State you're job, salary, and age:
>Sous Chef at Wendy's Restaurtant
>12.25 per hour + benefits + free food
>28 years old
State you're job, salary, and age:
>Sous Chef at Wendy's Restaurtant
>12.25 per hour + benefits + free food
>28 years old
I'm a job?
I also am a job making less than 27k a year 19. Asl dawg?
"Give me 15 an hour! Make them do it, Bernie!"
$17/hr paramedic. 30 y/o.
Aiming for PA school
I'm a job where women make $300 an hour doing me.
No income
>flipping burgers
>sous chef
you fucking nigger
51k €/yr
Hospice DME Manager
33 today ( wish me happy birthday assholes )
>Chemical Plant Process Operator
>$30.00/h + benefits + overtime
>$96k last year
>28 years old
> Charter Pilot in an Arctic shit hole
> 85K a year + annual bonuses
> 29 years old
>wish me happy birthday assholes
fuck you and your birthday. go kys
i like that
how can i become this?
Carpenter on construction sites
35k € annual
>Not in 3rd world shithole called USA, so all benefits included
Thanks buddy :)
Tank Crewman
£20k Annual
20 - 25 per hour
decide my own schedule and when / where I can work
age 28
Wander up to northern Canada or Alaska and see who will pays the best.
Some years of previous experience and debt from licensing required.
for free
25 y.o.
iOS Support.
$13/hr. + benefits
Age : 38
Really thinking it's time I got a degree in something.
I've seen you many times over the years, stop calling yourself a sous chef you're not a sous chef. You flip burgers at a drive through.
Burger Flipper - I start tomorrow.
$17 an hour.
>Architect (not licensed)
Regional advisor for Cultural policies
15k a year
The third world is one hell of a drug bros
56k burgers
Full bennies
>Sous Chef
LMAO, shut the fuck up. Are you an assistant manager?
>Pharmacy Technician at a hospital
>33 years old
Life is suffering
24 Train conductor
44$ per hour
>Bus boy and server at local cafe
>$15 an hour + free food + Right next to college
>21 years old
>Paint cars and truck and collision repair
> get paid by the job but it usually $2000-4000 in 2 weeks
Full-time dentist and investor
€150-180/h + benefits
(Decide when I want to work or not)
>Maintenance technician for a warehouse
>30 y/o
I should get paid more, they havent finished thier audit on competitive pay in my area.
System Admin - DOI
>Student assistant (Software dev.)
>15 per hour
professional prostitute
$1000 an hour
14 yr old tranny
Fake and gay
> You're
Well we know now why op works at that greasy shit fest.
>Wagie at a flower shop.
>1,7k a month -taxes a bit over 1,3k
I have two jobs.
Aquatic Engineers assistant
Stock boy at ikea
I’m 22. I wish I was dead
15/hr + benefits lift operator at 22 yrs
four days on, three days off so I can't complain
train simulator doesn't count nerd!
Self employed, clean for a living, make $21-$25/hr, 31 years old.
People hate cleaning and Ive charged people upwards of $80/hr before because they were rich and condescending to my employees.
tl;dr work for yourself, you pay 10% or less in taxes and you get to work as much or as little as you want.
Mechanical engineer
63k per year + bonus(~1 month salary)
29 years old
Tell me where so I can apply as well
ATF IOI 40K....the government is like crime it dont pay
You've been doing this for quite a few years on the same pay. Should ask for a raise user
Sell fentanyl to dumb white kids
About 2500 a week
>Systems Engineer
>69k/year + Rental income
>27 years old
Production facility supervisor
76k any, full Ben's
My wife was a housekeeper until recently. Got to set her own hours and didn't have to talk to anyone. Had clients that held on to her for 3 or 4 years and would collectively give her more in tax free Christmas bonuses than I get from my salaried job. This user knows what he's talking about folks
I recently got my first job.
>Trainee Cyber Analyst (cyber security)
>67k a year
I've been neet for so long and I'm super excited and super worried.
Cashier at Panera
>Coke dealer
>1-3k a week
God i wish i had 30$ a day
Medical Nurse call system and fire alarm tester and serviceman.
60k$ a year
38 years old
I am a crew leader for a company that cleans windows and gutters mainly we also pressure wash and remove moss etc. Home maintenance shit.
$19/hr plus cash bonuses for effieciency and referrals and 5 star FB ratings. Oh and I am an injun living on reserve so my pay is not taxed at all.
