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There is literally nothing wrong with tgat unless you are a republican.

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Where did that tax money go? Was it post war repair and infrastructure? Or was it funding illegal immigrants ability to change genders?

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no, it went to fucking up the home countries of those immigrants to the point that they had nowhere to go but here.

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We should privatize the military then since it's the largest working social economy in the world. I don't even get to directly reap it's services. I'll gladly take those tax dollars back.

then you'd be paying $15 a gallon for gas. oh wait you never leave your parent's basement.

ITT: Idiots who know nothing about socialism, working, or life in general.

You are fucking delusional. The richest don't do shit, they get passive income. Those who work the hardest are the middle/low class who get constantly fucked in the ass by their bosses.
Expropriation of big fortunes should be a thing.

Except forced charity is pretty much theft - and I don’t mean taxation, that is spent on infrastructure, defense spending, etc. - I’m specifically talking about welfare and other aid programs for otherwise able bodied men and women.
I have zero obligation to the welfare of others.


user can I have 1000$? Why not, what's wrong with it?

I'm a wageslave watching richies not pay their fare share. I probably would be an indifferent little cocksucker like you if I did live at home. I'm living within my means, barely, and the American system is a pay more get more feature. I'd happily pay 15 dollars for gas, because I'm not a retard with a big ass truck. I also bike to work ride the subway. Living in a big city puts things in perspective. Something you're clearly lacking.

Actually you do get to directly reap their benefits.
The Internet, GPS, drones, duct tape, weather radar, microwave ovens, and more are all the result of government military projects that made their way into the hands of the public.

Taxes aren't your money.

I live/work in the country. I get 17$ hrly. Even with overtime how in the FUCK do you suggest i get to work without bleeding my wallet dry for fuel every week?

They are though.

And you know... Security. I don't see a lot of darkies coming over and raping your wife and you every day at gunpoint.

Okay fine. Then the social system works and should be improved and established in civilian life.


Sorry, but using the conservative handbook paragraph 1 line 3 other peoples problems that don't effect me are nothing to worry about when trying to make changes. That's why I'm okay with it.

Great civics you got there user.

Not false. Taxation is voluntary. As long as you never participate in a job that will require you fill out a W4 or issue you a 1099, you do not have to pay taxes.

Ok then when all the producers are shut down or go under YOU can figure out how to make your own food and coffee dipshit.



Coming from Satan I rather thought you’d agree with me - I don’t have any obligation to aid my fellow man especially if they are more than capable of working.

No because our government doesn't let them. Having a military and having Muslims isn't exclusive. We are literally watching the shit show happen overseas right now with unfettered immigration. Again why not privatize the military and take that strain from the people/gov?

The rich don't work hard yet they have the most money. Working hard is reserved only for the underclassses under capitalism.

>T. Poorfag

So wheres the incentive for entrepreneurship?

Amazon literally doubled wages overnight. You're telling me multimillion dollar companies couldn't solve a fuel cost efficiency problem in their logistics? The $15 a gallon argument is a straw man anyways.

I'm right :^)

>You're poor.

That has nothing to do with the argument. Taxes are still not yours to keep.


Stay in school, kid. You're embarrassing yourself.

Because the national military is kept in check by laws like the posse comitatus act, which prohibits their use on home soil except by an act of Congress.
A privatized military force, unless new laws enacted, would not have those same limitations.

Can't wait to see you on rope day buddy

Yes, they are if you do not participate in IRS enabled work.

Where did I saying cost 15$agallon? Even at 4$q gallon I can't afford to DO MY JOB on top of all my living expenses.

I don't work for Amazon. Are you retarded or something?

Yes, poor. And right

That's perfect, let's further incentivize solar power. Nice idea user

How many entrepreneurs actually make it out of the upper middle class? Cuz last I saw most small business will fail within 5 years unles they are well situated in the service they provide. Even corporate restaurant chains fail when the market is saturated. Most entrepreneurs are small. The ones you’re thinking of are already beyond any semblance of middle class and have access to means the rest of us can only imagine.

