Why do you think the media isn't covering White Replacement or mass immigration?

Why do you think the media isn't covering White Replacement or mass immigration?

Attached: 1553362905155 white genocide germany.jpg (600x497, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Hmm I'm not understand what you are trying to say

Same reason they aren't telling people to procreate with every coloured person they see.


Attached: you.jpg (884x800, 68K)

Attached: 1551909319873 Big Mouth is Liberal Propaganda and also has a coincidence.png (1910x768, 1.48M)

das juden

>using two different colors that are distinct in order to show each person's position in sex is promoting hwite genocide
>sourcing an account named "populationwatch"
Its been documented that many migrants don't know how to procreate. They actually believe they pee in the butthole

>a bad show made for raunchy adults has genitals in it
Oh the horror

>hurr durr the media

who cares trumptard,id rather have non whites then a bunch of cousin fucking,toothless rednecks like yourself

The person tweeting that is fucking retarded.

>Flipping the names around to make someone not paying attention to think that there's twice as many as there actually are.

You deserve to have your culture ruined.

Wow, one intelligent post out of the first eight posters.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes

because they're non-existent problems imagined by schizophrenic racists

>a mutt american called claudio complaining about interacial sex

Attached: 1321429864847.png (550x550, 136K)

Fucking crackers need the wicked bred outta them.

>made for adults
>depicts pre-pubescent kids

Attached: hmm.jpg (800x774, 22K)

The website explains what sex is in general to anyone, from how to get pregnant to masturbation.
Just so you know that "teaching refugees how to fuck" is utter bullshit

Attached: Screenshot_20190326-033022.jpg (720x1280, 261K)

Ah yes, a tweet from @PopulationWatch, the most reliable source. Fuck me the right don't half know how to get offended over nothing

>retards who think they are smart

The fact that it's always a Black man with a White woman is promoting race mixing.
It's promoting the loss of culture and the White race by the government.

Attached: 1548368992052.gif (358x328, 926K)

WW3 when?

Pee in butthole > holding a nigger baby for 9 months then taking care of it for 18 years

>don't know how to procreate
>but know how to rape

Makes sense

Attached: 1552775654365 muslim rape crime europe.jpg (938x714, 208K)

You ever heard of anal you troglodyte?

It's not fair to expect them to behave like white people.
It's OK to be sexually active at that age in their culture.

White culture is not 100% right and needs to change.
Welcome to 2019 user


Mate read the actual article. It's v clearly not "always a black man with a white woman"

The first four pictures are:
A black man and a black woman
A white man and a white woman
A white man and a black woman
A black man and a black woman.

Maybe if the white race is so weak that its threatened by sexual health diagrams that don't exclusively feature white people, it might have it coming?

My dude are you this retarded? Different colors are used just for diversity and not for promoting some fetish. Go on the site and look for yourself you will find some example pics with two whites aswell.
Absolute moron

Attached: 7A243CAA-77A4-4702-A472-1F258C716F5E.jpg (341x500, 42K)

>being this fucking oblivious and calling someone else a retard or moron.

fake anyway

>being a retard


Shut up retard

>Just so you know that "teaching refugees how to fuck" is utter bullshit
Agreed, First they need to learn about toilets.

Attached: poopy-refugee.jpg (750x1334, 97K)

Imagine being this insecure about yourself

dont stop the cultural enrichment

I live in FL and rednecks do this rampantly, it's more of an american thing if any

LMAO you absolute fucking loser

So you're a child molestation advocate. Cool.

>talks about white race
>doesn't realize the definition has changed more often than their mothers gender

They could have just as easily used only line illustrations instead of colored in line illustrations. Coloring them in "to promote" diversity" is the same thin as promoting race mixing.

So you're insecure? Cool.

nice try pajeet

Purposefully avoiding skin color at all in an animation used to describe how to have sex is the definition of censorship

>it's more of an american thing if any
That's right, I remember all of those PSAs on the TV about that. Every fucking summer I have to get lectured by the news and schools about not taking a mondo duke on the beach. Sometimes I even forget and after I drop the browns off at the beach, I'm like oh shit, I hope those hot chicks have some TP for my bunghole, but usually the rapefugee next to me has a pair of todlers underwear I can use.

You just can't stop spreading the stereotypes.

Remember: White culture also taught us about refer madness.

The world is woke user. We don't accept your labels

You aren't from FL are you? This is something that actually happens commonly here

that dude aint even black lol

One time in pub school (tampa here) they gave us "pls don't shit on the beach" pamphlets

India has by far the highest rate of public defecation than all of the other major countries combined. This is despite it being a "super power" and having some of the highest economic growth in history.

