The west is collapsing time to rise again, whats wrong you afraid of the red manace ?

the west is collapsing time to rise again, whats wrong you afraid of the red manace ?

Attached: scared yet.jpg (1000x541, 139K)

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at least i can talk shit about my politicians without getting thrown in the gulag

the soviet union was so good people did not talk shit

i guess modern russia must suck then,
> fines of up to 300,000 rubles ― about $4,700 ― and 15 days in jail for insulting state symbols or Russian authorities.

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True story, my girlfriends father is a communist. He gets drunk and everyone hates him, makes a shit ton of mone, lives in a terrible appartment and has no fucking clue what communism is.

It pretty much sums up how commies tend to be. They blame their personal failiures on everyone and everything, and want a totalitarian garbage system which in essence is proven to fail. Again and again. There hasnt been a single time where it has worked.

Yet these losers, drunks and faggots think communism, is the right answer.

Its so ironic. Real communists, which I know what kind they are. Wouldnt act like these faggots, they wouldnt have anything to do with them. If anything they would execute them.

Nuff said about communism. Go enjoy the wonders of the world, that pretty much came out of capitalist systems every time.

Triggered lefty homo losers will deny this and respond angrily like the larping wannabe soviet officers they are*

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More like the blue menace

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Dumb bitch died on government assistance
sick, lets get those numbers up.
If you go down to your local poor neighborhood I bet you can find a soup kitchen with people waiting in line.

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>"Context never matters hurr durr"

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Y'all first world niggas dumb as fuck, venezuelan here, I've suffered the same brand of red you wanna instate, it's not pretty at all. My grandpa died because there wasn't any supplies to treat his condition, my grandma is dying because she cannot find her tension pills unless it's at disgusting prices in the black market.
If y'all really wanna go for this commie shit, all ya gotta do is pool your money and buy an island and then you can go and fling your shit all over the place with no regards for anyone else. Nobody else needs your stupid shit. Capitalism kills, but at least not the way socialism/communism does.

>straw man argument because you don't have any real ones

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go back to your country chink

white power!

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>hurr durr,me love trump.i can talk shit about my politicians without getting thrown in a gulag even though my president hates the 1st ammendment

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Those guys don't look Chinese.

Can we be honest. Russia really isn't a player in terms of World Conquest. I mean no one is since that's not a real thing, but even in terms of "superpower" status. They got nukes, developed nation status, but they also can't really do anything given how they exist in the geographic middle of nowhere. No one speaks russian, or cares about russian media. No one says "man I hate that this is made in russia, but it's such high quality at reasonable cost."

tl:dr Russia's main export is hype and hacks. My advice is everyone should learn Mandarin, cause in the next 50 years, that's the only language that threatens to become relevant.

>hurr durr, me assume all love trump

considering trump supporters have whined about everything since the day he got elected.of course you love trump

>tl:dr Russia's main export is hype and hacks. My advice is everyone should learn Mandarin, cause in the next 50 years, that's the only language that threatens to become relevant.
So depressingly true. All hail our bug overlords...

Attached: Chinese empathy with children.webm (480x272, 966K)

considering i was talking about being able to talk shit about politicians without any exceptions, what would make you think i belong to that cult?

my point is still true even if you dont like trump,or are we ignoring the fact you dipshits cried and called everybody racists for the past 8 years because they said mean things about your black president

libtards trying to make people believe they support our constitutional rights.funny joke

not a liberal so try again.

>talks about being able to talk shit about politicians without any exceptions

>even though he supports a president who hides in his safe space and doesnt want to allow the media to talk shit about him

you were saying dumbass?

that your false dichotomy of one having to be either a libtard or trumpian is bullshit.

so your a bernie fag then,i guess you seem to think commies are free speech supporters

nope, wrong again.