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one has mental problems and the other is a terrorist.

lol the mental issues work on both parts.

one is your average american gun nut and the other flies planes into buildings and beheads people for showing their ankles

There is no difference

One person wants to destroy an entire country and remove an entire race from existence so they can spread their cancerous stone age religious law across the land.

The other want doesn't want that to happen.

That is harsh.. Americans don't want to destroy every country.

America just wants oil

You got it the other way around there bud.

Like one constantly wishes the other would get glassed, right?

Bitch with the dumb hat is on the wrong side of history

The soy

Only difference is who pulls their strings. Both are domesticated terrorists who are used to attack others outside their society. Both have a double digit IQ just smart enough to READ the bible/Quran but not smart enough to understand it. Wastes of space and oxygen

that's the point you dink

left stay in her shitty country, right leave it to make progressive places as backwards as her home country

You're no more civilized then they are

History is written by the conquerer and the ones that owns more media outlets.
Or maybe the american girl is allowed becouse... tits :)

One has a reliable wepon that will see them through thick and thin, is easy to disassemble and clean, inexpensive, has readily available parts, and is chambered in a fantastic round. The other has an AKM.

Right: bullet magnet
Left: jizz magnet

I want to glass the entire middle east, sure, but my opinion is not popular with the rest of the US. Inb4 some "moderate muslims dont want to behead!" comparison, that's false and you know it. 66% of "moderate" muslims say you should be stoned to death for leaving islam.

Yes we are. We don't behead people for no god damn good reason or fly planes into buildings; we use proper missiles like gentlemen.

One knows who's real and follows the golden rule. The other is cancer seeking dominion over the west and Christendom.

Get the fuck out of here with this false equivalence bullshit.

Non Nobis, Deus Vult!

but most importantly, sage

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Nope.. check your countries history.

>saging with a picture
>not knowing that sage doesn't work, anymore

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If I have to explain you must be gay

right fights for freedom
left fights for dick

You're just as indoctrinated

>opinion discarded

They are literally exactly the same.


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>USA was involved in wars because greedy CPAC nations wanted to bleed the country for fucktons of money to get oil that was plentiful
>USA shits all over them to stop this so that themselves and other western nations can continue to develop and a bunch of sand niggers aren't in charge of the nations future
>Once that's done, they redevelop the country so the people there can live better lives. Too bad its immediately shat on by Islam extremism yet AGAIN

Struggling to see the problem here.

There isn't one, I hate both

The Koran is basically the Old Testament on steroids and applied to the whole world instead of just one country.
What the New Testament teaches (which is what Christians are supposed to follow) is against conquering people and violence, which is why religious leaders found it harder and harder to do horrible things in the name of it as more and more people could actually have the book and read it.

the one on the left doesn't go around cutting off the heads of people who dont believe the same fairy tale as them.

You're right, they're both equally degenerates

I don’t really get your first point, USA was involved in wars because countries wanted to make them pay more money for oil? How does that work?




Extreme left, extreme right, Jihadist, White supremacist -> basically all just assholes

The rest of us just want to live our lives, buy stuff and occasionally put our penis in a woman

The one on the left won't shoot you and blow up a bus when you challenge her religious views.

Simple op, Defense vs Offense

One wants to force sharia law onto us. The other does too, but they call it something different.

There's a surprising number of well balanced people on this thread.

What's happened to this shithole?

You do realize that America is the largest oil producer in the world now, right?

one wants to behead all non muslims and the other doesnt

Thank goodness, less need to bomb freedom into other places.

The best way to end jihadism is to stop giving money to those bastard Saudis.

Kek, white Christians have destroyed the entire non-white world, and removed half a dozen races from existence. So glad you retards are getting race-mixed out of existence.

IKR! Fucking Christians

What are you talking about, the other one wants to kill all the none white, Christians are also the fucking cáncer, both of them are.

Left one looks better. Apart from that, not sure there is much difference between these two cumdumpsters

One can kill unborn children, the other nope

>one follows the teachings of a pedo warlord - the other of a pacifist
>one would kill innocent in the name of a ideology - the other not
>one can't eat beacon - other can

left ultimately doesnt care what others do so long as it isnt fucking with them right wants to behead their neighbor because they believe muhammad fucked consenting adults instead of children

Yeah it finna be hella lit. Plus the food will be delicious!

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Did you miss the crusades m80?