which has always confused me since Putin already had Hillary in his pocket. Why wast time and effort on a possible fail when you have a sure thing already?

Attached: Hillary-Clinton-and-Vladimir-Putin-1.jpg (530x384, 48K)

What the fuck are you talking about? Is this an ad?

Because Hillary is an evil wench.

Don't think of Putin serving Trump's interests, think of it as Putin serving Putin's interests and it makes perfect sense.

theres no adds in the vid

Buy an ad, spammer.


Yeah, but he had Hillary on his payroll already. He didn't have Trump. He could have gotten all America trashed with her as President. Liberals and Progressives would have been fawning all over her and her policies no matter how bad they were for the country. Instead, he goes for Trump, the not sure thing? Doesn't make sense.

Can't obstruct if no crime took place
Its like trying to prove a negative, you can't.

Democrats are out of their minds. Collusion is not a crime either. Control the narrative to undermine your POTUS means you probably hate 1 man more than you love your country and you cant see through the veil of propaganda that the mainstream asshole media is serving up to you in piping hot bowls filled with steaming manure. Low IQ individuals without critical thinking skills is what most of them are and always will be.

Cause they found other crimes having nothing to do with the investigation


The fact that Mueller has come up with no collusion is actually proof that there was collusion. Because Trump is like Hitler, he will have threatened Mueller to pretend there was no collusion. So, no surprise when hur-durr, the report shows no collusion. Let's just get the orange Hitler impeached and sent to prison where he belongs.

>orange hitler

way to fall for and spread the jew liberal propaganda

Orange Hitler, yeah, Ok. Another example of the misinformed, mold cut, asshole democrat without a mind of his own. All presidents are orange if they are white, they put makeup on them for the cameras asshole. Jimmy Carter was orange, Reagan was orange, Bush was Orange, Obama was Black. Wake the fuck up. If Trump was Hitler the Jews would be rotting in concentration camps and getting gassed and put into mass graves. Same old dem talking points because they are insane with nothing else but extreme comparison to monsters.

>Can't obstruct if no crime took place
That's not how obstruction of justice works.

No he's not you stupid nigger, he should have just given the full report

Haven't Republicans been whining about Hillary for 4 or 5 years now?

>All of the said they SAW it

But as long as Trump wasn't in on it, it's not Trump's problem.

>Doesn't make sense.
It does when you consider her public relations with Russia. You're also under the impression that all the Ruski troll business is from Putin himself, which is probably only the case for a small amount of them.

Ok, feel free to elaborate.

>Collusion is not a crime either.
>secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
Collusion to meddle with the democratic system, is absolutely illegal.

Trump has squelched unemployment, raised the GDP etc etc etc, nothing but winning going on in this White House. I guess its all based on whether or not you listen to asshole media or not. You have nothing on Trump, but astupid human can be trained, cant they? Trained to recite dead talking points , over and over and over. SO that they believe the lies themselves, hey that's Nazi propaganda, to tell a lie so massive and so big and so load that the people will eventually believe it.

Yet it never happened. Congeress cleared him and so did Mueller. A more believable tale is that democrats made up this shit to undermine the Potus because he believes in America and not some socialist hell hole made up by Soros and Hillary.

Who has to gain from all of this bread and circus? Ask yourself that deep question democrats while you eat the crow of the report? The DNC and probably the Jews who control the mainstream media. Who was to benefit from years of lies and thousands upon thousands of articles condemning one of the greatest President's this country has ever known. Sore losers, that who. Sore fucking losers.

When you take a shit does that mean you don't take a shit? Talked about bad logic, do you even?

lol they went to jail for dumb shit like lying on their mortgage paperwork. It obviously doesn't add up if you listen to CNN's narrative.

Democrats wanted this to continue until the 2020 elections so it would hurt the President. They used it to win back the House.

Not even a tiny sliver or wee drop of collusion.

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Putin missed the Cold War Era when America was actually a worthy foe who didnt just economically sanction like a pussy, but punched back with real shit. So he helped get Trump elected with minimal collusion so that it would set off a shitstorm and get all of the US govt at the time fired up to go against Russia thusly returning the warm and fuzzy hate of his youth because he has secretly always loved America-Kun and wished to be "close allies" with them.

Ah finally America x Russia the long awaited Tsundere ending that we need but dont deserve. Imagine the two teaming up and having as close a trade/exchange of ideas as the US does with the EU or Canada! Two world powers working together, the only two space-capable nations uniting to get us to Mars by early 2020 and continue glorious colonization that we all deeply crave.

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have you read the report?
No? Oh, then you can't say that.
You DON'T KNOW do you?
You're relying on a shill placed by the man who is being investigated.
Think about it: the AG serves at the discretion and pleasure of the President. Trump put Barr in to protect Trump. This is no different than if a defendant in a criminal trial got to choose his best friend as the judge. It's fucking stupid.

If Trump didn't do anything wrong, as you are claiming, then I expect your voice to be among the "release the report" people. It is....isn't it?

No? My, I wonder why? Maybe because you know there's shit in there that will make your Trump look like the big fucking criminal he is?

How you can even hold so many divergent views at the same time is truly a miracle.

Release the report.

Hello, Rachel Maddow

>it have been proven
[citation needed]

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