Kill your local Nazi

Kill your local Nazi.

No more Christchurches. Make these alt-right edgelords swing from lampposts. Strangle them with their own Confederate flags. LYNCH THEM.

Normal, honest, God-fearing people are sick of this shit and the next Kekfuck I see IRL is going to bleed for it.

Attached: They Are Us.jpg (620x372, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>this upset about no collusion

Fascists are not really people, they're subhuman filth who think that preying on people weaker than them with greater numbers is morally justifiable. Killing a fascist is like killing a rat with the bubonic plague; not only is it not a real human life you're taking, but you're actually saving dozens of them with each one you kill.

You cowering little shits better hide in your fucking bedrooms until Antifa drags you to your deaths.

Attached: Matthew Heimbach Cowering In Fear.jpg (720x475, 29K)

Fuck the liberals too, and fuck everyone expecting a cop to defend their rights. Mueller is just another pig.

Attached: Peak Liberalism.jpg (480x340, 27K)

Reopen Auschwitz and throw every Nazi in their own damn ovens!

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Islam kills 12,000+ people a year and leftists want to defend it.
A right winger kills 50 Muslims and you’re all up in arms.
There is literally no end to the idiocy of the left. Socialism and Islam alone have killed a hundred million people in the last century, why the fuck would anyone want to share a country with socialists and Muslims?

Say that in public you scared little incel, and you will see up close what a moral society thinks of your kind.

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Fuck off redd*t you don’t belong here

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Fuck race traitor leech faggots

Yeah okay bud, someone doesn't read history at all.

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Say that to my face and I will send you to that God you only pretend to believe in.

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You do realise that public opinion rarely reflects true morality, right?
Any non-Jew defending Jews in Hitler’s Germany would also be regarded as being on the wrong side of history. Doesn’t mean they were morally wrong.

unironically neck yourself you communist sack of shit

100% guaranteed case of the faggot aids brain worms infesting your skull, there is no cure, there is only a bullet. neck yourself immediately.

Attached: fuck communists.jpg (728x307, 70K)

>expecting us to be afraid of soy consuming beta males who need to conceal their identity when they’re out screeching and making a public nuisance
gtfo communist niggerlover

Oh shit! An infographic without citations! However shall I rebut?
>Hitchen’s razor
Suck a fat dong, you commie faggot.

The day will come when we'll make lynching great again. Klan faggots will die screaming in a bonfire as kids roast marshmallows on their dying corpses. The whole community will come out for family-friendly events like this, and we will make you cowards know real terror.

Attached: Do It Again, Uncle Billy.jpg (597x699, 79K)

Op seems to be the same type of person that would have burned witches in the dark ages. Imagine loving globalism that hard you act like that much of a sperg

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actually nazis dying is the cure for all ills

Trump has done more for Israel and Jews then almost any other president.
How can he be a Nazi or how can nazis love him.
You commies are so stupid

(waste of fucking digits)
I don't wanna sound like a dick or nothin, but it says on your chart that you're fucked up. You talk like a fag, and your shits all retarded.

Attached: dr. lexus.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

Keep posting. One day these servers will be in our possession, we'll have your IPs, and we will practice torturing fascists to death starting with you lot.

Do it. I don’t care. Provoke violence all across the nation. I would love for history to repeat itself and have you guys detained en mass for being beta losers. And besides you can’t send anyone to their grave with you bone thin arms. That’s why you use baseball bats and bike locks and travel in mobs. Keep sucking dick that is what all commies do. How many pronouns you have, faggot?

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you dont even know what the tenets of natsoc are beyond muh scary boots and social degenerates being purged are you limpwristed faglord

kys nigger, and may your bloated corpse pollute the water supply of your faggy commune and give everyone some fun variety of gaseous gangrene you fucktardedly colossal dipshit

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tough faggots like you only exist in the world you create in your head and online. you wouldn't do a god damned thing if you heard someone talking like that in public and you know it. prove me wrong and go back to your blacked trap porn, faggot.

>inb4 replying is the same as 'proving'

The Zionist state is also fascist, but of course you Nazi idiots know this which is why you suck up to it.

Attached: Why Israel Is A Terrorist State.jpg (640x482, 43K)

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Kek no one gives a shit whether you care or not you insignificant pleb.

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Fucken kek
it’s funny cos it’s true!!

All socialists must die. National socialists, communist socialists, they’re all the same.