20 yrs old.
IT project manager £28k a year, 18 plate company car and get to travel
Building maintenance technician
$16hr / full time
32k annual
22 yrs old
I am job
Happy birthday, smuggle yourself some of that morphine to celebrate with
>Head Banquet Server
>anywhere from 15-45 an hour + tons of benefits + free food made by an actual chef unlike OP
i organize gangbang and orgy for a living
i average about 2200€ a month
i'm 34.
38, I make about 100k a year with bonuses. I manage a team of 40 people doing electrical design.
Still smoking weed every day!
>100-300 dollars every shift (about 5 hours of work) +female attention.
>26 years old
Slave to the government
Small shop chief at TMDE lab
32.68 hour plus benefits
Cleared 90k last year
what ever happened to that faggot who works at walmart, he'd post everyday
>Slave to the government
>Small shop chief at TMDE lab
>32.68 hour plus benefits
>Cleared 90k last year
Forgot age: 34
>server at italian place, not olive garden
>$4/hr + tips & free homemade italian food/pizza
>20 (;
maybe he’s at walmart
>production gas plant operator
>$33/hour + union + OT
>24 years old
Finance. Not the US
Works out as ~$700k a year. 35.
If I'm going to have to work, I'll make sure I get paid properly
EE student & intern at a startup
5$/hr (not US, Central Europe where this salary is pretty decent)
20 yrs
>I work as much as I want so it's not interfering with uni
>can work from home
>gets 200$/month minimum
I usually make ~500$/month + I learn a lot
Credit risk manager in a bank
About 7k euros a month
25 now
Full time medical doctor on training
>professional robber and scammer
>make around 50k a month, a few thousand for a job, I know where to look and ofc some other things I have going on
$4000 - $12,000 /month. 26 Years old.
Shitty retail sales but it’s profit sharing/commission structure.
It’s an okay job, do nothing most of the day. Pretty much just bank on one or two good sales a week to survey waiting on the summer time. Once air conditioning season hits you have a good chance of breaking 5 figures for about 4 months out the year. The amount of stress and pressure put on you outways most of the benefits.
>Correctional Officer
>$44.50 (canadian) + OT + union
>48 yrs old
2nd Officer on small home trade tanker ship in teh UK
£38k tax free w/ 180 days holiday a year
4$? Is this in arizona?
Crew at Wendys 10 bucks an hour
Recently dropped out of college.
>Solider in Poland
>70k "złoty"/year
Get fucked pig you and your wanna be Freemason dick tugging shit friends are overpaid wastes of life
> Electrician
> 25 an hour
> 27
>coffe stand, sole employee
>8$ an hour
Why don't you just move to England and claim benefits? You'll earn more...
I’m an executive chef at Wendy’s and make 100k a year kid
"Solider" Is your job making fags dicks solid? Are you proud of making me ashamed of my country?
chef de partie at outback steakhouse, $10/ hour, 28 years old
Substation electrician
$54 hour + benefits + overtime
$130k last year
Factory production manager
$41.16 per hour
Full benefits
>I wish I was dead
In 4 easy steps your wish can come true! 5 if you don't have a rope...
Substance abuse counselor. 46k. Don’t know what that is hourly, but not much
Holy fuck, how much overtime did you get
Student, stripper, cam/porn
Respiratory Therapist
26 years old
21 yrs old
Truck driver
€15.30 / hour
is this field possible to get into without lots of school? I hate school
Manufacturing engineer for aero company
78k gross
How did this even happen how did I end up here.
Damn congrats dude
Specialty mechanic
>37k annually + commission
You this guy?
It's good to see ex-cons hate officers, it helps to keep them from re-offending. Good luck with your making something positive out of your life.
you should be making 25-32/hr
Chef and Wendy’s are two incompatible notions
Registered Nurse
28 years old
$56,000 after taxes, working 36 hrs/ week. never do overtime but I could make around 70,000
Voluntary social year at a nursery home for old people, 360€ per month, 19 years old
Public servant in Russia
$7000 a year
32 yo
>€55 a month
Mechanical designer, 56k, 26 years old
>private school
>have to pay 100 yuros each month
restaurant bartender
>Database Administrator for an Irish energy company
> 54k
> 20
I feel like you've posted the same thread for about a year and a half. it seems like you'd have gotten what you wanted out of it by now
Quit the Ikea job. You'd be surprised how much better you'll feel. I'd rather just not bother working if it's under $12 per hour. A carton of milk costs like $5. Not worth it compared to selling drugs or doing illegal shit
Software engineer
apprentice elecrician
6,6 euros/h
>Cook/dishwasher at a chain restaurant
>Benefits - overtime
>job: Security Guard
>salary: 7.50/hr
my job is pretty chill i don't even consider it a job at this point i just hang out at a place watching movies and playing ps4 until a truck comes check it in and go back to playing
You should start a business while doing that job. Something you can do from a computer
i study criminal justice while im bored sometimes i find random youtube vids especially psychology stuff , id like to do something like that but i have no idea how to get started
Ride dicks.
