Now that the dust has settled, was he in the right?
Now that the dust has settled, was he in the right?
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You wanna watch the video and have a copy of his manifesto and see for yourselves?
Depends on how you "define" being in the right.
1. According to his own manifesto, then he wanted to accelerate stuff. So if we assume that is his objective, then the question to ask is: "Did he accelerate, the things he wanted to accelerate?" Like getting the gun debate go crazy, banned guns, dividing the right and left even further?
Then the answer is hell yea he did. So he succeeded in exactly what he wanted to do according to his own manifesto, and the mainstream normie faggots are doing every single thing he predicted and wanted them to do.
So yes he was in the right according to his own accelerating agenda.
But does this solve the problem on a greater scale? No.
>was he in the right
No. He was (and still is) a deluded little uneducated manlet with an over-inflated sense of self importance who compiled an incoherent "manifesto" of stuff he'd read but did not understand and who is, at heart, a coward. Sadly, good people died because of his delusions.
probably, since NZ is trying it's hardest to suppress all evidence of it happening.
>see lands filling with angry brown people who hate him
>knows they wouldn't be coming here if it weren't for bought, corrupt politicians
>targets brown people instead of the assholes who brought them here
in the right? not by a long shot
To say that good people died.makes you just as delusional as him.people were killed but the goodness of these people is not a given.
all humans are a disease kek
Well, he wasn't what Pewdiepie wanted... he was the hero Pewds deserved.
Trolloing triumphant trips of truths checked, pledge crowned
One might say he was in the alt right.
I don't think he's any different than a muslim terrorist. If you have problems with certain idealogies then fight the people perpetrating it. For example you are against the american government? Then fight their armies and not people who are just living their life not bothering anyone.
every mosque is a terrorist recruitment center, haven't you learned anything in the past 20 years?
There's FAR more evidence to support this claim than any any other about Islam. It's in their koran, verses and chapters dedicated to "kill the non-believer" and the result is .. this:
fucking kek and checked
Let's say they did recruit terrorists, who is responsible? Then small group leading the mosque or every person that enters that mosque to pray?
I'm not really to sure where I stand, yeah sure you can have the opinion of "haha yeah he killed some fucking muzzie niggers that follow a dogshit religion of oppression" or the "yeah fuck those Muslims they treat us like shit" opinion, but then there's the fact that children died for no reason other than their fucking inbred parents bringing them up to know nothing better other than Islam, deaths of brainwashed children is unnecessary.
Why do most Muslims treat whites like shit? I mean the clear answer is the fact that we destabilized their homes in the quest to harvest resources, every single time they bring a willing dictator that somewhat starts to fix the puzzle we bomb the shit out of them over and over again, ISIS on the verge of elimination? bullshit, everyone will keep pulling in and out of the middle East with their military's until it's bound to rubble, but what's this all about you ask? why don't you start aiming your firearms at the real problem and not the victims of ZOG.
anybody have the vid?
>durr innocent people at a mosque deserve to be shot
Okay buddy
straw man argument .. you fail
For fucks sake how incompetent are you
What did he do?
Fuck off terrorist-sympathizer. White nationalists are fucking cancer.
You're putting commas where they're not needed.
Stop using words you dont know the meaning of
Good criticism retard.
Stop typing your fecal matter into the web.
You sympathize with the very people who want to kill you and your parents. If you are SO wrapped into your globalist agenda, behead your family and present them to your local mosque before offering your own. Enemy.
I'd say it's "mission accomplished"
He was on the left
>good people