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Christchurch is being renamed to Muhammadmosque out of respect for those that died

Talk your Nazi shit in public if you're so tough. Oh wait, every time one of you degenerates try to, you get your shit pushed in.

Don't kill yourself; I wouldn't want to deprive a comrade of the opportunity to do it for you.

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smoothbrain faggots like you are everything wrong with the world

anything govt you dont like is fascist, anything govt you like is justice

you dont even know basic political systems and just mouth off your faggot bullshit slogans like they mean anything you pink haired low T cucklord

go get fucked up the ass by your tranny gf's bull, dont forget to put your cock in a cage, faggot

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Funny how you stupid antifa niggers throw around the word facist so much when the only thing the your organization does it fascism.

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Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds. GTFO

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You socialist pussies aren’t the ones that have spent thirty years gaining combat experience and stockpiling weapons and ammo.
I only hope Flashpoint Day comes before before I’m too old to purge a couple dozen of you commie fucks in person.

Why not? Why shouldn’t it be renamed to that?

"We must act with vindictive earnestness against the Sioux, even to their extermination, men, women and children." - General William Sherman to General Grant.

Wow, great hero. Based Commie.

Attached: Lyudmila P.jpg (1200x860, 136K)

Your worthless capitalist weapon will jam if you try, my reliable AK will not.

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What makes you think I’m a liberal you dumb shit?

lets see how she fares 1v5 in CQB

oh look, shes raped and burned alive

muh stronk womyn is a fucking myth

>alt-right edgelords
Did you read the manifesto? What he did, he did not only for his racism but because he wanted to enact gun control. He hates the Right Wing, and hoped to stir American right-wingers to action to make them look bad.

He wasn't alt-right, and he get half of what he wanted. His leftist overlords said, "Yes, sir!" banned guns.

Cheers, brother. Hospitalized your local racist. I love how the right thinks the left doesn't own guns. We just aren't dumb enough to talk about it all the time.

ITT: “Anyone who believes someone should die for their beliefs, should die for their beliefs.”

You're trying to argue that the NZ shooter wasn't a fascist? Yeah but no, I'm the idiot.

This is why you don't bother arguing with fascists; they'll all flat-earther Alex Jones types and the only thing they care about is their own greed. You just have to beat them dead, but fortunately that's always satisfying as fuck.

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I own two guns - I was born with em on the end of each arm baby.

If you're not a commie and you're not a fascist, you're a liberal. Or a liberal in denial, aka a conservative. Whining all like "weh weh both extremes are the problem" like a fence-sitting centrist is the epitome of liberal bullshit.

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Holy shit, did you just use Hitchen's Razor in defense of your Alt-Right bullshit? I'm glad Christopher died before he had to watch this crap. He'd have spat in your face and glassed you with his scotch tumbler.

Jacinda Arden's a liberal. Marx had some pretty particular views on gun control, and Arden's ain't it.

Attached: How Many Likes For This Fallen Hero.jpg (828x960, 125K)

Hell yeah! Red salute comrade.

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The Nazis restricted speech and took away everyone’s guns too. No thanks.

But you faggots love nazis

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(non sequitur)
kike detected. gas yourself heeb.

Attached: The 99 Percent.jpg (640x540, 71K)

Why did your assmaster Richard Spencer go on a cocksucking tour in the Zionist state? Seems pretty hypocritical to me.

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You wouldn’t believe what weapons I have user.
Here’s a tip: the first and foremost is an extended network of fellow combat-experienced ex-soldiers with high morale, motivation and a passionate belief in the principles of individual liberty.
You fucking college educated edgy socialists with an SKK and a Ché Guevara T-Shirt have no idea what fury is being restrained behind the general leftist social programming seen in public.
Seriously. Ask yourself, if a revolution happens in the US tomorrow, is it going to be socialist or libertarian?

Attached: Karl Marx Inveighs Against Cuckolds.png (934x534, 231K)

It sure isn't going to be lolbertarian, because that utopian bullshit will fall apart in five minutes. Slag on the Soviet Union all you like, but it invented space travel and you haven't even invented a minarchist state in real life yet.

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Lol best pic in the thread
Also fuck you gun lovin cunts

(1 shekel has been deposited to your account)
>literal CIA alt-kike asset

begone, faggot. your nazi-punching 101 replies are worthless here. how's tel aviv today? iron dome workin all right? dunecoons properly suppressed?

your masters hate you, but know you are useful, to a point

god you're so gay
fucking kill yourself lefty filth

>invented space travel
>poached half of hitlers scientists and the berlin patent office

ok buddy, keep jerkin it over the inventions of the white man

I’m not a socialist (commies, nazis and fascists are all socialists).
I’m a right-wing libertarian. I want to be left alone to run my maxillofacial prosthetics business, stockpile my guns, and wait for Flashpoint Day.