400 a dick
Fucked around 300 guys this year so do the math boys.
>server at nice cajun resturant
>anywhere between 200-1500 a shift+benefits+freefood
>last month brought home 8763
>19 years old
25, first 3 mobths of working life, earning a clean after tax of 12 euros an hour. Lunch is free. Getting 4% raise next month
mfw 19y/o is more sucessful at a dead end job than i am in my 13th year in IT
Retail store supervisor
17.50 + monthly commission upwards of 600 + benefits
22, get good
Just say Uber/lyft
>muh own boss
You work for a corporation that can fire you whenever they want
That's an average of 3.57 dicks a day, congrats. Your mum must be proud.
Research photographer
31K a year + benefits and overtime with a month of sick leave and a month of vacation
That was the joke you twat
Spouse and I take home 255k base salary combined as software engineers, age 29 + 30
That's ignoring stock grants, bonuses, and all other benefits, We just started new jobs so no bonuses yet, but signing bonus + a little stock from the previous job got is to around 300k last year according to our taxes.
Happy birthday asshole, have a nice day.
I’ve noticed the pay keeps going up while the age keeps dropping. this man has found the holy grail
Software dev
$86k+good benefits
32 yo
90K per year
poison tester
>I don't test on me, I test on animals
>I don't make the poison either, I just give it to animals and watch them die.
where? I just want to make that money by sit in a chair and type on a keyboard too
happy birthday and nice birthday dubs
Front end developer, 1k€/month, 27
Manage a technical team at a software company, $209k per year + benefits + a little over $750k in stock options. 39 years old.
Im in midwest. Pretty much any large company has software developers and will pay in the range of that after some experience, on the coasts pay is a lot more
A lot of it isnt just typing, its problem solving and having a broad background so you can identify potential issues and know how to move in the right direction.
Lab Technician for an Electrolyte Tin Plating Line at Arcelor Mittal
$110 000 per yr. Benefits+bonuses+profit sharing
ok so I just sit and ask questions at stackoverflow, I got it
26 yr old
Sell dead frozen Vietnamese children 1050$ a sale. Usually make around 10500$ annually no tax.
65 years old
>working at a xerox
>shitty payment
>21 yo
someday i'll be off the 3rd world
Dietary Cook at nursing home
No benefits
Our facility treats kitchen employees like shit
He is lying dumbass
>sous chef
From all real chefs, kys
OP reminds me of my boss
Went to school to become a sound chef, can't cook if his life depended on it
I'll take actual job experience over school taught any day
Probably why OP is a sous check at a fucking wendies
IT Director at a $200M a year wholesale food distributor.
$140K plus profit sharing, paid as an annual bonus, it was 16K in 2018, I just got this years, and it was 12K
I am 51 years old.
Fucking spell check
Looking good user
Even though I know OP’s post is copypasta, I still like these threads.
>Auto Damage Adjuster for Allstate
Poker Player
Last year 60k
Police Officer
working for 2 years
IT support
65000 + benefits
live animal specialist at local pet store
12$ an hour
poor as fuck
what do you do when youre not playing?
how often do you play for decent money?
>IT Project Manage/Software Developer
>$141,000/yr + benefits
I like maths so I study them.
I am thinking about moving to Macau. Big money there but probably I don't have the money/level to play.
Every week I play a couple of "big" tournaments.
But most of it is grinding.
is grinding just small tournaments? practice?
No, grinding is playing a lot of hands in No Limit Holdem Texas. Regular poker
Popsicle salesman
$10/hr + tips
22 yo
im not sure what that means but it sounds cool, wish i could make money doing something like that
Dude, is this startup automotive related?
Mater's degree student, working part-time as a Business Dev in an IT company
Welcome in fucking Central Europe, I already have a B. Sc. in Automatic Control and Robotics.
