Being a liberal is a war crime

Being a liberal is a war crime.

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>war crime
poor american peasants, brainwashed into becoming warmongering idiots.

live in fear my friend, it's the american way.

Elected because of Russian interference. Too dumb to be let in on the secret!

Living better, more fulfilling lives than everyone else is the American way. Telling Americans their wrong is everyone else's way. People do this because they're like ugly girls in middle school, jealous of Merica who got everything and is perfect and beautiful, no reason to hate her, but you just do cause you know you're worse than her in every way.

Source? Oh there is none.

got some sauce for that accusation?

Mueller's report says it. There was definitely Russian interfere but Trump didn't conspire directly with the Russian government.

Heres something that will blow your mind newfag.

Russia has meddled in every election since the cold war started. Reagan, both Bushs', Clinton, Obama, etc.. all had their elections tampered with.

The Mueller report literally just exonerated him today. Rachel Maddow was crying on live TV on Friday. How stupid are liberals?

far more stupid than retards.

At least you're admitting that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. That's a good start.

I think the two year investigation is sufficient to disproving that.

I don't think posting facebook ads is a grand conspiracy. Obama used taxpayer dollars to try and oust Netenyahu, but I hear crickets on that. Every major nation tries to influence other nations' government processes. You would have to be a retard to not know this simple truth since time immemorial.

The reality is that Russia offered to help Trump win the election. This was outlined within the report. They DENIED help from the Russians. How stupid can you be.

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sure kid

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The 14 investigators who generated the report all donated to the Hillary Clinton campaign. Also the left can't meme.

Russia still provided propaganda in support of Trump for the 2016 election.

Politics like this is just mental illness. OP probably has a manifesto of his own and is going to shoot up liberals for being liberals... Psychopath

It should be a criminal offense to be as big a douche bag as president shit for brains

Mueller is a republican, retard

The Nords are laughing at you Imperial.


And that doesn't dispute my claim that the other investigators all donated to the Hillary Clinton campaign. Are you more stupid than Rachel Maddow? Because she cried on live TV because even her dumb ass knew it was all over.

I would not at all be surprised if that was the next step in the, "Make America White Fundamentalist Christian 13th Century Again" plan.

Being uneducated is an attack on national security.

keep lying to yourself. I would not step into that shithole in my life.

Guess how I know your skin is the color of shit?

Explain in big boy words what you're even trying to say. Because America didn't exist, and I don't know that Constantinople falling, riding across the steppes with Ghengis Kahn, or signing the Magna Carta have anything to do with what you're trying to convey.

Who cares? What's your point?

Wrong. You need to be a military member to be accused of a war crime. Some liberals aren't.


Yes, that is precisely what they want you thinking and convincing others to think.
Congratulations you perfect sheep.

Because your view is so warped, you can't imagine a white person not liking your stupid red hat.

Only non-blacks like myself have every contributed anything to mankind.
>and what have you contributed to mankind?
We gave all the stupid people guns?

>inb4 nice try nigger or some other racist shit

But it didn't. It paid for ads for the Clinton campaign. They said as much at the Congressional hearing.

>they're all republicans, it was rigged game
No, and here's the evidence why not only are you wrong, but you're retarded.
>who cares anyway lol

You are a fucking clown.

Being a trumptard is a crime against humanity.

Barr's memo clearly noted "DOES NOT EXONERATE THE POTUS".

believing in the false dichotomy within the capitalist framework is just plain retardation
gulag for all of you bourgeois tools

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Poor sweet user, you expect Conservatives to hear the parts they DON'T like, and not just the parts they do like?
Lower your expectations, it makes it much easier to get by.

I'll use little boy words for you, so slapping those two braincells together won't hurt too much.
MAGA= the fall of science, the fall of women/ minority rights (equality), the fall of the first amendment (freedom), the fall of the environment (life). The rise of End Days Pence and the end of 'freedom from religion's.

Why isnt Trump being brought up on charges and why isnt whoever denied that they "helped" going to prison for lying under oath then.
Every election is fucked with. The ex director was on CNN yesterday talking about how they fucked with Obamas and Trumps campaign but you dont whine and cry about that snowflake.Fair is fair and you want it one way and not the other.

Im also admitting they interfered with Clinton and Obamas campaign. So what?

>Why isnt Trump being brought up on charges

The investigation was never, ever going to result in a sitting president getting bent over a barrel in court. That wasn't the purpose. The purpose was to publicly destroy people associated with a president that said and did things that the opposition didn't like. Everyone in DC knows that no one gets anywhere without the help of other people, and that most people who help public figures are cowards. If it involves risk, they become less likely to help, and the number of friends you find yourself surrounded by grows smaller by the day.

It's schoolyard bullying, nothing more.

