discuss your shitty bait, or the fact you have made no arguments defending your stupid shitty picture?
Kill yourself OP
How is the gravity of the moon messing with me?
What is the effect the moon has? You have started the first step of the scientific method. You've made an observation. The moon affects the tide/ water, and humans have water in them.
step 2: form a hypothesis
step 3: develop a 1 variable test of your hypothesis
step 4: record your results
step 5: analyze/ modify your hypothesis
step 6: If you've discovered the moon has an effect on people, share your results.
This. I would like to hear your method to test your hypothesis, OP?
only proper response, what is this b, you didnt even call op an faggot
OP here. I never said this was my viewpoint. One of my jackass edgelord friends shared it on Facebook and I wanted to see what Yea Forums thinks.
I mean, those who do believe in this shit are probably tidally locked with the moon as well.
>defending yourself on Yea Forums
>mentioning facebook
just go back, friendo
Not defending anything, just clarifying what I even meant to begin with. Yeah, Facebook exists, oh no, how dare I mention it.
Hi OP. The moon will be VASTLY more effective impacting huge bodies of water that are subject to cascading effects. The oceans are loose bodies of water affected by the total force of disturbance.
A bucket of water will not be affected by the gravity of the moon even though it is loose water. A lake of ketchup would not be affected by lunar gravity even though it is a very large body comprised of mostly water as the density of the molecular makeup prevents this despite the percentage of water overall. The human body is neither large nor loose water.
I don't mean to be a cunt, but people like you shit up Yea Forums. please just fuck off? It would be a favor to all of us
Your image should also include the fact that the moon influences the birth cycle of a baby while a mother is pregnant.
Oh, pagans also rely on the phases of the moon, as well as many other religions.
I participated in a ritual during a blood moon phase. We drank blood and chanted something in latin, I didn't know what it meant, I just read it of the scripture. I have been dealing with depression for 15 years, after that night my depression was gone and I felt like I was in love, only not connected to a person, but to myself rather. It's kinda hard to explain, I feel like there is this energy running through me that makes me feel fucking amazing, a friend of mine got me into the ritual, he basically cured me of depression
Sick thread but you'd probably do better posting it on /x/
I think humans are affected by the moon but not directly like the op pic implies, but just having more light at night and the heat it provides can definitely influence us psychologically
>Y'all accept that DA MOON and blig bluh bluhhh SCIENCE blehdie blah bloh ME AM SmARt
Amermutts are fucking degenerates
Poor Galileo is rolling in his grave
I thinke now a days going to Yea Forums instead of channel means you are smart enough to find why your pic is believed by antivaxers only.
live in poor rural town
every full moon retard get strength and child welfare powers brought to by the moon cycle that 13 moon shyt is sumthing to look into...
Heat? From the moon? It raises the atmosphere in temperature by less than 1/10th of one degree Fahrenheit.
Only during a fool moon...
It does have an effect on humans lol animals and humans alike get a little more wild during a full moon murders, sex, crimes etc then you would on a sunny afternoon