Whelp, looks like my days are numbered...

Whelp, looks like my days are numbered. Our company went on some stupid fucking PC kick and the new HR girl is this short and fat bull-dyke Tumblr looking thing.

>Nose ring
>Some weird colored hair
>Fat as fuck with ridiculously hairy arms
>She knows I have a reputation for sleeping around
>She stares me down everytime we're in the same room

Well Yea Forumsros, looks like it's time to start hunting for a new job. I'm sure Bertha the fat disgusting animal tranny will find a reason to fire my cis-white ass.

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90% sure that with that shitty attitude yeah, she will. Most of the office will probably be grateful for it...

If those things are keeping you away, they're doing their job.

Let me guess, you have your pro-nouns on your Twitter bio.

Why do you explode with this cartoonish anger every time someone disagrees with you? Grow up. Your opinions need to learn to take criticism.

Pretty much this. He’s acting like a complete manchild.

>Why do you explode with this cartoonish anger every time someone disagrees with you? Grow up. Your opinions need to learn to take criticism.

That's rich coming from anyone who supports the PC movement.

go out in style bro, the day you get fired do some shit that'll trigger the fuck out of her and probably make her cry. Tell her
>shave her fucking arms you ugly ass gregorian guard
or something along the lines.
Best of luck to you bro don't let the tumblr fags keep you down.

im with you op i've bounced around several jobs enough to know that the workplace is sexist....against men
women are ALWAYS perferred over men and will ALWAYS get promoted over you no matter how hard you are busting your ass
good luck nigga the only thing i would suggest is getting into a field that women won't touch with a 10ft pole like public service (city landscaping, city plumbing etc.)

This. Lol dude can't help but get incensed when he sees someone with unnatural hair color.

OP, if you chilled out, this would be a non-issue. Have fun being unemployed.

Not op but I work in assembly in a factory. Almost all of the women are fat as fuck and literally do nothing but gossip. We're always behind in production because they don't do anything and no one seems to care. We have to do a ton of overtime every week.

also trips of truth, go somewhere else pc niggers

>women are ALWAYS perferred over men and will ALWAYS get promoted over you no matter how hard you are busting your ass
What world do you live in?


I support people who are living their lives over people who get angry over arm hair user, and I'm not alone.

Jeez I didn't know how infiltrated Yea Forums was.

the real world

Oof. See what I mean about the hairy arms thing? It just makes you look like a salty faggot who can't take an L.

yeah... feminists are very tolerant of how people live their lives...

Where in his own post did he even say he supports the PC culture? Now you’re just jumping to wild conclusions. Seriously, you’re almost as bad as these degenerate PC bitches with your overly confrontational attitude. Also way to prove his point.

Also screenshotted your highlight over his post so you don’t try to predictably proclaim we’re “same-fag”. Grow up user and accept criticism that’s contrary to your own opinion.

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Victim complex much?

Tell your boss or the owner of the company, nobody wants unproductive workers so all the cows that gossip instead of work will get fired.

Degenerate detected. No one respectable works in a factory. It's honest and hard work but full of junkies and felons.

You never said she was a feminist. You never even talked to her. You said she had hairy arms and you were freaking out trying to find a new job. What a vagina you are. The world is not crafted for your comfort, guy. Learn to live in a society.

Where'd you go, OP? Abandon thread, huh?

i don't really care since that shit is in the past now
i'm just telling it like it is as i've seen and experienced it first hand
trust in me if you did half the shit i did you would feel the same way

Way to generalize. You’re literally as bad as the SJW’s. Instead of taking the level headed moderate approach you pivot to another extreme of intolerance. In my lemme you’re literally equally as invalid as those SJW nuts.

*in my opinion

Yep you’re fucked. But don’t forget the propaganda, the right controls the world!

The HR girl at my job is short, fat and black. She calls me baby all the time and I'm pretty sure she wants to fuck me. I worked at a job with a PC HR and the orientation to work there was nothing short of ridiculous.

I'm about 85% confident if I ask for a promotion or raise, I could get one.

I think it's punk to do whatever
the fuck you want. That's why I
like Yea Forums.

Then why don’t you do that to excel? Seriously; I’m not being sarcastic.

