Being a liberal is a war crime

Being a liberal is a war crime.

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I’d absolutely love for the President to get on tv and say that.

It should be treason

Yeah, PLEASE do this.

Yup let's do it.

Liberal, nah. Far-left, absolutely. The far-left right now is literally trying to replace America with global socialism.

A good, old-fashioned liberal supports guns, capitalism, freedom of speech. They're not at all a threat to the nation.

coming from the person who supports a president who dodged the draft,ironic

The problem is that people dont address groups for who they are. Neo liberals (far left) claim the title of liberal when they're anything but. If everyone replaces liberal with neo liberal then there would be a lot less confusion

>global socialism

you dont even know what global means,trumptard

What? Fuck you nigger let's go. Stop defining shit. If you want a revolution let's fucking go.

besides,its gonna be funny next election when you see the consequences of thinking republicans are gonna make immigration more important then gun rights,about time you retards join the anti gun liberals you should be considered

Agreed, but they do not vote democrat either. Not at the moment anyway.

>hurr durr,if you want a revolution lets fucking go

>just wait until my president passes a couple more gun control laws while i sit with my thumbs up my ass even though i threw a fit everytime obama even mentioned gun control

funny how much republicans fetishize guns and revolutions.but dont seem to support gun rights anymore,take your immigration fear mongering and get the fuck out of the republican party

The redd*t fags will graciously accept your bait. Just look at them go already.

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Alright liberal, time to hand over your rights and head to prison!

Yes! All hair emperor Trump!

Do you post "bait" on every Yea Forums thread you see?

You people are retarded if you think all this shit wont eventually start a war. This is exactly how it happens.

>Yea Forums is one person

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Nigger you've got that shit reversed. They think it's okay to murder unsuspecting, unarmed, innocent people peacefully worshipping in a church. So do I. Let's get started faggot.

Yes, for I am very smart.

Eventually all groups of people go to war internally or externally. You're a dumbass if you think there's going to be a civil war in the US between left and right in our lifetimes over this stuff.

like they attempted to force all rights into "alt-right" category?

True. In the event of a violent schism, there's likely going to be some overlap. People aren't going to want to split hairs about what side you're on.

Trolling, I assume. Global just means 'around the world.' All nations unified under the idea of socialism, is what I mean, in case that's not obvious.

I'm ready. Come at me, bruh.

I'm not even liberal, I was just pointing out that classical liberalism is basically conservatism by today's standards, so the word 'liberal' is a little too broad.

Most likely correct. I can't vouch for everyone, though.

I like how it's assumed that I'm liberal. Very amusing. Let's go to the prison camp. I'm ready.

Shhhh, I know it's easy and fun to pick on the handicaped, but it isn't nice.

not "you're", dumbass.

I’m not liberal, I’m radical left. Bring it on any damn time. I will not live on me knees. Start killing us now or shut the fuck up. We will never stop until you are exterminated or we die trying.

So you support the draft system, then? Odd for a leftie...

See image, and image name

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imagine being this retarded

Neoliberalism is right wing

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Oh man this post made me so ANGRY

>their talking to each other
>corrects her's spelling
is that supposed to be a muslim woman? wheres' her husband, that whore should be killed right away.

>Being a liberal is a war crime.
war crime
an action carried out during the conduct of a war that violates accepted international rules of war.
Fuck you're stupid.

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Nice bait.

Agreed. Shameful that she is out un-attended. She should be punished. Man I fucking hate women. Praise allah

A state of being is verb form. Learn 2 english scrub

to be a liberal is to have surpassed the mire of average human intellect,
to have embraced ones higher nature,
and to be a visionary of a world to
come where the pasts petty divisions
are forgotten

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how about you stop swearing then.

You plagiarized. Typical for a liberal.

>A state of being is verb form

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>Being a liberal is a war crime.
So many things fundamentally wrong with that statement, you might as well have said this..

nice B8!

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Shots fired!

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Oh no I must now commit haraam to restore my honor

Just google it dude. Must be hard being such an intellectual.

what part of it do you think is a state-of-being verb?

Nevermind, I misunderstood you