What would b do with $1000 cash

what would b do with $1000 cash

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Invest in stocks make more money

buy a trips machine, checked

Have all new art made for my house.

even though you have money youre still a fat cuck with no taste

Put it in the bank. $1000 is nothing.

build a dream pc

What stocks

I'd give it to Chris Chan

I'd buy $1,000 worth of bread and give it out to people

Buy drugs

pay debts

Spend 1k on 6yards of concrete for my house so my gf can move in

rent a billboard in my city and post 'pepe for president 2020'

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Pay bills. It would be gone in 6 minutes.

To paraphrase something a wise man once said, being an adult is realizing 1000 is a not lot of money to have but is a lot of money to owe.

me too

I just got a 1000$ cash today
Sold a 98 mustang
>so 1000 dollars richer and still doing nothing

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drugs and gun

Depends if the wife knew about it. If she did, then it would just be put on the debt pile.
>If not, 4 hrs worth of escort services

fuck 10 hooks
20 blowjobs
pick your posion