Cool so they can operate anywhere they are needed. A singular entity able to operate on foreign and domestic issues.

You mean like with capitalism?

Okay then don't refer to the straw man to argue with me then. Argue with the other guy who actually thinks gas prices would go up.

How does that help with gas again?

>work hard
Oh so that is why we keep importing all the illegals. Because we don't have enough hard working poor people in this country.

Income tax isn't the only form of taxation. Also, no, taxes are not yours, sorry. Please educate yourself.

There's no need for incentive. There is already a lack of motivation in more important areas of society. Being worried about the rich fleeing because they have no incentive to invest is stupid. Arrest the fuckers.

And if you're talking about small entrepreneurship, fuck those hipster douchebags too. Let them all work tech support, with a headset around their necks to see what's good for them.

No thank you - have you never played any video games or watched action movies?
Hell, read history?
One person in charge of a military becomes a dictator. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Right now we have many, many people that the use of our national military has to be vetted by before use. I sure as fuck don’t want just one person in charge.
Let me put it to you this way - would you want Donald Trump to have singular control of an army consisting of 2-3 million people?
How about David Bloomberg?

Oh I can't hope to become unimaginably rich? Fuck it then.


how many people who earn 10 million a year are "working hard"

KYS faggot

... I didn't you dumass

Poor people don’t do shit, lets take their belongings...

That's not even related to what I said...

I work in a tax firm. I know the laws much better than you regarding taxation, and you’re not understanding what I am saying.
If you never participate in a job that requires you to complete a W4 or will issue you a 1099 for contract labor, you will never pay taxes.

>how many people who earn 10 million a year are "working hard"
the overwhelming majority

As someone who does service (and actually knows and works for hundreds of other people who do the same) if you raise the price of gas by $1, you're going to raise the price of EVERYTHING by $10.

Service dudes make everything keep going and they spend half their day in the car/truck. Increase the cost of travel and service rates go up, cost of doing business goes up, cost of goods goes up.

Increase the cost of delivery (trucking) cost of goods (food, clothes, whatever) goes up.

Just because your fat ass can get on a bus for free and go to the store without a car doesn't mean they can fill the store and keep the lights on and the shit working with mass transit. Doesn't work that way. There's a reason why things cost so fucking much in the city. It's a pain in the fucking asshole to work in cities and the cost of doing business in a city is much higher than in a small town. That's why you all are 'ok with raising gas prices' but think 'everyone should have mass transit'.

Liberal logic, ladies and gents

Isn't it funny how all of the right-leaning business owners who want to deport illegals and demand tax cuts are the very people employing the illegals?

Why is the right rooted in hypocrisy for literally everything they say or do?


>I work in a tax firm but I think income is the only form of taxation
Sounds like a terrible tax firm lmao.

Funny, when corporations and the rich demand benefit from taxes and lower taxes it’s Patriot capitalism. When people want to benefit from taxes it’s suddenly socialism.

>fascism is cool if I benefit

That's right, brother. Down with these libtards and their alternative facts. What's next? Grass is green? Fucking snowflakes.

No it's the logical issue with your statement.

Pretty sure I know why you're poor user.

Or they want poor US citizens to get a fucking job, instead of being leeches on society.

I get a VA check every month, plus free college and a second monthly stipend check, plus a host of other benefits.

Taxes are my money.

And for all you Socialist fags out there, given a big enough government check, I would not work. $5 says I'm not the only one.

I don’t live in a state that charges taxes for essential services, like groceries, and we have no state taxes.
We do have higher property taxes, but that stays in the state and none of it goes towards local welfare programs.

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Lefties, give this one a watch

Please cite the amendment requiring my income fund your 10 kids and your Newports.

