Hey Yea Forums, I just wanted to ask, am I at least an OK trap?
Hey Yea Forums, I just wanted to ask, am I at least an OK trap?
I'd still hit it
No? That is fucking gay
Ah, thanks I guess
You look like the 42%
Stop being mentally ill. Get some mushrooms or some mdma and do some soul searching without ego. You will see that changing your gender won't fix your mental illness
I'm not gay or trans or whatever fucking tag they're putting it on these days. I'm just cosplaying.
That doesn't make it better faggot.
You look cute user
thanks friend A
noooot really. sorry
appreciate the honesty
No capes
Jesus skull fucking christ, no.
I could not be any less attracted
Big fucking yikes, you'll never look feminine enough
thanks for honesty
I'd take you to pound town. I'm bi though so I don't really card.
ah, well...thanks anyway
Yes! Veronica Sawyer cosplay?
To be frank, it's hard to tell without seeing the face. And I understand not wanting to show your face on Yea Forums.
You need a new wig, sweetie...
OP clicked yes.
Tbh you could still use a little work but overall yes you look like a trap
Show dick? Preferably by raising your skirt and revealing that you have on no underwear
I don't think I would be comfortable with that lol
well then fuck you, you stupid bitch you're not even good-looking
That's kind of the reason I posted asking if I look like a trap lol
still, show dick tho
you need to carry a bagpipe to complete the scottish look.
lol, I'll keep that in mind
Your a gay fuck I can tell you that
thanks guy, appreciate it
who is the girl hiding behind you?
You look like a dude in a skirt with faggy hair and a submissive pose.
cute, just needs some fixing of your clothes and your pose is a bit too shy
If it's a joke I'm afraid I don't get it or if it's serious, no idea what you mean
Right thanks, and pose was not intentional, just had no idea what to do
yeah i could tell, but that's just something that comes with practice and confidence so don't worry too much about that
Ohh... I noticed them
Oh I just realised. that's just the reflection
You look like bravehearts gay cousin.
Where is it? Can anyone point it out?
>stop being mentally ill
as a schizophrenic right winger you should know that you can't stop being mentally ill
but since you're clinically retarded i do understand that you cannot comprehend that "mental illness" is not a slur or something bad per se
>drug abuse instead of HRT
that explains so much
get help, go into therapy and stop "soul searching" you esoteric dimwit druggy
Also how did you take the pic?
Holy fuck it isn't there legit someone behind you look behind at yo legs!!!
my phone was on my bed on timer
It's time to change the topic
There also is a face on your bed
there is?
I can see the ghost's face
I can't see it, I feel left out
Show us your dick. And none of this "I'm not feeling comfortable with that" shit, I don't care how you feel, you fucking mental case. Show us your dick
maybe Yea Forums wasn't a good place to post lol
Fuck off aero
only if you dont pass
Thanks for honest answer
You live in America? If so what state?
Terrible wig. Terrible, terrible wig. Other than that though, not bad.
I don't live in America
Thanks, from what I've gathered here it's pretty bad
Ok just asking cuz you look insanely like a friend I had a couple years ago who was a closeted and when found out I'm a faggot start showing me this "transformation guy" trap comic. Figured you were him finally taking the plunge.
No your face is like 99.99% manly, you have that Jay Leno chin going on.
Sorry guy, I'm afraid I'm not your friend. I often get mistaken for a lot of people. I guess my face is common or something
Where are u from?
I'd totally fuck your sweet little boipucci
Seems to be true, sure there's only the one who has the same body type as you but looking closer at (what I can see of) your face you actually look similar to like 5 or 6 people I've known this past decade.
I'm in Australia so luckily, nowhere near you. But thanks for the compliment nonetheless
>he doesn't want his tight little boipucci wrecked