Some people just like shitting in public, user, and it's apparently Indians.


Skip to 0:53 you lazy nigger.

I'm from Florida and I've never seen such a thing. There's bathrooms everywhere around the beach. You just felt like accusing 'rednecks' of nigger business. Cuck ass leftist swine.

I never said india doesn't, Im just saying I live in FL and have to watch rednecks piss and shit in the sand all day. It's just the way these people are, there's no helping them. Like you!

You've never visited the panhandle, have you? What do you think panhandlers are?

Rednecks are just white niggers
This is a known fact

Not sure where you got that, but it's nice that you're secure in being a pedophile, I guess

You believe that a video from 70 years ago reflects some collective culture of hundreds of millions of people around the world

You believe in racial culture at all

You are not someone to be taken seriously. Move along

No, they are not.

Born in Miami, lived in Weston, Ft. Lauderdale, Miramar and Ocala. Parents live in Destin. I know my fucking way around.

Rednecks and niggers are basically the exact same thing past the surface. Just think about it

I don't think white replacement is a real thing. Maybe that's the reason.


>I live in FL and have to watch rednecks piss and shit in the sand all day
and I have nothing to show for it.

Yeah it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that niggers sue every time theres an ad with only white people in it

Found the kid fucker!!

>not knowing the difference between diversity and an exaggerated fetish

Attached: Dv3ZoczVAAAxYbL.jpg (686x843, 64K)

>It's OK to be sexually active at that age in their culture.
Any other culture you know of that it's okay to fucks 9 yr olds

Settle down south east asian, you are going to shit yourself again.

That's more of a general lefty thing to do. Not only black people.

Then why does the term panhandle literally originate from wiggers in FL?

What’s wrong with yellow and red why does it have to be fair skin and shitskin?

Panhandling is begging, it has nothing to do with Florida.

Most black people I know don't give a shit. If a character is whatever race, all they relate to is the "everyman" which is sort of universal.

The ones suing are so-called rights groups, who are no more than professional rabble-rousers who know how to get paid for making noise.

open borders for israel, jewish women for africans

But the term originates from the florida homeless population begging

Attached: tumblr_p5n6j6EYU41x0xjzlo2_400.gif (371x228, 1.94M)

>Word Origin for panhandle. ... Meaning "an act of begging" is attested from 1849, perhaps from notion of arm stuck out like a panhandle, or of one who handles a (beggar's) pan. v. "to beg," 1888, from panhandle (n.) in the begging sense
Am I speaking to an actual retard?

Attached: TheyAreReal.png (1920x1080, 913K)

Taylor Sands

-Generally stupid and ignorant as all hell
-Way too Christian in lip service and not at all in practice
-Distrusts the government
-Xenophobic, hate foreigners and people not from their locale
-Loves terrible music
-Loves guns, shoots everyone
-Loves hard drugs
-Loves stupid modified vehicles, as big as possible
-Too many children

Now who does that list describe: Niggers or rednecks?

Attached: 1548244822623.jpg (570x587, 43K)

Thnaks for this

Because they're bullshit topics that uneducated chodes focus on. Go back to /pol/ or follow your leader

Attached: 1533250787383.jpg (698x698, 151K)

>shoots everyone
Which race is provably demonstrated to commit violent crime far above the the proportion of their population?

You're welcome, user.


That's one of the only divergences though. The other would be that rednecks actual like going in the woods and water.

Attached: TakinOver.webm (360x206, 1.48M)

Black people are dumber. They don't care when government and corporations are stealing shit.



They just...sink? Or is it that kind of water that turns caustic because of stone something whatever?

Its literally jews trying to make all of us dumber and easier to control

Attached: skull shapes.jpg (670x666, 108K)


Look at the cocky smile at the end. he knows he won.

They drowned eachother. That's a good example of why you should never dive in after a drowning person. If you don't knock them out or grab them just right, you're both dead.

>prefrontal cortex

I see

Well, good thing they went 'swimming' without being able to swim then

you realize people don't just magically grow up asexual until AoC right? children have their own sexuality, hell fetuses have been observed masturbating. criminalizing this behavior has placed almost 100000 children on the sex offender registry for life.

It is a questionable video, but they may have just planned to stay near shore, or like you said, some kind of undertow,

Soundtrack for this video:

>100000 children on the sex offender registry for life

LMAO, get rekt childbitches

Because you’re a little bitch cunt who needs to get hit by a bus 25 times in a row :)

god i wish that were me

Because that would be racist, what are you, a racist?