Nope, they hire illegals because it's cheaper

It works out at first. It does everywhere. It just doesn't work long term. Investment stops and there is no possibility for the growth of businesses. It leads to corruption of the upper class and the starvation of the lower classes. The people who work hard quickly learn that working doesn't improve their quality of life.

>Taxes are my money.

Sounds pretty sweet dude. Taxes still aren't yours, though.

I don't know of any, but I don't see how that's relevant. Taxes are still not yours.

>working hard
Good joke

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>TFW labor works hard to give money to share holders that do nothing, but socialism giving away money is the real bad guy

lol, wow, hmmm...

They are though, you’ve not been listening.

Give me your shit nigga

>If I keep saying something false over and over eventually it will become true
Also false.

your absolute fascination with this woman, and your lack of simple understanding of what needs to be accomplished, is truly breathtaking.

Please find a box cutter and begin slicing at your neck, repeatedly. It is the only way.

Also, livestream that shit on Facebook, for the lulz.

>your absolute fascination with this woman, and your lack of simple understanding
I believe it's actually you and your lack of facts while relying only on feel good legislation and emotions that is truly laughable.

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If it's privatized then there will be multiple organizations breeding competition to keep each other in check. That's what conservatives say about capitalism.

It would. The government is already using military contractors.

But the question is: should they be?

RIch people don't work at all. Why should poor people who work hard for a living have to pay high taxes to give government subsidies to rich corporations?

Yawn. You done flapping your jaws yet? Seems we've heard this for long enough now. Give it a rest.

Only an idiot would believe that feeding poor people is bankrupting the government when the same government is giving out $900 billion in corporate subsidies annually and getting nothing in return.

Wealthy people tend to work long hours and late into life. Poor people tend to jump at the opportunity to leave their shifts early without pay so they can get home and smoke weed/drink sooner. People that succeed in the US market make a series of intelligent informed decisions and diligently follow through. The failures made poor choices or lacked the willpower to follow through. There's an element of luck the extreme ends of that spectrum, but the difference is capitalizing when fortune favors you and effectively responding when luck isn't with you. Once can easily argue that nearly everyone in The United States of America has a great shot at succeeding at life. Even people from desperately poor backgrounds can make it.

Unfortunately, the skills and traits required to succeed must in part be bestowed upon a child by their parents or other role models. That's where we have the breakdown in society. Poor people grow up in an environment in which the media and many of the people around them teach them that the system is rigged against them and that they have no chance, so they never try, which guarantees failure. Then they go on to teach this self fulfilling prophecy to others.

We're seeing similar with the middle class. They were taught a similar, but equally false narrative. Their guidance counselors and parents taught them they could succeed no matter what they did and passed on bad debt habits. That why we have the student debt crisis. Many young adults borrowed money to invest in an education without accurately assessing the situation. Many took on debt to study what is essentially a hobby without any regard for how they would ever pay back the loans. Others were poor students, but assumed college was the right choice until they flunked out. Now a large portion of this generation is looking for someone else to foot the bill for their mistakes without even acknowledging that their inability to repay their debt is their responsibility.

>forced charity is moral

Read a book about morality and ethics and then a book about rights.

If you wanna know who's stealing your money you should look for people with a lot of money but it's easier to blame poor broke ass Mexicans than face your own incompetence.

I call bullshit. Rich entitled assholes don't work at all. They, like "wanna be rich" Donald Trump, mostly watch television and play golf. They make their money by screwing middle class workers and contractors out of their rightful fees and then having their high powered lawyers file suit.

People who do all the hard work and make the assholes that suck the bosses dick or fuck him look good so they get the $$ instead of the ones doing the work can now give me money for doing nothing. I worked hard and get fucked over so fuck all of you. Not playing the your games anymore. Pay me fuckers.

It's middle class workers who put in the long days, for very low pay and little reward. In return, their money is stolen from them by bureaucrats and used to subsidize businesses that make the biggest campaign contributions.


