Okay so maybe our President isn't a Russian agent but he's still a fucking retard.
Okay so maybe our President isn't a Russian agent but he's still a fucking retard
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He's not smart enough to be a willing stooge. He'd ruin it, if he actually knew anything
Maybe, but that's not an impeachable offense.
Maybe the people that were so easily convinced that he was a Russian agent are the retards. Seriously, didn’t take a whole lot of brain power to figure out the guy loves his country and would never sell it out. Also, that little problem of him being much harder on Russians than any president since Reagan. Yeah, pretty easy to find the retards in this story.
Lol, first time I’ve seen this meme.
the left has allowed their emotions to completely cloud their judgement. 2 men have been falsely accused of very serious crimes, Pres Trump and Justice Kavanaugh. They MUST be held accountable for what they've done
>but he's still a fucking retard.
Agreed, but he's still better than anything the left is offering, by a very large margin.
So we're voting for the less retarded option... That's America for ya
That's the old way, now we vote for the least destructive.
I thought the official Russian analysis was that Donald Trump was too dumb and unreliable to be a traditional Russian asset, but that he "had his uses"
i don't trust barr at all i think hes covering up
of course he is, he released a few sentences and padded the rest with his own take which is coming from a place of reactionary authoritarianism
it's the strategy of every second grader with a book report they pulled out of their ass
You're too easy to spot, Ivan. Gotta work harder for them rubles.
>Least destructive
>Stopping sanctions on North Korea
>Trump fires guys who investigate collusion
>New AG Barr says he won't investigate
>Mueller files report, Barr shitcans it
>Trump says he's been cleared
>dumbass Americans believe the him.
You retards are being played. KYS.
perfect! stay in denial!
Oh he certainly doesn't love his country, but there was literally no evidence of collusion and he did a huge list of stuff that Russia wouldn't want a puppet to do
For example: Naval drills in black Sea, Ripping up Russia Nuclear deal
ripping up the Russia Nuclear deal is definitely something Russia wants, since they can now build nuclear weapons to their hearts content
I dunno dude, you don't seem to really understand things
Are you really so stupid that you think Mueller wouldn't be making a huge outrage if what was claimed publicly wasn't true?
People who were doing the investigation said months ago that nothing would come of this and be prepared to expect very little.
Fuck off. I'm not even pro Trump. You just make us look ridiculous.
Okay, sure thing my dude. If you think those are the only anti Russia things, I suggest looking more up
For example, Trump got mad at Germany for trading oil with Russia, because he wants the oil for America
Why do you think Russia wouldn't want sanctions removed? Russia is getting everything they want from Trump!
I'd still hold out until we get an official view of the papers, not just a short memo crafted by a person who was just appointed who isn't objective in the least. He hedged conclusions on a lot of stuff.
Sure. For every one thing you name that benefits Russia, I can name 3 that don't.
For example, trying to over throw Maduro or w.e in Venezuela, one of Russia's allies
Arming Ukraine
Publicly asking Russia for Hillary's emails(if he was a puppet, he could've just asked privately)
Sad to see fellow lefties falling for. MSM propaganda
>Mueller wouldn't be making a huge outrage
I don't think that's how it works. That would be trickery in an attempt to force his hand wouldn't it?
Yeah dude, because Mueller is going to let a short incorrect statement be released and not make a big deal about it when he and many others spent a long ass time working on it.
Other people doing the investigation would be freaking out right now too. Get out if denial
I meant would be. Sorry, I'm a huge brainlet
Pal, I gave you the facts. You can't deal, not my problem. Mueller isn't known for big, showy, public displays. He's gonna wait to see what happens through Congress, cause that's what he does.
>trying to overthrow Maduro
nigga we're the US if we "tried" we'd succeed, at least as far as turning Venezuela into a total chaotic shithole
The Trump campaign REMOVED language promoting the arming of Ukraine at the GOP convention and it's only been bipartisan support that got Ukraine some defensive weapons
you are fucking retarded nigga, don't lecture anyone on falling for anything
No you're correct... I only hilighted part of your statement. I believe you're right that he would be going nuts
Dude, that's like saying "We're taking your cigarettes, but you can keep making Heroin."
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
You're the one who can't deal with the fact that you've been lied to.
There's no evidence of collusion, he's done so many things to piss of Russia it isn't even funny, and no one in his campaign was indited for collusion
I'm only giving you facts.
You can screen cap this if you want. When the report is released publicly, it still won't say Trump was colluding with the Russian government, so you'll backtrack and say Mueller with an infinite government budget and as many investigators as he wants must've missed something
These posts are what's weak and predictable
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
this retarded
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
Ruski fucknut found.
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
weak and precictable
weak and predictable
The US is succeeding though
And that's even a conservative site
Fuck off. Again, you're retarded and have no clue what you're talking about.
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
yeah and so was obama.you retards tried the "presidents an idiot"thing with george w bush and it didnt work then and it isnt working now
weak and predictable
i remember when republicans cried about impeaching obama,those were the days.now they are whining because people want to impeach their president
And they will whine when Bernie ups their taxes.
Who cares?
sure kid
you tried
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
>Tinfoil activated
The world is in a rough place when someone like Alex Jones requires more sources to make retarded statements than the mainstream left.
THis is kainda equal.
At least he called Africa a bunch of shit hole countries
You want to have a two year long fucking investigation over than just to find out he's not? Something tells me you kinda do.
I think I heard a comment on a Sinclair media news teaser that Muller said there was no Russian collusion. I doubt he really said that (but too lazy to go find out and really who gives a fuck anyway) and think the report should say that they can't prove any collusion. By the way Sinclair media political ANALyst Boris Jepstein is a Russian born who also was drumpfs campaign manager. That's Russian collusion right there.