I've heard of the No True Scotsman fallacy, but this No True Nazi bullshit is next-level fantasy. Sorry all your heroes are morally-compromised degenerates sucking the Zionist cock you pretend to hate. Even by your stupid Nazi standards we commies are better than you.

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this is the new world leader model - get used to it

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Not alt, champ. Right wing libertarian all the way.

nice pilpul, bro. go nut on your jew wife's massive titties tonight for me okay?

this entire thread is filled with lefty edge posters who instantly jump to "fight me irl" but we all know these faggots are overweight soyfags who cover their faces when protesting (rioting). Get a fucking job cunts

I'm gonna report you for hate speech!@!!11

>siding with islam

Libertarianism is just a type of liberalism. Look it up. Hell, the French word for your ideology even translates as "ultra-liberalism." You stole the name from your ideology from anarchists, which is perfect because they're the only ones as utopian and unrealistic as y'all.

I like guns though, and there was some Libertarian once that wanted to arm the homeless. That was a great idea, occasionally y'all are so utopian you loop back around to talking sense on accident.

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Let’s play a game, user. You try to name one successful socialist state and everyone else hereabouts gets to laugh at you.

Any non-Jew defending Jews in Hitler's Germany was on the right side of history. They paid for their humanity with their lives. The nazis shot and gassed people who sheltered, assisted, and even vocally supported Jews.

Unless you mean "defending Jews without acting or speaking up..." in which case, you're talking about Nazi collaborators. Inaction in that situation is indeed morally wrong.

Was that supposed to be difficult?

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Well, Trump's currently being outwitted by Best Korea, so there's that.

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Must hurt not to be able to adapt hey little guy

>people who use weapons are pussies
fascinating perspective, strong argument

didnt trudeau just get in trouble for being a corrupted piece of shit?

The best response to extremism is a measured one

>utopian bullshit
Implying that the USSR wasn’t the absolute pinnacle of utopian bullshit, that failed purely because it failed to account for basic human nature.

ah yes, i should be a good citizen and keep my head in the sand- or rather just keep it resting on a tree stump so it's easier for my goatfucking brethren to cut off my head

I'd far rather live in the Soviet Union than Somalia, which is the closest thing to a lolbertarian paradise that's ever existed. Just give it up, liberal, you're done.

Attached: Shut The Fuck Up Liberal.jpg (528x800, 101K)

shhh they're still mad that donnie is a zion shill

It says a lot that the best political threads are to be found on Yea Forums and not /pol/ which is a cesspool of shitposting and shills.


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Also might as well forget about schools, let the little boys learn how to rape and blow themselves up for Allah. Leave the little girls tied up and chained in large groups so we have wives for our new sand nigger brethren

Its legal in the first country they enter. so they need to stop in mexico.
By trekking to the US they are in violation of international law. furthermore mexico fucking offered them asylum and they said no because they wanted to get to the US for all the free shit.

womp womp

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You call the NZ shooter a facist but in his own words he says he is a communist.

Lol your to fucked up in the head soi boy

Kek this is how I imagine that little maga kid cunt if he ever dares show his shiteating grin again

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No, you’re being obtuse. At the time and in those circumstances, persecuting Jews was the right thing to do.
Leftists in today’s world are the same as nazis in Hitler’s Germany. The zeitgeist tells them they’re right but students of history know they’re so very very wrong.

>in Africa

You what

He never even said anything to that native dude let alone the word nigger. The black israelites were the ones stirring shit up

Communists don't shoot up mosques.

Funny how you fash are always so embarrassed of everything other fash do, while we commies are proud of our ideological heritage. If you had ideals that were worth a damn, don't you think you could talk about them openly?

Guess not, but then the fash were never known for an overabundance of education.

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>at the time of nazis in germany, being a nazi was the correct thing to do
>leftists today are the same as nazis in germany

so.... you're saying leftists are doing the right thing?

Yeah he was too much of a pussy to say anything.

I always liked what Versace does

>new zealand is their home
>almost all of the dead are foreign nationals

There's far fewer fascists than you're led to believe. The lens you see the world in does not depict reality.