>Swimming Coach
>20 per hour + free food
>19 years old
Data scientist
150k year + benefits
Age 32
26 y/o.
I make like 15k a year or so. I live out of a van and work new jobs all over the country during the fall and winter.
Then I spend the spring and summer traveling the world.
I do a lot of thru hiking if anyone doesn't know what that is here basically I hike thousands of miles if scenic national trails like the Appalachian Trail or the PCT.
3 years ago I was a jobless virgin weeb and lived with my parents. I now experience freedom like never before.
Money doesn't make me happy personally. Nature does.
>field work for a drug mafia
>$3000 a month just for traveling around the world
What qualifications do you need to become a data scientist buddy?
$100K + 5% 401k
Javascript developer.
Life is sad isnt it user?
>General contractor electrical helper
>$14.50/hr +par diem
Trial lawyer
self-employed, best year I made $450k, literally lost money last year, so I paid to work
I would have more money if I spent less time fucking around
Even in my area where everything's cheap (the south) maintenance gets paid atleast 22 an hour
lab tech
>bar back
>$20 per hr.
>18 years old
>somewhat manager position at Petco
>24 with Bachelor's degree in Sociology/Psychology
Feels bad man. But I do get to play with doggos all day.
Senior macroeconomic advisor. 230k. Plus bonus (haven't been a full year so IDK how much).
It really depends on the position you are applying. Most positions require a masters/PhD in statistics, computer science or math related areas. For hands on work, probably knowing SQL, python, R, some deep learning framework (keras, tensorflow, pytorch), some script language, some good background in statistics should be enough. I have a background in applied math but I’ve been working in this area for the past 8 years, so most skills I just learned from actual work.
Broadcast engineer
17k net a year which is good pay in the 3rd world country I am in.
>bachelors in Soc/Psychology
that's probably why
Sous Chef at Brown's Socialhouse
$45,000 a year and tips and a free staff meal
>Chemical engineer
>150k a year + Great Healthcare + Car + End Salary based Pension fund + a fuck ton of airline miles
>Freight team at the Home Depot
Water meter technician making 15 an hour 25 years old. My gf in pic works 20 hours a week and makes more than double what i make being a nuclear technician fml
Great user, thanks a lot for your answer! Someone replied meaningfully without calling me a faggot, I'm more than surprised, thanks a lot once again! I have to consider data scientist job. Have a great day buddy.
I wanted to get my Master's in Social Work and become licensed in the field of dying and bereavement, but my wallet wouldn't allow that after the $40k it took to get my Bachelor's. Degrees in psych/soc aren't bad, but you deff have to have more than a 4-year to do anything useful with it unfortunately
>be me
>gonna retire at 30
>easily sell books
>my Associates and i bring in more people and we all get rich
>have nice ass car
>nice as house
>make over 100k a year
>only 21
Associates hook me up with the first books to sell for cheap
24 years old
Pizza Delivery Driver
13-24 an hour depending on the day, (averages out to around 16 or 17 total)
29 years old
play vidya in basement
Does mommy bring you tendies?
1000-1500$ a client, 12 escort ''boyfriend treatment''
500$ a shoot, 8 hours max
don't do dates with men, condom only
she does, but I have to dump the piss bottles
What a bitch, hit that fat sow > : (
Sounds like a pyramid scam
>kitchen hand / fast food salesman at an amusement park
>10,50€ + tip + occaisonal free food
It ain't much, but at least I'm not a starving bum
Software dev, 130k plus benefits, 37
I literally just get books cheap from my Associates then turn around and sell them, and keep the profit after paying off the books, how is that any kind of scam?
>But I do get to play with doggos all day.
worth it
Senior Cloud Engineer as a contractor
£140,000 a year or so depending client requirements
Age 30
Also working on building company, but I'm so lazy and have been very slowly working on it :(
Sounds shady
>But I do get to play with doggos all day
you got the best job in the thread there pal
Its called multi level marketing, retard
>State you're job, salary, and age:
>>Sous Chef at Wendy's Restaurtant
.25 per hour + benefits + free food
years old
Copy pasta bs
Jihady, 77 virgins per job, passport says 12 yr old
Electrical Apprentice
>infrastructure engineer
Kick ass job man . Thats tough to get into
how do i get started? i've seen it all requires experiance.
*second year electrical apprentice here
>require a masters/PhD in statistics, computer science or math
You must be lucky then.