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Russian propaganda supported Trump in 2016. That's a fact no matter how much you try to deflect.

Almost as if they wanted an idiot as president....

Prove it. You have Google in the next tab, open and ready and ideologically on your side. Present the part of the Congressional hearing that shows that Russia supported Trump.

So let me get this straight.You believe Muellers report turned up evidence that Trump actually DID conspire with Russia and he did obstruct justice but they arent going to do anything about it because they werent actually going after Trump and his presidency and they only wanted to bust the people around him? If you arent the user I originally responded to before you should go back and read the posts for context because youre sounding like youre in complete spin mode right now trying to salvage a win out of a total democrat beatdown by coming up with some fucked up excuse.

Keep spinning snowflake.

I wasn't the user you were replying to, no. I don't believe they found anything actionable in two years, and I think the original purpose was to drive supporters away from Trump and people like him. It was a huge "This is what happens when you stand against us" display, nothing more.

>Russian propaganda
A bunch of internet trolls who manipulated you into voting for someone you didnt want to.
You're a weak minded bitch who believes whatever anyone tells you on the internet libcuck. Log off and throw your modem away its ruined your life.

Why would I do that? I don't care about you. Feel free to keep rejecting facts that hurt your feelings. Russia still provided a targeted propaganda campaign to support Trump in the 2016 election.

You sound borderline hysterical. It doesn't matter how much you cry, Russia still supported Trump in the 2016 election.

Oh no. This would be a problem if the USA never interfered in other country's elections. Oh wait...

The big issue would have been if Trump had any direct interactions with Russia and worked with them. Mueller's report said he did not, so it would be retarded to blame Trump for what some country chooses to do completely on their own. Not only that, but it's not even proven that Russia wanted Trump to win. They could have just been undermining our democracy in any way they can by causing chaos wherever it was in their power to do so. They could have been ruining both candidates to weaken the US in the eyes of the rest of the world no matter who won.

Thats not what Pelosi,Schumer and all those clowns in Congress wanted, they did this to oust Trump. They have all said it thousands of times over the last 2 years they have talked about nothing else but this.Pelosi just realized trying to impeach at this point is stupid and shes getting shelled for it by the democrats.

>Because she cried on live TV because even her dumb ass knew it was all over.
This doesn't reinforce your credibility

>It doesn't matter how much you cry, Russia still supported Trump in the 2016 election.
>being this triggered and naive.

Apparently conservatives like fascist dictators, fucking retards.

Conservatives dont want socialism, so youre wrong.

>B-b-but other people do it
Yes, and Russia did it in the 2016 election. We shouldn't normalize it.

Are you saying Russia didn't have a targeted propaganda campaign to support Trump in the 2016 election?

Politicians gonna politic, user. Everyone is angry that a member of the donor class decided to make a power move and become a member of the ruling class. I'm sure they really did want him ousted, but the only reason they got a shot at trying to make that happen is because it was politically advantageous to use it to knock out support.

the absolute state of liberals this week

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Are you saying Russia didnt have targeted propaganda to meddle in every election since the beginning of the cold war?

Why does that matter? If we know it's happening, we should stop it.

All they really did though was set a precedent. Every elected president will have to go through this now because one side is not going to cave in and let it be. Id hate to be the next Democrat elected whoever it is will go through hell.

Yeah fuck rights and democracy lol.

Talk to the CIA theyve known about it for decades and chose to let it fly until Trump won.

Different fag.. I don't even know if we can dude. Not with globalism where it is. The best we can do is just try and educate people better so they don't fall for fake shit so easily.

But the problem is a lot of cognitive biases and dissonance is deep rooted in our brains because a lot of then are instincts that served us well.

Did you see a lion kill a guy for the first time ever before anyone knew they'd do that? Better assume all the Lions are deadly, because if you don't, and you're wrong, they'll eat your whole tribe.

This is exactly how us vs. them thinking starts.. how do you even beat that?

Donny eating my taco

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>Chose to let it fly
I guarantee you the CIA hasn't been knowingly letting our greatest political rival conduct any operations against the United States for decades.

They really got through the cracks with social media this time, but dude. Come on lol.

I mean I don't know about you but I don't even trust everyone's smart enough to even be taught how to beat these biases.

I thought living in fear is a liberal thing. You never know when your neighbor tyrone gets fedup on your white privilege and short on crackmoney. Or when you hear a truck accelerating behind you. I bet you watch your back all the time libshit cause it might be allahuakbar time. Faggot

Why are you picking and choosing Russia's interference in the 2016 election as your focus? Why not pick one of the countless times the USA interfered in another election first? Surely the impartial basis of which to focus on should be the first one, right?

>postulates supremacy
>kek internally

So then Hillary is not guilty of anything either right?