We need conflict of interest rules that prohibit congresspersons from voting on any issues that affect companies who give them money. If you take the $100K from tech, then you have to recuse from any votes on tech issues.

Good idea! If you take the $30 million in Russian money from the IRA then you shouldn't be allowed to vote on gun rights bills because you have a conflict of interest.

Please explain how money generated through my labor which is subsequently taken in the form of taxes is not my money

How can you look at U.S. Corporate Welfare like:
- Nike $2.03 billion
- Royal Dutch Shell $2.04 billion
- Fiat/Chrysler $2.06 billion
- Ford $2.52 billion
- GM $3.58 billion
- Intel $3.87 billion
- Alcoa $5.64 billion
- Boeing $13.18 billion
...and still think you're being unfairly taxed to feed poor little brown children? Can you read?

1: Your figure is off by an order of magnitude according to the Cato institute.

2: These corporate subsidies you decry are either grants paid by the government to a corporation in return for some sort of service or tax breaks in return for operating a business that would otherwise not exist. These grants are payments not gifts. Strings are attached and the service is required or the money will be taken back. Furthermore, the tax breaks are not payments. The tax breaks are a reduction in money owed in return for a business operating in a manor that politicians want. In most cases these businesses wouldn't be operating in an area or at at the same level without the reduced tax burden. In essence, this "corporate welfare" isn't welfare it all. It's a combination of the government hiring corporate entities to perform a service and economic stimulus. Admittedly, this is frequently government overreach. The economic stimulus is often subverting the market and government grants paying corporations to engage in charity are simply a form of welfare to the poor showing up under a different line item.

>taken in the form of taxes
You just answered your own question.

Haven't you noticed that senators get paid $175K annually but spend $50 million to $80 million every two years to get re-elected? Where did you think that money comes from?

Tax breaks are not Corporate subsidies

Too bad congress has generally failed to get the promised benefits in return for the massive subsidies. Why did we have to pay Boeing millions of dollars to move from one U.S. City to another?

>Thinking she's a socialist
>Thinking she's advocating for that

Why are you guys such brainlets?

This. Durp.

>If the government takes money from you its not theft

Tax breaks arent subsidies. Also, those corps actually add something to our society, rather than simply leech off it is as welfare sum do.

The SNAP (food stamps) program is also a subsidy, not a gift. Strings are attached there too. The idea is, if we feed you, you'll agree not to riot and burn our cities!

Good, then maybe less people will drive

Millions of dollars?

>take (another person's property) without permission or ***legal right*** and without intending to return it.
Nope, it's not. Also, taxes are still not yours. Glad you're learning something today, Timmy.

Ok but what if I only work "under the table". Like from family and friends doing minor tasks for let's say 10$ a job. I made let's say 300 last month. How much is mine and how much belongs to the people?

The short answer is go fuck yourself

The long answer has to do with communism and civil rights. So it's moot in murka.


No actually, most of those Corps aren't helping us. Their helping themselves to our resources. Big agriculture is poisoning us with frankenfoods, big Pharma is helping them do it with oxycontin and fentanyl. Massive overselling of cheap consumer junk is destroying our environment and making our lives miserable. It's time you realized corporate America does not have your best interest in mind.

Be silent. Consume. Die.

Depends on the tax rate and whether or not your employer is withholding.

What logical issue?
I may be legit retarded. I am unsure at this point. Please genuinely enlighten me. Otherwise I can only assume YOU must in fact be the retard.

>nowhere but here
>but here
Do you know how large the earth is, son?

>expecting alt-right retards to understand simple computing

He doesn't about the average work week of a ceo

Because the different tax bases are in competition with one another. They supply infrastructure and labor. In return businesses employee laborers and pay taxes. In many cases businesses relocate when the expenses associated with moving are lower than the decreased costs. Obviously it's a complicated decision.

