Anything you wanna ask a black guy?
Anything you wanna ask a black guy?
Other urls found in this thread:
I love that image?
y u such a nigger?
Two dark skinned people had sex and then I appeared
me too?
how do you feel about uppity blacks?
what a dumb picture, anybody who isn't retarded would wake her up or pee in the sink or shower or toilet or anywhere on the entire face of the planet outside of the house.
Do you know your father?
do you mean black people who see themselves above other black people?
i don't get how they think putting down black people in front of other races will help them out.
Do you ever like, hate white people because you expect them to hate you first?
Your sink, shower, and toilet are outside your house?
no, i meant blacks who, speak proper, live by the law, cause no trouble, graduate college, speak softly, marry their women and don't disappear after the baby is born
What do you think about Anne Frank?
I do but my parents are divorced and I only lived with him for a few years while my mom was overseas.
no I'm pretty calm and I don't hate people randomly like that.
that's not what uppity means then.
and no
i think that you run out of pictures and then give up before the thread dies
You Hotep ass nigguh or a bitch ass nigguh?
If I really wanted to kill your thread I'd sage while spamming, faggot
Amon-Ra ass
Last time an Annefag gave up and the thread went on for for an hour or two after that
But you can go ahead, one of my friends just messaged me and wants to hang out and I only make these when I have nothing to do
>"An Annefag"
Also "Annefag"
The fucking weabs on Yea Forums are called that
You will address me as "Sir" or "M'lord Azerath of klinton".
Why are so many blacks slaves to the democratic party and afraid to leave the plantation? Democrats are the worst racists of all, telling blacks they are victims 24/7 while using them for political gain, never really helping them rise up and be something more. The welfare program started in the 1960s, and it's been holding blacks back ever since. Black familes were more stable before full-on welfare. Why don't more black people listen to Thomas Sowell and Larry Elder? Are they afraid to be their own men and women and be successful?
What's the deal with blacks and Mexicans hating each other? The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
t. jew
t. retard
why does someone spam your thread with anne frank garbage?
OP is an Anneless faggot, faggot
if democrats are the worst racists then why are all white supremacist republican?
to kill it. but i don't really care. in fact it being spammed only makes me want to keep it alive more out of spite.
hows your day been
As a mexican the first thing you learn when you come to the USA is black people are shit, they kill each other, they steal, they are lazy and they have no family unit. Not saying that this is all mexicans but generally speaking we are a culture that values united families, a strong fatherly presence, hard work, and encouraging your children to be better and more educated than you. Seeing how the black community has all of this available to them (ie social security, government grants, college opportunities, and affimative action) and to see them squander it, how are you not supposed to judge that culture negatively?
P.S. feel the same way about Puerto Ricans. Fucking lazy Caribbeans.
Do you tip when you go out to ear
what the fuck does that even mean?
What do you think about the 85 IQ average for blacks compared to the 98 IQ average for whites? What do you think can be done about it?
i'm on vacaton so bored. i've just been on Yea Forums half the day and doing homework the other half. i'm gonna go to my friends' house later so there's that.
i don't go to places where i need to tip, but i tip when i get food delivered
I can say stereotypes too but I won't because the Mexicans around here are pretty cool.
The reason black people would dislike Mexicans, or at least what I see online, is because of stuff like that Mexicans being anti-black.
nice trips, why would the fag want to kill your thread?
make being a nigger a crime punishable by death.
Hey boy, you look dumber than a sock full of rocks. Why do you dress like you just got out of the salvation army?
Has anyone ever told you black people smell weird? I've fucked two different black girls and both had the same subtle weird smell, and I've heard this from other guys too. What's up with that?
Maan you a dumbie, listening to that snoop doggie dog, and ghost face wigga
I dunno because it's a black related thread? That's the only thing I have to go on.
I've only heard that on Yea Forums. You could've been smelling hair product or something.
Are you a intellectual black guy who has both black and white friends or are you a nigga?
but are you actually black, or just pretending to be?
Listening to that garbage boy. Migos? BOY you're about to catch these torpedos.
You've only heard it here because no one would ask you that to your face obviously. And no, it definitely was coming from them. I think its a different chemical in your sweat. It's not a haircare product, it's very distinct. And I instantly recognized it as the same unique smell when I was fucking the second the one.
Are you/your people proud?
African black or plantation black?
Is those bitch ass COs be fucking wif yo commissary?
then what about other websites? I don't know what to say, I don't smell it.
i'm black. a brown, sometimes brown-orangy black.
there are plenty of black guys who act stereotypical and still have white friends especially where I live.
like half and half. maybe more. maybe 1/4 aren't and 3/4 are.
present day america black
Eat up on your hamhocks and corn bread my dude.
ooga booga did you assume my wallamelon
Really faggot? your still doing DR3 in 2019?
Even white nationalists think blacks in the GOP are fucking retarded
I'm googling the smell thing right now, lots of other sites talk about it and apparently its a mixture of having dryer skin and thus different bacteria and also a chemical produced by your genes. That must suck. Also surprised you didn't know this, are you actually black?
if every black person smelled like that then how I'd now? i only hear it here and i assume it's this place being racist as usual.
where are you reading that at?
Since you guys are all Small brained on the subject allow my to link to Neo-Nazi Intellectuals who can explain the power dynamics.
Just stop with your back and forth between the republican/democrat false paradigm and actually listen to the Alt-Right IN THER OWN WORDS explain to you in painful fucking detail their takes and positions on this stuff
How about instead of talking shot on David duke you instead read one of his books or even listen to his podcasts? Hell David Duke did a Biographical account of the Most famous Black Nationalist in all of American History Doctor Marcus Garvey. That podcast was a real trip to listen to.
Get out of your fake and gay bullshit and start listening and talking to people. You may be suprised.
if black people have a distinct smell, I have never smelled it
>As a mexican the first thing you learn when you come to the USA is black people are shit, they kill each other, they steal, they are lazy and they have no family unit.
Alot of that can be said for mexicans though. Except for the "family" thing I will concede the fact that you beaners take La Familia very seriously.
>2 hours and 20 minute podcast
I'm not listening to this chief
that's what i mean. i know the smell of weird colognes and weird food or conditioners and oils but he's saying that's not it.
IQ is subject to circumstance (for example, poverty pushes IQ down by something like 13 points, and when the conditions of poverty are lifted the IQ dip corrects - many blacks are poor)
Not that I put much stock in IQ statistics to begin with, but black IQs are catching up to white IQs on average, probably for socioeconomic reasons
There used to be an IQ gap between Irish and British, but when conditions in Ireland improved the gap vanished
I'm not saying I even believe in the black-white IQ gap, reality is not that simple
what are your thoughts on fully automated, luxury, gay, space communism?
Really? you cant listen to a podcast while your driving/working out or better yet while you're at at the job pretending to work?
Stop making excuses, its not like I asked you to read a book or fill out a job application.