Once again, Hitchens’ razor.
I’m in my late 40’s and had the privilege of living through the effects of socialism, you latecomers with your rose coloured glasses always make me laugh.

A well maintained AR will be more reliable in the sand and mud than a well maintained AK

Thank God we don't have muslims or stormfags here in my country; and I'm all for throwing the small portion of these national shitstains over the Atlantic, that'd be a damn good political cleansing as far as I know.

So you would have liked it better if he had said something off color?

>At the time and in those circumstances, persecuting Jews was the right thing to do

Explain yourself, fash. I'm going to guess you're about to launch into some kind of lecture about how the Jewish were in the petty bourgeois class in Europe and therefore were exploitative? But that's just admitting that the real social divide is class, not race, and your Holocaust killed a lot of innocent Jews while leaving the vast majority of bourgeois scum unscathed.

Never trust a fascist to do a communist's job. Not only will they not do it, but they will somehow staple their nuts to a moving bus in the process.

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I would have liked it if he got his shiteating grin smashed off his cunt face and then the world got to watch him cry like a little bitch. Fuck thinking about it almost makes me hard.

Is that why we won the Vietnam War?

Attached: And Yet You Participate In Gulag.jpg (350x375, 23K)

Ya, you have no idea how asylum works and the left can't meme.

Muslims are literally subhuman trash.
They have the choice to opt into the “kill anyone who doesn’t think like me club” stop giving them a victim status they’re cultists who choose their fate.

Ironically you tumblr soyboys call out every other religion and actual cults except for the most regressive ideology in human history while championing compassion and progression

I don't see how antifa is going to drag us to our deaths, we don't even need to turn the safety off before you pussies scatter.

thought we used m-16s

It was because the ammo used in the field was loaded cooler than the ammo the guns were designed and tested with.
Also guerilla warfare

should we tell him?

Because you’re deliberately muddying the waters, allow me to clarify.
For most people, morality is socially contextual.
For me, morality is absolute.
My current morality is at odds with current social morés, and I’m comfortable with that, as my morality is consistent and unchanging.

Is that why you and your fellow Brownpants stopped meeting in public? Had to hold Cville 2.0 at the White House safe space and only twenty of you snowflakes showed up anyway?

Attached: The Future.png (958x768, 87K)

Bruno Ganz is died

>what is the Middle East

And the most advanced regions of Egypt were built by the Greeks. Aka white people.


a commie getting aroused at the thought of harming the innocent. SHOCKING

Ding ding ding, way to highlight what the commies don’t want you to consider.

The point is that the AK was designed to do one job, and do it well. The AR and the M-16 and all the other capitalist shit was designed with a million fucking bells and whistles, any one of which could break at any time turning your death machine into a paperweight.

Attached: I Support Banning AR-15s.png (640x640, 213K)

For me, morality is absolute. Society is finally STARTING to catch up. I take comfort in the fact that if you're telling the truth, you'll die soon for your asinine beliefs.

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LOL Antifa I have some of those in my basement not sure what to do with them

you should probably google "egypt"

not asking for a deep dive, a simple look at the map should help you

(hint: it's in Africa)

fuck me the amount of fucked up shit ive seen idk why animals always get me

Twat it isn't just retarded Nazi's that are anti Islam.

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You’ve misinterpreted what I’ve said. Morally, there was no justification for the great persecution. However, contextually, people engaged in the great persecution because their immediate social context said it was okay.
True morality is endogenous not exogenous.

Holy Fucking Shit

Attached: map-of-africa.gif (1000x943, 172K)

Kek, yes and Turkey is in Europe

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Postmodernism is liberal bullshit; commies and fascists appear to agree on that. But pomo secretly inspires fascism because it comes from capitalist logic, which liberals and fascists share.

If you hate pomo, you have to be a commie. Otherwise you're really perpetuating pomo, because capitalists don't have any morals.

Attached: Liberalism.png (600x360, 367K)

I've heard of cognitive dissonance, but this is a whole new level.


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Ah, so you're a postmodernist.

Go liberal somewhere else, the grownups are talking.

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greeks were never white nigtard

If it was successful, it would still exist. Also, saying that they saved the world from Nazi Germany isn't really accurate. Winter and a lack of supplies saved the world from Nazi Germany, not the nation that lost 75% of their developed territory and more men than the US has lost in all wars combined in 6 months. Because you geniuses had to kill all of your generals before the war.

