Why is there still no proof that bisexuality exists?

Why is there still no proof that bisexuality exists?

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All the bisexuals I remember back in high school were just straight girls looking for attention

aside from decades of evidence in humans and animals. And millions of people experiencing it?

Maybe because you don't understand science.

I am bisexual and I exist.

same here. or they were gay and still in the "coming out" phase.
>muh subjective experience
pic related

Attached: doubt.jpg (800x450, 28K)

Except evidence from EEG readings, fMRI, Physiological changes, etc.

Tons of objective evidence.

Get off Yea Forums and get a fucking education. You're embarrassing us all.

There is no proof heterosexuality exists. All hetero people are just in denial about their latent homosexuality. Prove me wrong.

>Except evidence from EEG readings, fMRI, Physiological changes, etc.

source? academic journals fucktard.
It's not my job to teach you basic science.
This isn't a controversial topic, there are 1000s of studies. Learn to use google / google scholar to figure out shit for yourself or get the fuck off the internet.

Stop expecting people to baby you and tell you what to believe.

Start with wikipedia.
Look at studies associated with your topic.
Look at the sources (click those little #s)
Click sources.
Look at journals that reference those sources to find modern studies

Have you never had to write an essay in your life?

>not my job to educate you, bigot
Nice one fag

Nice shitpost, dude. Not worthy of a (You), but still worthy of a bump.

there is no proof that you are real.

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Shit man don't make me have another existential crisis.

I'm just a product of your imagination.


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So is there anything supporting Bisexuality or Homosexuality as legitimate sexual orientations rather than psychosis that isn't based on the Kinsey Reports?

I agree with this guy. Stop opening your autistics mouths and expect to have everything you want puked into your throats.

I ask this questions since the Kinsey Reports are sited as the basis for most modern sexuality research but were both criminal in their execution and fraudulent.


bumpitty bump



What would constitute proof for you?

Evidence that at least one person exists who experiences sexual attraction to men (who look like men) and women (who look like women)

I'm not the OP but a scientific study that doesn't use the Kinsey reports as a basis would be nice.

Well they do experiments where they put a band around guys' dicks, to measure the expansion that accompanies an erection. Shouldn't be too hard to find studies.

as long as they dont draw anything from Kinsey or any work based on him, then I would consider them.



Bisexual=greedy is all.

agreed, though I think mentally unsound might also apply.

I'm not sure if I agree. It's hard to imagine that any amount of greed would make one desire cock in the ass.