Whats the race proportion on Yea Forums???

whats the race proportion on Yea Forums???

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Overwhelmingly black mixed with small numbers of jealous and vocal white boys.

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100% from los andes


I'm asian.


I'm a white boy but I accept my status of inferiority to BLACK BVLLS

i want a harem with all races


I honestly have no idea. Maybe someone should make a poll?

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100% whiteb0ys

100% white incels sitting in a dark room

We're the most ethnically diverse white supremacists the world will ever know.

Samefags. Samefags never change

all "whites"
even if it's a pure nigger

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race is a social construct

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half german, half danish, pure aryan heritage

Nord, always

Idk all my family is from San Marino

100% Greenlander
pic not me but related

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Can’t decide between wood elf or high elf.

pick one now, you can always change it later

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Yea Forums is pretty much just an off shoot of /Pol/ now

I'm normal, not dark skin

100% white, no dark skin

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I said normal, you ape

what's "not normal" about other races you repulsive nigger?

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I'm pretty fucking white

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You're a nigger. I'm actually White.

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Afro Cuban

99/1 autistic to klingon

Everyone here except me is a nigger

100% human.
I do not consider "race" to be even worth thinking about. We are all born equal, and should only be judged according to our character and morals.

Also, don't call me a newfag or normie - I have been here longer than the vast majority of Yea Forumstards and definitely don't conform to the average persons idea of what it is to be "normal".

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56% Yea Forumstards
44% newfags

assmad yuropoor spotted

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>thinking that blacks and muslims are smart enough to own modern day technology let alone post on Yea Forums

muslims are smart dude. religion fucked their mind tho


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no they are not smart. Not at all. Their book tells them even how to hold their dick to piss.
Plain morons


gtfo, newnormie

Apu here! Dutch aryan (dunno if thats the correct word for it) here. I have blue eyes and blonde hair.

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native american/pacific islander/alaskan native reporting in

this is actually probably true lmao

Half Mediterranean, half Western European descent.

wtf thats cool man

Its not as bad as you think it is. Btw we Dutchies bash their heads in if we meet any refugee. Unlike you americunts. Were you put down your pants everytime you see a black man walking down the street to get fucked in the ass by him. Blacked loving degenerates.

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Aryans = the inbred

the guy in the top middle looks like the main character from Tokyo Drift

This is the most faggy tumblr shit I’ve ever read on Yea Forums and I’ve seen gay MLP threads in here. Fucking kill yourself

>12% southern european
>"pretty fucking white"

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Wrong, you fucking arab incest degenerate fucker.

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what tribe

Whiteboy at work, $16 per hour bitch.

true, whites are the kings of incest

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> Shows Turks

Are you a living greenhouse plant?

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>arab incest
Um last time I remember you were the product of incest. That's what being inbred means. It means your mom and dad were related in for the purpose to keep the blood "pure".

Also, who'd name themselves after street shitting animals? As if there's no germanic word for nobility. Fucking degenerates.


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I am a schnoekie.

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I am Half italian, half Spanish

Kill yourself nigger and take your inbred pakistani family with you.

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turks are white

>wop calling a sandshit a nigger
fucking Yea Forums lmao

Bwahahahah. Look at their skin. What does it look like? Shit. Get your head out of your ass kiddo.

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Cause they are. Nigger

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Pure aryan? So you are from persia? Cuz that's where this word comes from. Iran=aryan. Hitler knew history and just admired the persian empire. You are nothing special.

Stay mad shitskin

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White, Europe

No ones mad. I just lectured you. You are welcome.

Well I think its time to go back to class than nigger.

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they are caucasian purest of all

Yes it's about time for you to read a book ones in a while my cringy aryan friend

Samefag. Kys

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>Italian and Spanish
>pure blonde aryan
Top fucking kek. Let me gues you're a moorish balotelli mix, amirite?

>inbred pakistani
That's quite a convoluted "no u" here. Don't feel sad Amir, I'm sure there's a viring out there looking to accept your black seed.

Once* keep it clean

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Stay Mad

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Nop. You are just an insecure fuck that's all

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So you are a polar nigger


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Saudi sheikh here

64% are pretending to be a different race

im a chink at heart so idk

> "... I’ve seen gay MLP threads in here ..." ;

..... I'm not surprised:

I probably posted most of them, just to piss

(You) off.

Time to get out out of the stable, instead of

clopping around in secret,

as though there was something even more wrong with it,

than all the rest of your other oddball weirdo faggotry.