Will this be enough to kill me?

Will this be enough to kill me?
white bois: asprin
pink guys: hydrochlorothiazide

if pills==kill:

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care to explain


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i just got random shit what will kill me kill me

Aspirin is a blood thinner so just cut your wrists and you should be good to go.

Just slit your wrists worthless piece of shit

Just shoot yourself on stream faggot

Dude seek help

aspirin hahaha

Just jump over a bridge or something you dumb cunt

Take aspirin and pink bois
Fill bathtub full of warm water
Slit wrists as deep as you can down the hallway not across the street
Get in bathtub

I'd say you'd die horribly painfully of stomach bleeding and liver failure from just the aspirin alone. Just go get yourself a lollipop and pay someone to rub your belly and call you a good boy.

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fuck that shit, its not worth it
having to pay to get me treated
im not happy nigga

>Just jump over a bridge or something you dumb cunt

retarded ass nigga thats a stunt

what a weak minded fucking moron

pic reminded me of some
can i take a fuck ton of lsd and die?
that shit would be so cash

ok itachi faggot ass nigga
what make you happy?

nigga come back, what makes you strong minded mr high horse

Would have to be RC
Pure L won’t kill you

I'm actually not too sure, I suppose you would most likely go into cardiac arrest if you took too much.

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how many tabs you figure?
all at once?

I've been with my gf for 12 years. I also have a job I like. a fun car and my own house where to live.

Sometimes I'm depressed or life is harder, but I won't just end it because I'm not a fucking pussy. I go through it.

I don't give up like a nigger each time I face a mild obstacle.

Like I said my dude I’m not too sure it’d kill you. Unless you have a panic attack, or have anxiety before the trip. Research Chems 100% would kill you in high amounts though so if you’re trying to go out in a trip I’d recommend RC’s. If you’re going to have high anxiety I know people who take strips of 15 pure L and are fine the next day so it’s have to be around a sheet. Rc’s I’d say around a sheet as well

I dunno, but like I always say, there's no kill like over kill.

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There's no kill like over kill

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HCTZ is a diuretic. Enjoy your mega piss.

Nigga, go outside and run for 3km. 25 minutes. Thanks me later

The LD50 of LSD is super high.

Estimates of lethal doses of LSD are much higher than 20 mg (20,000 ug) administered orally, more than 200 times a normal moderate dose of LSD (100 ug). The administration of this amount would require the ingestion of more than 200-400 units of street blotter, which typically contain about 50-100 ug of LSD

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Pills? Are you a woman? At worst that will land you on dialysis. You have a kitchen full of proper ways, don't be a sucker

yup, simply put. those look like generic 500mg asprin tablets. regardless yours a dumbass so....

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We all know the 14 words

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The human body is exceptionally resilient. It needs specific types of stuff to actually die. Your pills would just thin out your blood and lower your blood pressure, which would make you feel insanely sick. In all likelihood you would vomit and pass out, then wake up feeling miserable.