Slept with my bestfriend, now i'm scared that our friendship is at stake, what do?

Slept with my bestfriend, now i'm scared that our friendship is at stake, what do?

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Is this a fag thing?

She's a girl.

post her noods

yes it's over

tell him it was just The Heat of the Moment

welp, gotta get married now

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Ok good.
I married my best friend. 20 years later she fucking tried yo cuck me but fucking a guy frome her high school she found on facebook. We now live together a like siblings. Its a very sad ending to something that was so wonderful. But I'm shattered and disillusioned at this point.
But I don't think I would change a thing. At least she didn't murder me for my life insurance.

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Your English sucks
No wonder she cucked you

Disgusting.... You know you aren't supposed to sleep with the female best friend. Everyone with a female best friend knows that. Hope it was worth, best friend fucker.

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I'm using a phone and trying to help OP. What constructive things will you do today?
Pic related to my first marriage. My second is what a shared with OP

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Huh. I also married my best friend, but we're still extremely happy twenty years later. I'd say: "Shit, that means I'm due", but things are going great.

Sorry to hear about what happened to you. I cannot imagine how that betrayal must have felt.

Oddly enough a lot of girls will try to get revenge on you if you don't sleep with them. I've had to turn down girls cause I didn't want to sleep with someone that was drunk or I'm not into the cuckolding thing and generally kinda feel bad about myself sleeping with a girl that's already attached. Your friendship is probably already over if you got close to fucking but didn't. The thing you got to keep in mind here is that a girl wouldn't hesitate to sleep with a man she considers better. Initial impressions are more important than you ever improving you're already pegged as that guy and you're always going to be that guy in her opinion.

Amazing, some women, eh?

>be honourable and refuse to sleep with drunk woman
>woman: gets mad and hurts man

>sleep with drunk woman
>woman: I couldn't consent, so you're a rapist

Sexbots can't come soon enough.

Well she was on some strong head meds and spent some time in a "hospital" after a suicide attempt. She blames the head meds and is back to normal now. I wish I could say the same for myself. Its me that is damaged at this point. I feel dead inside. Just waiting for my body to get the memo

>Oddly enough a lot of girls will try to get revenge on you if you don't sleep with them.
This may be one of the reasons why my sister stopped talking to me.

Its been 5 years since this

ask for a blowjob

when she says no, whip out your dick and start masturbating in front of her

Christ, man, that's fucked. My wife is easily the most emotionally stable person I know, so I'm not too worried about us, but damn, that sucks.

From one internet rando to another, for what it's worth: I really do hope it gets better for you.

OP here, the problem is i just started going out with her sister, granted nothing has clicked yet and i thought about breaking up with her.
She has has a huge fight with her bf who was a little abusive.
So i guess all these factors led to this, i just don't want to lose her as a friend.

did you do anal?

sleep with her again and act normal about it. sex dont ruin anything in a friendship unless one of you start acting weird about it. i fuck one of my best friends regulary, its nice and simple sex and thats it.

Let me get this straight:

You slept with your best friend...
...while going out with her sister?

So you cheated on your new girlfriend with her sister, who happens to be your best friend?

If that is the case, you fucked up a lot harder than you thought.

I'm not really interested in sex bots. I can see why some people find it appealing. I just prefer avoiding social or work interactions with females now. I'm fine with just admiring a couple of them for whatever reason and never interacting with them or anything.
That would be a bummer, I typically only hang around females I'm related to since I know they won't treat me like most other guys. I think Pence has the right idea about not being around any woman that isn't your wife though.

basically this.

only real solution is to fuck her mom too

hopefully you changed it over to someone else

Yeah, mine was too. Her parents and her older brother all died in the same year. She got put on these meds and started getting paranoid and sneaking around. Completely out of character for her. She's back to normal now, but I was so damaged by the ordeal and can't seem to recover. I'm maintaining my vows to the minimum extent. Some times I think I need head meds, but after seeing how that works, I think I'll just keep suffering.
I wish I could recover and stop her suffering with the guilt of killing me emotionally. Most times in sad for her, go figure

She just woke up from having a nightmare that I had left her. She just now stopped crying.

Perfectly balanced. Redwood handle. You should really bend your elbow to absorb the inpact a bit better.

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Can I suggest couples therapy?

Is there anything left to lose at this point? Give it a try, man.

if you slept with them then obviously your relationship is better than ever, nothing to worry about.

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+1000 points if you actually go buy an old DX7, program the compy synth sound, and play the keyboard part while singing the vocal line.

Tell her it was fun and a fwb thing is dope af but you dont want to compromise your friendship. see wat she says

funny, this is what I said when I married my wife lol

your lack of understanding is extraordinary.

We tried that. The facts of our case cause my arguments to be too strong for a therapist to ration away. The look on the guys face almost broke my already broken heart.
It come down to I believe that I could be drugged and then convinced to destroy my family? At first it was a flat out no! No chemical on the planet would fuck me up to the point where that was a good idea to me. But, now I'm starting to wonder. Many Doctors seem to have an evil side that is beginning to show these days. Still on the fence tho