How do i stop biting my nails /b?

How do i stop biting my nails /b?

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chop finger off
no nails no problem

just stop biting them

looks disgusting
every morning dip your fingers in your morning shit. Or chilli. Or anything you're allergic to. Or grow up you fucking underage faggot

Shoot yourself in mouth
no teeth no problem

try putting nail polish remover on them. also try dealing with the issues that encourage your nail biting

finger your asshole

thing is i just bite no stress or depression or cancer it just randomly happens

try chopping off your fingers so that you no longer have any fingernails to bite :)

finger in pooper errytime you want to bite them

Quads and you chop your finger off


thats irrelevant just use the god damn nail polish remover

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try dipping them in something bitter, or something that tastes/smells like something you really dont like. Every time you chew your nails, you'll feel disgusted and eventually stop.See if that works, OP

Had same issue you gotta remind yourself not to do it every time you do it and stop as you finish thr first bit

but then finger food tastes like aids

i had this issue when i was 10

heres how i fixed it

>be me
>4th grade user
>have been biting my nails forever
>decide to stop biting my nails

havent bit them unconsciously since

holy fucking shit you're a genius

Go to your local chemist and ask them for help, when I was younger they gave me this like clear nail polish type shit, everytime I bit my nails it was the worst experience, stopped in two days

whenever you feel like biting your nails, do something else. like pinching yourself, or touching your nose or something. this might help associate your sudden urges to bite your nails with something else.


just happy to help where i can