I've been dating a girl now for a couple of weeks and have tolerated her not putting out, just head a few times as I really like her. Anyway we go to finally have sex and she reveals to me she's actually a tranny. What should I do? I like her and she's defo passable, I mean I had no idea, I'm just embarrassed incase my family find out and I'm also not gay but she's cute and I like her personality. What do Yea Forums? Pic related, gf is similar looking and as passable.
I've been dating a girl now for a couple of weeks and have tolerated her not putting out...
Well if you really like her, go for it
suck your girls dick like any man would
>has a cock
you have a boyfriend faggot
>hurr durr,im not gay.let me prove it to you by keeping my closet door shut while i post a picture of this transexual
Yes, I do. I'm in love even though I know.
That would then make me gay which I'm now confused about.
Trust me you'd think it was a she
>which im now confused about
homosexuality is a mental illness.your as fucked in the head as transexuals
it wouldn't make you gay, maybe a little bi
but anyways who cares as long as she keeps it a secret
no,actually i wouldnt.because im not some mentally ill degenerate like you
You never mentioned if you did end up having sex with her
If you are still attracted, everything is fine. /thread, and sage because bait. Have a good one.
if you love her then fuck her
Not if it has a dick ya doofus
Well she said she wouldn't tell anyone and said if she wears a condom while I suck her dick it will be like sucking on a bit of plastic and not gay as I'm not sucking cock. She said she will keep it secret but I'm not sure. She wants to get more serious.
I sucked it like that a few times then took it off.
Looks like a 9 out of 10
Eventually yes, i took it and gave. Idk if its gay though as I don't like men and I don't want family to know
honest answer?
I know its Yea Forums and all that, but, give her respect she's due, dont be a dick
be straight with her.
tell her your family might be reactionary, so, ask if she can be comfortable not opening up about her past.
and tell her, wasn't what you expected at all, and it might be a deal-breaker, because you are hetero, and may just not be comfortable with how she is.
personal experience, my ex later ended up a transman, (guess that explains why he liked strapons...), my ex's child (from a previous marriage, not mine) is also a transman, and a couple of friends are trans - I hung around with a woman who was born intersex, and does a lot of trans rights/discrimination awareness, so know a fair few others through her. Most will not be offended if you are honest, that you might not cope well.
Beyond that, hey, its not something you get to try everyday, give it a go and see how it goes. Personally, femininity - smooth skin, little body hair, the scent of women's hair and body products, etc, are far more of a determining factor than if she's got a hole between her legs or not. You might as well see what its like, and if you like it, be glad you didnt run screaming.
Go for it dude. At most it makes you bisexual, but probably not even that.
You're a woman? How did you react to him wanting a strapon
beat the fuck out of it
Well we already had sex, she even came in my mouth.
Let's not beat around the bush here, that hole counts for a lot.
Almost like it's the primary biological compulsion for the vast majority of male animals on earth....
Does she have a cute dick?
Yes, maybe 4 inches hard haha wears a cage
What does she look like? Pic related?
I would totally fuck a passable trap. I'd even bottom for one. I think it would be fun.
>she came in my mouth
Do you see the issue with that sentence? Its a guy. Pretty hard to not tell if someone is a trap since they have a fucking Adam's apple, broad shoulders, V-shaped body.
You is a ratard.
why wouldn't he reveal this right away? it sounds underhanded, and that alone is enough for me to not want to continue this, what else is he hiding? the HIV?
Apparently didn't know how I'd react. Literally sucked me off like 3 times before telling me, even though I criticised gays etc in convo. Fourth time sucking me off pulled dick out and revealed it to me while on E
What kind of nut seeks relationship advice on Yea Forums?
Asking the real questions
wow. so you are enabling his mental illness of wanting to be a female at the expense of you not actually having a female partner and being led on under false pretenses.
you got a major problem on your hands.
if you sucking and getting fucked you gay as hell my guy
Stupid bait
If hot, get all the kinky sex you can until the drama kills ur fun time. No reason to rush to end it quicker, it's not like Helen of fucking Troy and her goldenhaired pussy are waiting for you on the other side of this thing. You have the long rest of your life to have boring vanilla sex with plain old people like the rest of us. At least you'll be able to look back on some truly wild shit you did once upon a time.
Literally looks like a 9 out of ten woman though..
This isnt a girl. This is a man. But you do you
No, you do you, fapping to pics of high school girls on b in your imagination. He does her/him/it/whatever, in reality.
>things that didn't happen for 1000
Shut the fuck up
faggot detected
wanting something isnt a mental illness you retard.
I want to be a fuckin astronaut and a deep sea diver, but thats not possible either, doesnt mean its a mental illness if i wear a nasa shirt and talk about the nuts and bolts of space shit every day. In fact odds of OP's cockslut actually getting to be a woman are a hell of a lot better than mine are of living on the moon so I can throw moonrocks down at ur house. All she has to do is chop dik off, bolt teats on, wear a dress, and talk like jack lemmon, and she's 90% of the way there. 100% as far as your needs are concerned, since you have no needs of her.
FUck it, I was gonna go the other way on this, but after this shit, OP, do what everybody does with trannies. Get your dick sucked, maybe buttfuck them a few times, then compensate for it by beating the shit out of her, bashing fags excessively, and acting like a 17yo boy with something to prove. That's the life your gf signed up for.
no u
Post pic of your he-girlfriend so I can tell you for sure whether she's passable enough to not make the hookup gay. Deliver or I call bullshit.
ur gay
>dating a girl now for a couple of weeks
>I'm in love
Throw moon rocks! Talk like jack lemmon!
post a pic of gf
>on E
fucking degenerate
>Trust me you'd think it was a she
Why would we trust you? Post it's picture, or it is just a guy cross dressing, and you are a fag
As a tranny not telling someone is a fucking huge dick move. Dump her ass, she deserves it.
Me and my ex were in love within a week of meeting, we were together for 5 years so.
>Pic related, gf is similar looking and as passable.
if she looks similar to this picture you posted and is passable then you hit the fucking jackpot.
Why are you even questioning this any further?
You can't get her pregnant. Her behavior is more logical. Tranny ass is way better than stupid annoying cunts with vaginas. Sex will be way better. This is a no brainer OP. Love her and fuck her till you die. have fun. Don't let anyone else tell you any different.
must be nice to know that early
Happiest I'd ever been in my life. When we broke up that was the most depressed I'd ever been. Still getting over it tbh.