Please stop commenting. Educated and intelligent people are ITT

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See I should be charging you for the geography lesson

You should maybe put aside your instinctual prejudice user. I think you may find we have more in common than you think.

please continue posting, I'm recording for posterity

Oh boy. This nigger thinks the Ottomans has raided West since the dawn of time

Beaners lol

Try me faggot. You're gonna be the first kike with a bullet in the head

Do it again, Uncle Billy.

Imagine falling for bait this shitty

Attached: low-quality-bait-fuck-you-cuck-mods-4224189~2.png (500x499, 77K)

like intolerance for each other? let's date.

lol fag

Read "Blackshirts and Reds" by Michael Parenti if you're an earnestfag and want a real rebuttal to what you're saying; kindly fuck off if you're just here to shitpost.

To sum up the argument in the book, the Soviet Union took a feudal country and held off the world for 70 years. America couldn't even stop trading with the rest of the world for eight back in Thomas Jefferson's administration without folding, let alone hold off the British Empire without French help.

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Woah user, chill. T-that is not cool man.

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how many years have we had these threads? how many of them actually change any minds or induce the the fear you so desperately wish to invoke. I admire the dedication but come on m8

The only racist person I know personally (even going as far as to condone the mosque shooting) votes democrat.

Aww so vicious! Say that in public if you're so tough.

Attached: Roast Adolf.jpg (296x351, 22K)

>has a rigid personal code of morality uninfluenced by sociopolitical context
>must be a postmodernist
Truly, idiocy is strong with you.

where is the original of this from???

Yeah, the Democrats are shit too. No argument there.

Attached: When She Says She's Left Wing.jpg (960x805, 171K)

And you wonder why people believe that shooting was staged.

If it didn't work, people wouldn't do it. The fash wouldn't do it in reverse.

If we want a better world, we have to fight for it. If we don't want lonely and desperate people turning to Nazism, we have to teach them the truth - Nazis get beat for their sins, and the authors of their woes are capitalists and not oppressed nationalities.

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Yes, clearly the most reasonable conclusion is that fifty people were killed to discredit your shit ideology. Fascism can't fail, it can only be failed.

This is why the future is going to be filled with Nazis in wood chippers.

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This whole thread summed up in one word

>b a i t y

Probably not excellent but its the only bait pic i have

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Communists shoot up every religious building they see.

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Only to people who worship money.

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>Kill your local zionist Jews
>No more zionist Jews. Make these alt left edgelords swing from lampposts. Strangle them with their own rainbow flags. LYNCH THEM.
>faggpts are sick of this shit and the next Kekfuck I see IRL is going to bleed for it.

there fixed it for you now kys JIDF

>wants to take guns away from violent people
>threatens violence

I know these are troll posts but come on man

>Provides decent argument
>"No no no, you have to read this biased novel so you have the CORRECT perspective"

If your society was successful, you wouldn't have to ban emigration (except for jews because you didn't want them there anyway) to keep your population from fleeing.

don’t assume my gender you right wing cunt

Jesus Christ. Is the left now a parody of itself?


Do you think you're on pol?

I don't know of any commies backing the Zionist state, but there's a shitload of Nazis begging to take Netanyahu's shekel sauce right to the face. Your propaganda is dated; your talking points are so weak I almost feel bad for you. Almost.

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I don't want to take guns away from anyone but the cold dead bodies of fascists. You're thinking of the liberals, who think the cops will actually defend them.

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wow, kill people who kill people?
logic failure much?
if this is accurate, humanity doesnt have long.

>sucks Trump's cock
>hates the right wing

hahahaah where's ur memes bro. no memes. right can't meme. right can't fight.

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is this supposed to be funny?
it is not.

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Read the Bible much? An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Kill murderers. Nazis are murderers.

Having to explain basic goddamn morality to liberals and fascists is fucking tiring. I hope Trump builds that wall because we're gonna need something big enough to put you 400-pound master lards up against when we shoot.


Fascism is using govt to get what want.

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I am going to jab my penis just so far in your butt it will make you scream Allahu Akbar while the dreams of 9 year old wives dance in your dense shit stained head. Fuck you and your family and 27 generations of your family to come.

Are you paid by Trump to make the left look bad, so he wins next election?

forgive him xer
oops just assumed his gender oof there i go again

The dickhead who lives behind my house is a white supremecist asshole and I’ve been fucking with him for weeks kek. He’s totally paranoid but thinks cos I’m white I am his friend for some fucked up reason. All the shit I’ve been doing to him he’s been blaming on the nice Islamic family about two doors down kekekkek. He’s going to totally sperg soon and it will be truly awesome. I keep a record of all the racist shit he says to me for when the cops come for him.