Department of Interior? I've been trying to get back into govi work. 25 Infrastructure Engineer here
$24 - Systems Analyst - 33
Electrician - Oil rig
57$ an hour + tax free travel allowance
This year will be 105k$ and 16$k in vacation money.
Currently working 3 weeks on 3 weeks off.
why is there a sauce chef? you make sauce?
Hes probably doing 50hr/week
>Tempt job at a mental institution.
>Around 15 dollars per hour plus overtime and uncomforteble work hours.
>Studying full time to become a teacher
>24 years old
>Lieutenant in her majesty's army
>I get to send beautiful young souls to their deaths so I can move my drinks cabinet 6 inches closer to the terrorists.
I also get around 25k a year from a rental property
Happy birthday dude
>prototype engineer
>$48.75 per hour + benefits + pension
> 30 years old
What is your job about user?
Remember when this used to be bait? "HURR DURR WENDIEZ NO SHEFF! HURR DURR!" Now face/b/ook has a huge fucking thread about it and everyone's posting. Where's the "like" button on Yea Forums? How do I post this to my Yea Forums wall? Fucking cancer. Take this AIDS to /soc/ where it belongs.
registered nurse doing home health/palliative care
33 yo
you broke him
>5 bikes a week
in bulgaria?
>$34-$55/hr + benefits
>26 years old
he's a prototype engineer you faggot
>Heavy Equipment Mechanic (union)
>$42 an hour+benefits+pension plan
>24 years old
Contact me dude. Not gonna give my mail here, my snapchat is dershare
7$/h software engineer
I can read you twat, I have no idea what a prototype engineer do for a living but I know what you do - suck cocks you faggot.
"Chef" at Wendy's?
Small Business owner
$60-90k depending on year
Door security. £9/10 an hour. 33
i was just gonna say, looks like having even the
slightest bit of an education is too much to ask
for from fast food workers.
Paint looks good
I got an 84 Camaro that needs paint, when can you book me?
£59k ($78)
>postal clerk
>22.73/hr with full benefits and biannual raises
>sells person at Jared (jewelry store)
>12 an hour+ commission+severely discounted jewelry (up to 80% off).
Helping out at storage at Biomex (company that ships blood plasma to pharma jews)
10€/hour full time.
18 year old
Truck driver
38 cents per mile
26 yrs old
Yes sir
>digital journalist for regional newspaper
>$45k annually
Software Engineer - Cloud Systems
Network security at a data center. 16.48/h. 29yo
Why don’t you buy and resell the jewelry??
i'm a chef and you calling yourself a sous chef offends me
Deputy Sheriff / School Resource Officer
Yea Forums breast examiner
3 chicken nuggies/hour
pizza rolls bonus
free housing in moms basement
>Assistant Manager at a big grocery store chain
>64k a year before tax
>Union rebates on all kinds of shit, dental, education, courses, etc.
>System Engineering Manager for a Aerospace / Defence / Communications conglomerate
>49k€ yearly + travel expenses paid and benefits
I could do a lot better money-wise if I would accept a consulting position as an expat, but I am still making good bank travelling the world and working on interesting stuff.
Managing director of my own company
No hourly because tax reasons
I own a vape shop.
oh yeah age is 22
Happy birthday, it's mine as well!
I need the motivation to do something like this. nature is the world's anti depressiant . Would sure beat the factory job.
Field work as in how?
>Chemical plant operator
Chicken factory. I kill chickens for their meats. £8 an hour. 35 yo
do the chickens have large talons?
Senior Network Engineer
85k/year + Stock options + Bonus & Benefits
Living the dream
>IT for an airline in Hawaii
>66k a year + $35/mo for a family's PPO medical and dental insurance (braces cost me like a grand, invisaligns are almost 2), free flights for life after 20 years, fly for and to work, travel the world for funsies. Also get paid when I'm on deployment.
>Marine Reservist
>E-3 and formerly married so I make like 5 grand a month because of zip code
>when on reserve duty just like 400 a month
>tricare if I wanted
>workout all day for pay
>precheck and USOs
>preferential treatment everywhere practically
>weapons training
>survival training
>military honor and discipline
>real estate owner (just bought my first house last month and rent it out)
>2k/mo expenses
>4k/mo revenue
>2k/mo profit
>credit is fucking phenominal
>going to switch to corporate housing for the mega dosh
>respect as "wealthy"
>respect as fulfilling not just my american dream but others' as well
>still 22
>max out roth and traditional and 401k + 402g (TSP)
>own about 300 btc because I bought it at less than a dollar and was mining since I was 12 10ish years ago with a shitty laptop
>earn about 6% month over month consistently because not stupid and can trade well
>still 22, can I please have my wife back
I still miss my wife. Was pretty based and would trade all that wealth for her to be herself again. Was based as fuck and hot, also getting to have sex benefits of marriage in teens and early 20s was amazing. Beats dosh infinitely.
