Wholesome thread!

>Wholesome thread!
What’s the most nicest/wholesome thing a stranger did for you that made you happy?

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Sucked my peener when I was 4.

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Creepy af eyes in 2nd panel

story time

When I was in massage school, a classmate and I went to Amatos to get lunch during our half-hour lunch. A woman standing ahead of us in line noticed we were students by our uniforms, and offered to buy our lunches. It might not have been the biggest thing in the world, but it was kind and we were very grateful.

Some stranger paid $5 for me in the story when I realized I didn’t had enough money with me

typo. I meant store


nice one!

Can't remember it all. But here goes

> Be me, I was 4 years old when it happened.
> I life in the Netherlands
> My parents and I went to my aunt. The aunt had a daughter who was 6 yrs old.
> Me and her go to her room
> Says to me: user, why do you have a little worm there and I don't?
> Me: you don't have a peewee? Let me see!
> First time I saw a vaginer.
> Wow, that's cool! How do u pee?
> Dunno, it just sorta happens. Then she says: can I taste your worm?
> Me: ok sure, just don't bite! And afterwards I want to taste your thingy.
> She goes and sits on her knees and she begins to lick.
> My face when first smol boner.
> Whoa that never happened before!
> Cousin: taste kinda weird. But its cool to see it harden!
> Me: now I lick yours! Go on my knees and lick her cunt right on the slit. Taste nothing.
> Me: taste boring, lets play with your toys cousin!
> Mfw I realised what was rly going on when I was 16 years old.
> Afterwards we were still good friends tho.

That's about it really.

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congrats! and also it’s nice that you’re still friends today

Penis inspection day
Best mate is away sick
He’s upset that he missed penis inspection day
I visit him and inspect his penis
He is happy

Yeah, she was like: okay weird that it happened. But ya know, stuff happens

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Did you say no homo before you inspected his penis?

I feel you. That’s a very kind woman.

Complemented me on my watch. That’s it my life is very depressing.

The world is filled with kind people. If you can’t find one, be one.

My mum died when I was a teenager, many years ago. One day I was at a pub, drinking alone, started talking to an old lady, 60ish, we talked about politics, family, etc. She told me if my mum had seen me now, she'd be proud of me. Made my eyes tear up. She gave me a hug. That was nice.

I was very shy in high school and someone told me i had nice eyes and that lit up the rest of my day and still don't forget it, very nice thing to hear

Yeah no someone threatened me and my dog with a taser today, I was on my driveway clearling ice minding my own business , when my dog a border collie (not a aggressive breed, it’s a herding dog) barked at someone passing by. This person starts yelling at me at my dog at which point my dog thinks I’m being threatened, so I grab my dog, only to have this guy pull out a taser and start pointing it at my dog, while going off about how it’s completely legal for him to do all this. So no fuck people, if I could of shot the bastard I would off.

Sorry about your mom!

Ok, edgeman

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Mm, sorry to hear that! There will be always ignorant assholes. But this doesn’t mean that you should be one too. Hope your dog is doing okay!

Thanks. Shit happens.

> be me
> have bad mood
> walking home from school
> femanon comes up to me
> hands me a piece of paper
> opens the note
> "I think you are cute! Give this note to another cute person you see on the street to make their day!"
> my mood brightens up
> made my day

> it’s the next day
> omw to school
> see a cute girl
> goes up to her
> give her the note
> watch how her face brightens up
> feels good to make other people smile

Yeah she’s fine it’s just fucking annoying when I have to deal with assholes on my own property. Honestly the whole situation of having a person pull out a taser and point it at me and my dog, has just really doesn’t make me want to deal with people when ever I don’t have to. Not that I won’t be nice to others and open doors and be civil and such, just that I’m not going to go out of my way to engage with them knowing that there’s people out there who have no problems with escalating a minor situation to that extent. I’m calmly trying to tell this person that my dog is not going to attack them unless they keep yelling (because it’s freaking her out) and that I’ve got her and that everything is fine, all while they point their taser at me talking about self defence. I tried to see if there were any laws about brandishing in a neighbourhood, but tasers are unregulated as are firearms in the state I live in.

I hope this doesn’t happen to you again. Wish the best for you!


smiled at me on the street. was 10/10 gurl

a complete stranger let me fuck his Ukrainian sex slave for $25

Jesus. Just reading about this happening makes me angry. Thankfully most people don’t behave in this manner. I totally see where you’re coming from though

how was the sex?