They have a 6 month policy where you have to be in the job you were hired to do for 6 months before you can move to another department or get a promotion. My job sucks ass but they do some point system that's based on attendance and use that for everything.

>It's only been 2 months
4 more months of building heavy ass doors until I can try to get into a comfy IT job there.

wut? we need you to spend 6 months training, get good at it then if you have good attendance we'll let you transfer? you sure that's how that works?

Then hang in there and try to avoid burnout. Keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself while on the job and I’m very confident you can get that promotion/raise you spoke of. Good luck user!

Yes. It's a very mismanaged place and there are plenty of people in management positions that they shouldn't be in.

JIDF are raiding to stop a repeat of the meme war of 2016,
and there are a few tumblr tards hanging around since that site died

>if you chilled out
>around rabid SJWs
where have you been the past 5 years, cunt?
sucking dick?

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It's literally a Discord group full of trannies that brigade here and /pol/ all day. Not a meme. There is a real Discord full of trannies and far leftists that brigade here with BBC porn, "u mad white boi" posts and far leftist shit all day. There are hundreds of them in this group.

>living their lives
which exactly is -not- what SJWs do

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This. The second OP got a new boss, he immediately knew that anyone who didn't identify as a random gender and anyone with white skin was in danger.

>being as semantic and fragile as possible is a surefire way to make this other guy look bad!

>neon hair
>piercings and shit
are you for real you retardo?

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>women display warning colors
>men make fun of it

who do you think the warning is for?

That’s hilarious!

Behold as the whiny man-children defend their entitled attitudes by assuming that they're right and everything else is a conspiracy. Next up: the earth is flat because I'm too dumb for actual science

Newfag I've been here over ten years. There was no meme war in 2016. There were influencers all over the website...

Not my new boss she's some mid-level HR cunt. My boss is a God tier coder and fit junkie. He likes to run for fun and absolutely despises PC people. I lucked out for a long time to find a web development studio that wasn't full of hipster douchey PC leftists. Everyone's cool and political talk is kept to a minimum. It had to be ruined eventually I guess.

dont speak reality to these onanists
they run away from it 24/7

Okay, so tell me how much information you can get about someone just by how much hair is on their arms? Is it growth per square inch? Or do you calculate based on length? Basic suburban bitch, learn to live with other people around.

This. Maybe she'll fire you for sleeping around OP? This would make sense.

Nose ring having faggot here. As long as you haven’t made any explicit remarks about fellow co workers you should be fine. If though they do fire you with out giving a valid reason you can always sue, in most cases if there is a problem they will come to you first and attempt to change your behaviour (that is if your a valued employee, if you work a shit job they don’t bother).

Same one as me...

Why do you keep focusing on the hairy arms thing? Did you not read anything else about the description? If I said, "the new guy has a Swastika tattoo on his head, has bulky arms and skinny legs", you'd probably say "WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST SKINNY LEGS HUH?! LET PEOPLE LIVE THEIR LIFE!"

>We have to let you go because you have a lot of sex
Seems legit.

>JIDF are raiding to stop a repeat of the meme war of 2016,
good luck with that
it is a war of structures and their top down centralized one doesnt stand a chance

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What if you're u get later in your career and a woman with hairy arms ends up your boss again. You won't be able to cope, you will end up in a tailspin again just like today.
Because OP posted about hairy arms. Does your arm hair grow in that swastika pattern naturally? If not, the swastika is a hate symbol. Hairy arms and even a nose ring is a symbol of nothing, user.

well if you have a good contact with the boss why dont you talk about it with him point blank?
better than waiting to get canned dirtily and painfully imo

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>just by how much hair is on their arms
that was just one clue among many though
hint: women who need a man shave their pits

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Haha YES THIS OPIE! Go into your bosses and tell them you don't like the look of the new HR lady. Tell them everything you've told us here.

Now imagine someone actually doing that and you'll see why this place is toxic for your mind.

the influencers were overwhelmed by the genuine users thanks to the trump campaign flare up

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I'm fat (200lbs, 5'5"), bisexual, if it wasn't for my dad I'd have dyed hair and a septum piercing. I'm not a feminist though, I believe that men and women in the western world are already equal and 3rd wave feminism is pure shit. Looks aren't everything

Your mind is addled with something. Those were the influencers. A lot of those people are in prison or are going to prison over it. Get your nose out of the mainstream US news.

that's why op didnt just mention her looks but the attitude that comes with it
all the clues fit the rabid sjw useless cunt who sucks out the life of any endeavor
op has to kill the whale to save his company

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>Your mind is addled with something.
grab a good mirror and stick it up your arse faggot

Have sex change

Uh... well, that would be concerning because I doubt she knows nearly the amount of coding shit my boss knows.