But now I have Yea Forums. Forever. Kill me.
If anyone wants to know how to make dosh I can let you know but it's not nearly as hard as people make it out to be.
22, security at 17/hr and than a graveyard janitor for 17 dollars, work 80 hour weeks and hardly sleep
Wait what? Which state/country?
I'm a Mechanical Engineer too.
95k/year + bonuses (1k per trip to Asia, typically 5-6times/year)
Cuck 100$
>cloud systems engineer
>100k plus benefits and bonuses
And I'm still lonely as fuck
$30hr...ish...around there. I haven't checked in a while.
17/hr soon to be 20/hr upcoming promotion to driver
Come on down to the oilfield
Which country?
>US Marine. Military Occupancy Specialty is Electrician
>$700-$800 on the 1st and 15th of every month+ free tuition assistance + post 9/11 GI bill that pays for college tuition + free housing + free food + free travel expenses from duty station to duty station + 30 vacation days a year + free gym + more that i cant name off the top of my head
>Professor of Astronomy and planetary science
>£112k + 12 weeks paid holiday
Have you seen Golden Boy? Because you're basically him.
Im tired of the wendy's chef meme
>+get dead when someone tells you to.
>sous chef
Production sound mixer at Warner Bros.
~$85k/year, union benefits, top tier healthcare
Under 30 y/o.
no job
crypto trader
~2200 € per month
Fast food
$12 hr
Social security disability
So just under 28k a year working part time.
ESB? Heard they pay well. 56k starting is class.
>Sous Chef
nigga you handin out pockets of ketchup
You forgot
> Being tossed out like last week's leftovers when I retire
>bahama bucks (shaved ice and smoothies)
>18 years old, worked here since 16
pay is kind of shit and not enough coworkers to make scheduling decent but the owners (franchised) are the nicest old people i’ve ever met
they throw us winter and summer parties, very wholesome
mattress factory
>7k/month + pussy on call
Aircraft Mechanic
~$75,000 annually before taxes, after benefits
>risk life for 20k a year
college student and driver at dominos
9.18€ an hour 50 hours a month
18 year
Warehouse worker
34k a year + benefits + bonus
22 yo
pension? nice
Britbongs don't use their tanks you fool
happy birthday user hope u enjoy)
Which college?
what did u study, how long did it get you, how could you land such a job without "experience" at a young age and what type of programmer are you
he risk his life by living in uk) get shot by nigger tomorrow))
>11.80/hr Retail Market Clerk/Meatcutter
>Only pulled in 21k last year, but I've got a 401k and full benefits.
How in the fuck are some of you working as low end restaurant bus boys and you're making more than most of my fucking managers?
I used to be a Pongo and I used to drive a Chieftain tank.
>University professor of biomedical science and research fellow at local university
>£123,000 a year (approx. $163,000) not including investments
Wolfson college.
Is it interesting? How did you get into it?
Which college?
University College London and research fellow at University of Aberdeen
Yeah, I have experience with commercial jets, but work on water bombers right now.
Every day is different, co-workers are like family.
Didn't want to waste time after high school. The program was offered in my hometown.
No one making $200K/yr like there usually is today huh?
Data Analytics / BI
$87K east coast US + full benefits
Pretty sure I'm underpaid. Analytics manager in this area is more like $120K which I am acting as
Amazing how much better paid professors are in the UK
Min. wage in some states is up over $12/hr now. I'm surprised there's people that aren't kids employed for anything less than $10/hr these days. I've lived in "low COL" areas and very high COL areas, and I can say outside housing the low COL areas still aren't actually that cheap (e.g., food).
Im currently studying Computational Engineering but I dont like it. I will apply at my countrys Ab Initio ATPL program, if they decline me I might look into aircraft mechanic
It depends on how you view it. 120k is comfortable enough for settling down in the capitol in a nice flat with your partner and a kid or two, but it's not terribly much for the London lifestyle.