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Gonna rape you.

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Shut up, maher.

nah he’s a altright, they only come in one gender. Old incel.

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You're the real MVP, user. Please come back and tell us about it when he does sperg out.

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Enjoy The decline.


>hur dur I'll send you to god hurr
sure faggot

makes me want to rape more.

Tell Yea Forums your name and address, and someone will say it to your face. Meanwhile, tits or gtfo, internet warrior.

You realize this is the kind of thing that tarrant wanted right?

Stop getting turned on by Bill Clinton's leftovers and tell us why you need to project your penile insecurities in public, you raging NPC fashatron.

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you are doing good work user! Post pics of the Nazi sperg when it finally happens lol!

you're a violent, emotionally-driven right wing loser who isn't man enough to have any power over your own life. i'm honestly not surprised.

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> if you can't fight off a dozen or more people simultaneously ur a pussy

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Get fucked you horrible cunt I will fight you irl no fucken joke

made you hard hey

bring it on Sally

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They are us until the roles are reversed and in their own country. Then you see how much they care about you.


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Why nazis only? I would rather kill nazis, leftists and some muslims and faggots

Nah man, we'll wait for you out there, at a time and place of our choosing.

She’s so beautiful.
I can’t wait till she’s president and all the little white bois poopoo their panties cos they can’t have their bigboy g7ns anymore kekkekkekkekkekk

ahahahah you sound weak ass and scrawny

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Get fucked mate only poofters drink VB

same tbh

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type your thoughts with less edge next time and maybe someone will be able to read it

"the deranged faggot projected"

Honestly i agree with you only because i believe in the real Nazis, you know the ones that lost WW2 and shut the fuck up about saving this planet. Nazis had class and respected proper humans unlike you. You're just the same as the Jews the Nazis wanted to stop and so am I. If you ever met a real Nazi you would probably respect and like them. Shits like you just spread hate and become the very thing you despise so much. Do the world a favor and an hero.

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you eat poo

I'm not an aus cunt so i wouldn't know

>Hitlers Favorite Teapot

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Weak and predibtacle

Weak and predibtacle

Sure thing. I live in Florida, so as long as you chumps are dumb enough to step onto my property, it's perfectly legal for me to stack your corpses like so much firewood.

2460 Harn Blvd.
Clearwater, FL

Come find me, fucko.

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you still shouldn’t post pics of queer shit unless you want everyone to think you’re a bloody pooofter cunt mate.

They dont even know who half those fucking dune coons were. goddamn terrorist organization

The AK design was structured of the stg-44. Same with the RPG being based of a panzerfaust 250 variant. They used superior NatSoc technology and ideas and stole it for themselves. Kinda what all communist countries do.

You wrote that the way you say it, didn’t you faggot

Not that predictable, but still weak (2-dihit IQ detected)

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Oh don't you wish.

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I could care less what autists on an user board think but thanks

Nothing. Just letting you know this is accelerationism and all thats going to happen is a greater racial/class divide and martial law.

PprdfefiBle and weak

Plenty of Muslim comrades I've trusted with my life and would do so again without hesitation. That's what solidarity's about.

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not even low quality bait

I just saw your malcom x meme though and so that sounds like something that'd really get you off

Okay user. I'm sure you and your gang of pencil thin twinks are gonna be able to do so much. Go larp somewhere else.

I'd an hero, but I don't take lifestyle cues from Hitler. Couldn't even look the Red Army in the eye. What a faggot.

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Imagine being this fucking stupid Hahhahaha
You’re parents must be brother and sister for sure.

Come find out for yourself, if you're not too chickenshit to die for your Fuhrer.

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Lol, we can also go out the Blyat way and kick it with shittons of vodka and ammo

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t. won't do shit

Having a stable pecking order reduces deaths and injuries due to infighting. Watch animals break up fights between other animals. We are hardwired to defend the status quo and to reduce conflict. So we defend the ruling class and turn on each other instead.

White people aren't under attack, the entire working class is under attack.

Your humiliation is class humiliation. Your wages are garbage. Your job is garbage. Your healthcare is garbage. Your rent is too high. Your boss laughs at you. Your government is run by corporate lobbyists. Your life is a meaningless consumerist joke at your own expense.

You're cucked, but you're cucked by people above you, not below you. You're cucked by the powerful. And because it's in your nature to defend the status quo you would rather scapegoat minorities and gays and women and other groups that have been historically beneath you in the pecking order.