Only retards need a 2 year investigation to find out if Trump is a fucking moron
Only retards think someone is a criminal for thinking differently than the way they were taught to think.
Everybody who has investigated Trump so far is a Republican. Even Mueller, Comey. and our new AG. I'm not surprised they let Trump slide. Now it's the Democrats turn. It might be a little different!
weak and predictable
Is it better or worse that trump was not part of the Russian plot to get him elected?
I'll say its worse because at least "we" were in on it but, now the ruskies know they can manipulate american voters with a few strokes of a keyboard
Fuck trump hes one foot out the door but this Russian interference in our elections is only going to get worse.
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
There's still the SDNY investigation, state prosecutions, Trump Foundation crimes. tax evasion, bank fraud, and scores of law suits. If any of those gets Trump on the stand under oath, he'll perjure himself because he has no clue what is true. Far from over yet.
The ruskie shills out in force today
Quiet down ivan before we bomb another of your airfields
odd way of coping
We're you even alive when George Bush took office? He was borderline retarded.
The President acts like a Mob Boss. That means he puts most of his resources into covering his tracks. The only way we're going to get his ass is through tax evasion convictions.
Lol OP still a victim of fake news XD
Not OP but there's no way this is fucking over. Why is Turtle blocking release of the entire Mueller Report if there's nothing damning in it?
people calling Obama stupid just doesn't make sense.
hate the guy all you want for his policies but he was well educated and extremely well spoken.
both Bushes and Trump are buffoons.
Obama's black. Do the math.
weak and predictable
for your valient effort
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
fuck you spamming faggot
fuck off
get the fuck out of this thread
For the stated reasons, you imbecile. It contains grand jury materials that are legally protected and may contain state secrets. They have already said they will release a version with the contents that would be illegal to release redacted.
user that meme is so old and gay it's hilarious
theres nothing you can do. we have been through this before.
AG Barr is up to some partisan shenanigans. this Russia thing isn't over.
You are correct, you giant fucking faggot
>Only retards think someone is a criminal for thinking differently than the way they were taught to think.
There are 19 ongoing investigations on him. He's already violated the Emoluments Clause, violated campaign finance law, and refused to enforce Russian sanctions, all of which are more than enough for a standard impeachment hearing.
I mean, if you've lived in the NYC area and are older than 12, you know he's already gotten slaps on the wrist for housing discrimination, and he stiffed contractors he was working with, then locked them in litigation because he could afford to retain attorneys for longer than them. He's a criminal piece of shit.
lol stay mad cuck
Didnt they teach you how to troll Vlad ?
What you should have done was post "weak and predictable" again
Geesh you cant even shit post correctly Ivan
2 years in the gulags for you!
you tried
here have some dick cheese.
I'm all out of trophies.
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
you tried
Not an argument.
sure kid
Funny how that bullshit argument didn't come up when the House passed their resolution unanimously.
sure kid
eat shit faggot
nobody likes you
>the US is succeeding
at selling arms? So fucking what? We're great at that?
Donald Trump's campaign specifically removed the GOP platform language supporting arming Ukraine even with just defensive weapons
you can try to argue against facts but then you're just a silly TRUMPFRUIT, the worst of all dumb fags
Or maybe he is.
John Gotti beat the rap the first time, but he was never "innocent."
They got him, and they'll get Trump.
lol stay mad cuck
not an argument
weak and predictable
but he'll be like "They didn't get me when I was President!"
haha I got you to break character trumpshit
it's true, it's settled at this point that you are totally retarded
no argument there
Right. That was never in question.
>1 borscht voucher has been deposited in your bank account
There ya go your learning, good boy do as your told
sure kid
weak and predictable
sure kid
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
lol stay mad cuck
this retard again
weak and predictable
mods these are bots
you should look into it
weak and predictable
lol stay mad cuck
>option 1: pay a terrorist organization to fly planes into both WTC towers, the pentagon, and a fourth target.
>option 2: do all of above except not actually fly a plane into the pentagon or the fourth unknown location.
Because another plane would be impossible to get but with a fourth plane crashing in a field we have no war.
>don’t fly a plane into the pentagon because a third plane would also be hard to get
A pentagon attack would certainly add credibility to the cause but they couldn’t secure another one so they had to fake it and risked being exposed.
>fly planes into WTC because those planes we could get
>risk exposure spending weeks in office buildings that are occupied 24 hours a day by various staff, preparing for controlled demolition
Because simply crashing the planes into the buildings and allowing whatever carnage to take place they must come down. Otherwise we have no war.
>repeat above process of prep work in third building a fraction of the size of the other two
Because the pentagon attack and the two towers along with the additional target wouldn’t warrant war.
>perform the most intricate sleight of hand in world history,while planning it so that it would be assured to be watched in real time world wide, involving hundreds of people directly complicit in said crime, further involving thousands more that could possibly expose something odd they witnessed, only to fuck up and not place weapons of mass destruction in Iraq when we got there.
Because the above plan is safer than simply doing option 1.
not an argument
Predictable and weak ivan
Do better
Americans simply want the truth. Today I tried to pass a resolution saying the full Mueller report should be made public. The House passed the exact same resolution 420-0. But here you can watch @SenateMajLdr McConnell object. Why do they want to hide the full report?
lol stay mad cuck
not an argument
sure kid
weak and predictable
>sen schumer
> screeeeeech
When are you losers going to finally kill yourselves? You're pathetic
you wonder why you get treated like shit
you got buck fever boy.
anyone can post those two words
weak and predictable
sure kid
*butt taking dookie*
lol stay mad cuck
Sure kid
weak and predictable
you had to steal my phrases because your retardation won't allow you to form comebacks. get good kid.
Sure kid. Weak and predictable. Stay mud cuck.
Yeah but here's the thing.