No collusion

No collusion.
I told you so.
Bet you wished you listened now.

But it's not over yet anons. You need to keep on paying attention.
>pay attention.
Did you see Trumps response to the report?

Who really colluded anons.
Was it Hillary, the DNC and Obama?
We all know.

Attached: IMG_7674.jpg (722x400, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He's colluding with the jews tho.

Attached: jew pepe.jpg (394x458, 25K)


Building solid relationships is not collusion.

They all do

Fairly true. And this is something yang posters need to learn

Attached: presidents are jew puppets.jpg (865x1004, 311K)

I will accept anything the Mueller report says, but only the report. I won't accept what Fox or CNN say about it, or what any asshole says, I will only accept the primary source, the report itself.

Until it is released anything anybody says is bullshit.

without question

Yang posters are shills.
They've been exposed by /pol/
Genuine shills.

This. Everything else is just spin

Dumple bumb

Great now we need to sit through trump wasting more time and tax dollars on an an inquisition or some shit.

Attached: 7659518046.jpg (2184x1394, 156K)

How are you not banned?

Niggers tongue my anus

>what any asshole says
>anything anyone says is bullshit
Not an asshole.

Good mindset to have user. Don't believe anything anyone says. Read it for yourself. I know you're not going to listen to me.
But when I tell you Trumps not a "puppet for the Jews" you should at least take me a little seriously.
I haven't let you anons down so far.

And now I tell you, Hillary and Obama, colluded with Russia/Ukraine. Sold uranium illegally of course.
Sold the weapons that lead to the Benghazi attack. They knew full well, days in advance. They allowed it to happen. Not to mention the billions in cash sent to Iran, along with nuke blueprints.

Hillary is more involved with Libya than you can possibly imagine.

There is a storm coming anons. A storm of the likes you've never seen before.


it wont be released though

>They've been exposed by /pol/

release the document or gtfo

Exactly. But The sore losers are unhinged.

>Read it for yourself
it hasn't been released yet maga idiot

>Sold uranium illegally of course.
You mean being one of several parties involved with Russia buying a canadian company?
>Since uranium is considered a strategic asset with national security implications and Uranium One owned uranium mining operations in the United States, the acquisition of Uranium One by Rosatom was reviewed by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), a committee of nine government cabinet departments and agencies including the United States Department of State, which was then headed by Hillary Clinton. Clinton herself did not sit on CFIUS, but rather the State Department was represented by Jose Fernandez, the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic, Energy and Business Affairs, who stated that Clinton was not involved in the Uranium One matter.[

but you JIDF fags have been saying you have read it for the last 3 months

Hillary was also cleared by an investigation.

When Trump accepts those results, I'll accept his.

Nice try at deflection, but you're still an idiot.

While I would also like to see the report plus all the FISA information, you can't sit here and make the argument that when Barr quoted Mueller's report in his memo, he was not properly quoting him.