As long as you are above someone, you can endure your continuing class humiliation. It's a lie you tell yourselves, and it is a convenient lie for the ruling class who continue to benefit from your servitude.

I mean lets not instigate shit which is exactly what this is. Kinda retarded of you, this and especially last time.

Anyhow, lets not condone facism or elitism of any sorts either. This is still Yea Forums though, fuck you shill

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>Being an anarcho-communist unironically

I'd like to see you nigger loving faggot try something, hopefully some upstanding cop unloads a clip into your dumbass skull. I know your parents would be relieved..

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Good luck gassing them with those wooden chamber doors kek


Trump supporters aren't poor, on average. They're middle management psychopaths and shitty small business owners.

This guy knows exactly what's up.

So it's "instigating shit" when it happens to Nazis? What a pack of crybabies. Don't shoot up mosques if you can't handle the terror yourselves. You go around with your helicopter jokes but shit yourselves the moment it comes to do some real Nazi shit. We were born to do some real commie shit. This is why you lost the last war, and why you'll lose the next.

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Imagine feeling guilty for being born white

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Yeah no, anarchists are dumb af too. They're just a variant of liberalism.

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>I'm such a degenerate I larp communist ideas with nigger tranny loving community.

No one likes you, but I'm sure your prob spic or black.. good luck getting reparations lol

Have you ever fucked with the cops? Because they are dumb and easily manipulated. That's why they vote for fascists, why even a bunch of anarchists could run game on them in Cville last year, and why they aren't gonna be able to save your ass when the fighting comes.

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Trump voters are the petty bourgeoisie. Licking boot for a paycheck doesn't make you a worker.

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It's spring break, surely one of you boys are down here trying to get your rape on and failing at it. Come find me, hyperpuss.

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Every communist is a neet that can't even reliably keep the electric bill on. Getting stoned and jacking off to the thought of not having to work to live. You are the absolute epitome of uneducated.

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There are two things I noticed that tend to increase over time: the volume, in writing pages, of Anne Frank's diary and the claimed number of jews killed in the holocaust.

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Is that what Netanyahu told you to say?

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Except that’s wrong, the basic concepts (assault rifle, SRAAW) are the same, but the guts are totally different.

A man that beautiful could never do anything wrong.

Fucking kek

Read the Bible much?
Love thy neighbour
Do unto others
Turn the other cheek

You sound just like your pic - a toddler trying to look tough. Let me know when your balls drop so it won't be child abuse to hurt your feelings.

Attached: Uh Oh The Fash Owned Us Guys.jpg (960x754, 61K)

Moron detected. Read again and again until you understand.

Jesus wasn't talking about capitalists. Pic related is what Jesus had in mind for capitalists.

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This is what we should all be doing - it doesn’t take much to make these nazi pricks lose it, then they’re the cops problem.

Funny how National Socialism addresses all of these points while still retaining the beneficial aspects of capitalism.

You couldn't hit water if you jumped off a fucking bridge.

>beneficial aspects of capitalism

That picture i think is about the corruption of His Holy Temple, it has nothing to do with capitalists.

Render unto Ceaser what is Ceasers.

That said, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter heaven, sayeth The Lord.

I've got what I want. A mixed market economy. Enjoy shitting bricks for a failed ideology for the rest of your life before dying of a heart attack at 30.

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yay, so we will all be blind and toothless.

> oi, come foit me irl moit

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Well by all means, show me how it's done.

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>Normal, honest, God-fearing people don't lynch others

So what you’re saying is that the 49% of voters who supported Trump were actually well-off middle class types?
History has shown that a healthy middle class is an indicator of economic health. Sorry to hear that you hate indicators f economic success, user.

This is some next-tier cuckoldry.

Suck shit faggot

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libtards don't believe in violent repercussions lol nazis are gunna kill you one day and you're just gunna take it like a bitch

No, because this isn't an equal fight. Nazis are stupid and they have no solidarity, and are easily beaten by communists. An eye for an eye will end in twelve years with the Nazis in mass graves, just like their last thousand-year reich.

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And that leaves all the poor neet fags and upper echelon elites to represent the other 51%.

Nice deduction nigger

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Read Lenin fgt

I'm not a liberal so nope :)

if its a fight between nazis and communists, theres no good outcome imo, a third option is vital,

fuck em both.

surprised you managed to type that, considering you’ve had your lips wrapped around trumps cock for the last three years

Soviets and Chicoms also killed way more people than nazis did, so your solution would be devastating.