Nah, I'm going to go into a sit down meeting with my managers, then go home and have the same meeting with my wife, telling everyone I've just quit my job and sent my life into chaos because the lard ass HR lady has too much arm hair.

Adults do not make decisions this way.
OP never spoke to her, what does he know about the attitude that comes with anything?

op's hr lady on off hours

>attire has nothing to do with morals

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Kek yeah like you have a real job you incel neet faggot

>OP even makes himself a player who sleeps around in his bullshit story kek

>OP never spoke to her
SJWs always lie

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>you CAN judge a book buy its cover
Can you learn? Can you demonstrate insight? Let's see.

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Tbh, the one on the far left really isn't that far off. Minus the tattoos of course.

rape her to assert your dominance

i noticed that too, they are always an idealised version of them self in their stories


No!! It's really a true story guys! I'm going to go home and tell my family I gave up a $75k a year contract with benefits because the new HR lady is a lard ass bitch with arm hair.

Come on OP, where are you at? Did you call your family at home and tell them you'll have to go on assistance because the HR lady was fat? What did they say? Did your wife take the kids?

report her to superiors for sexual harrasment


YES, do this and record it. SoundCloud that shit, it will go viral.

Where'd you go?

I don’t think she’ll mind that you’ve slept with all the guys in the office.

Are you sure you have the right thread?:

>Because OP posted about hairy arms
>She knows I have a reputation for sleeping around
>She stares me down everytime we're in the same room
>I'm sure Bertha the fat disgusting animal tranny will find a reason to fire my cis-white ass.

Its funny how you incels are forever crying about how 'the left don't care about facts' when your world views and theories are so insubstantial that you have to completely fabricate stories to try fool gullible people into thinking their is some truth in your bullshit.


Are you sure about that? If anyone is shilling here its the altright since the newfag wave of the 2016 elections, every time i open up Yea Forums there is ATLEAST 1 thread larping about 'cis white men being opressed again'. Holy fuck im starting to miss the old Yea Forums more and more, sure we had stormfags, but i respected stormfags, at least they weren't fucking normies.

Good. #girlpower in effect

>still not over it

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>You have a reputation for sleeping around
>new girl gets hired
>she stares you down every time shes in the same room as you
Can't you tell she wants to get fucked? You should aggressively come onto her.

Literally this. They are extra butthurt about Mueller and they are in full damage control mode.
If you want to piss them off support your local Mueller threads and just all around troll JIDF in them

>She knows I have a reputation for sleeping around
you know what to do...

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>has a job
>sleeps around
>cares for what others might think about him
>goes on Yea Forums for help with his normie problems

Piss off fucking normie scum. You are the cancer that is ruining the internet.

Why are phoneposters always so mad?

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Tumblrinas arent living their lives, they're actively trying to ruin the lives of everyone else. The fact you dont understand just proves you're one of them or a basic faggot who is happy a normal white guy is about to lose his job. I hope you get raped to death

maybe show self control at work. it's your job.

You can still sue gor wrongful termination as long as you dont do anything wrong. Sleeping around isnt illegal.


>Tumblrinas arent living their lives, they're actively trying to ruin the lives of everyone else.
Read this again and realize you're talking about an internet forum.

DOnt you mean a dude?

>I have poor reading comprehension: the post

Ok faggot, 200% sure you work in fast food or something and don’t have anything close to a job.

It's incredible how fast people leapt to the defense of somebody they don't know. They immediately project flaws onto the OP and virtues onto this stranger without a seconds hesitation to the point of just making shit up.

Also seems like they are too lazy to read the entire post and just stopped after the first 4 lines because somehow they never got to the part about staring OP down whenever they are in the same room.

Of course OP might be lying but if you think that's the case then why even bother replying to the thread? It's not anyone else from the company OP works at is here to provide additional information.