>fashism is threat in the form of
>*checks notes*
>free speech?

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Liberalism has failed, fuck off with this capitalist nonsense.

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Robert Conquest was a liar and has been debunked. No serious historian cites him anymore.

Wrong. There's only good outcomes when the freaks kill each other off

I hit your momma last night - RIGHT IN THE PUSSY ...

ya.. because communism and fascism have a great track record.. old and dead 20 century solutions, lets not be regressive now.

I don't think you received the memo that the cockholster joke is kind of worn out. Especially now that the Russian collusion conspiracy theory is a hoax. The slow kids are always slow, I guess.

That said, I sure hope you've got a storehouse full of Kleenexes come November 2020; you're going to be spewing more saltwater than the Dead Sea sodomizing a swimming pool.

His momma is also his grandsister, you know how those Klan types get freaky with kin.

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I insist; ladies first.

20 million people die every year due to liberal capitalism, which is the upper (bullshit) figure cited for Stalin's entire reign.

Your ideology does three Holocausts every year for profit. Fuck your ideology.

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National Socialism just repaints the old hierarchies with a coat of tribalism. The rich are still the rich. The poor are still the poor. Under national socialism, you find dignity not in your economic situation but in your inflated tribal identity.

You must be the next Jordan Peterson.

Careful with your wording. People don't die "due to" liberal capitalism. People happen to just, you know die.

Not exactly comparable to being forced by your government to work to death or be shot out back. But nice try commie.

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Complete opposite of Peterson lmao

Imagine a world without isis, white nationalists, cartels, antifa, zionists, christians, jews, or muslims. Please kill each other faster.

>gobble gobble sluuuuurp sluuuurp
Sorry user I couldn’t hear you over the sound of you sucking trumps cock

nice propaganda you got there.


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>Normal, honest, God-fearing people

If you know anything about religious doctrine you would know that Christian and Muslim faiths both state that those not of their faith are going to hell. Why would you defend a faith that your own God condemns? Plus it is not very Christian to call for the murder of large groups of people and threaten violence on strangers. So you're obviously not very God-fearing. Or are you a Muslim? In which case your death threats just further confirm the image of Muslims as hateful people.

What a pointless distinction. Letting people die when a better system would save them is still murder. Stalin shot the rich and their agents specifically to end this capitalist monstrosity. It is the only moral and ethical course available to anyone who cares about humanity to end capitalism by any means necessary.

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Tarrant did his shooting out of love for his fellow man. You're advocating violence out of hatred of your fellow man. Love trumps hate.

The Holodomor is fucking propaganda. Did Stalin pay the rain not to fall and the grain not to grow? No, he got in front of a popular uprising against the kulaks and made sure most of them didn't die because he still needed them to grow grain and they couldn't do that if they were dead. Not Stalin's fault the kulaks were so greedy they prompted an uprising against them in Ukraine.

>ignoring all other factors that have shaped the situation in the middle east

I'm a decent, moral person and a good Christian. God hates Nazis and so do I.

Stalin shot everyone who disagreed with his ideology, and any POW that was released from a camp. In his eyes, they were exposed to ideas from the west. So he had them all shot or in gulags.

Commie's don't get to play the murder card. Chalk this one up on your musky notepad text file of arguments you've won before dying at 28 of a heart attack clutching your welfare check.

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kill yourself. If you don't like BC/AD, then find a different date system(I think the Muslims have one). Don't just slap new names on a per-existing one because you don't like its connection to Jesus.

no, its proof that your terrible ideology cant handle freedom of thought.. its top down authoritarianism to the point of death.. fuck you and all who agree with it.
it was intentional, and you cannot prove otherwise to me.

That post just signed your death warrant after the revolution.

You're just butthurt that someone's more effective and badass than you. There were no Soviet POWs, just traitors to the motherland, because there is no negotiating or treating with fascists. You kill them, or they kill you.

I can't "prove" anything to a fascist because fascists aren't honest debaters, they just show up and shit all over everything until they're put back in the ground where God meant them to be.

>read someone who needed to be ice picked to death by someone only 99.2% ideologically similar
Okay kid.

i'm no fascist. i'm probably something "Worse" in your eyes.

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the functional difference continues to shrink as rich elites consolidate economic and political power

If communism is so great, how come there has never been a successful communist country, ever?
>inb4 not real communism