Amazon's new headquarters is a pretty good example of how these decisions are made. Obviously, the taxes in NYC are incredibly high, but there's a lot of skilled labor there an access to NYC's substantial albeit aging infrastructure. Initially, the tax reduction offered by New York was enough to entice Amazon, but the heavy handed government oversight combined with the uncertainty that comes from a lack of strong leadership in NY's government was enough for reassess and draw new conclusions.

We already do that by paying government salaries. I'd prefer it went into healthcare.

That may be the de facto reality, but is isn't the stated law.

socialism bad

*drops mic*

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Giving money to a well functioning company which brings investment and jobs to America is different than feeding some inbred leftist leech's alcoholism

All of the little NPCs should read The Ant and the Grasshopper for their next story-time.

>communism is redistribution
imagine being american/this retarded

>without intending to return it

He's one of those MMT communists that think that the government can print money because the size of the industrial reserve army is what actually controls inflation. They have a whole set of unproven economic models
that justify the policies they support. You can pick up enough of the basics from wikipedia if you really care, but essentially, he thinks he smarter than every mainstream economist. It's one hundred percent garbage and most of the people spouting off about have no idea what they're talking about. Their trump card is to point out that taxes are levied to balance the money supply not to actually collect currency, which is in effective a pointless distinction with fiat currency, but they use that one non-point to justify anything they want, which usually means the fed printing money to pass out to the poor.

Government has legal right to collect taxes. I know, it hurts to have big bad daddy Trump take taxes out of your McDonalds paychecks, doesn't it, Timmy?

>Now a large portion of this generation is looking for someone else to foot the bill for their mistakes without even acknowledging that their inability to repay their debt is their responsibility.
He said when the international corporates are getting lion's part of your taxfunding and your gov't just bailed out tons of banks which were manipulating markets

Amazon doesn't need subsidies. It's one of the richest corporations in the world. Boosting taxes on NYC residents so that Amazon can get a big tax break fro bringing minimum wage jobs to the city is the height of folly and the epitome of corporate welfare.

The bailout was a set of loans that have already been paid back. Are you suggesting the students get additional government loans to pay off their current government loans? You are aware the you do have to pay back loans right? They're not just free money.

That's a troll right?

BTW, the single largest group of food stamp (SNAP) recipients is active duty white military personnel. They work hard at slave wages and risk their lives for you but you're still too cheap to help feed their children.

i already get $1000 a month for free this shit skin better not fuck it up

Reported to the FBI

imagine doing this just to make billionaires richer lol

Our military protects you, but you don't think you should have to pay taxes in return for that privilege. Taxes for military protection are socialist!

if only it was

What are you proposing to do with the old, infirm, and handicapped people who can't work? Are you planning on offing your Mom and Dad?

Will you have death squads with brickbats to take out the helpless orphans?

Remember Timmy, it's better to be a "shitskin" than a white guy who's full of shit!

The military has been privatised for years, you dont think goverment employees produce all that expensive hardware they consume

I hate working hard. You have my vote

>>implying Bezos or Walton family members are working 10000000x more than their employees
>>implying people working for them actually don't work at all
how does it feel to be so autistic and retarded?

That's called communism

It's was tried in the colonies. It failed miserablely. Turns out the industrious didn't like working to provide for the lazy. Only with private property did the colonies succeed. Didn't get taught that in school? I wonder why.

I don't think any part of that sentence is true.

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>being so poor and jealous you typed this out.
Son, I am disappoint

Now I'm convinced your trolling. The new Amazon facility in NYC was set to have an average wage about $100,00 and Amazon gives it's lowest paid employees $15 an hour. I'd think you're just an idiot, but you cited an article about the dregs of society Amazon hires pissing in the trash like NEETs.

What exactly do you think our tax rate is compared to other first world countries?

says the guy posting on Yea Forums, i bet you work very hard

fucking americans, so brainwashed they can't spend 5 minutes without babbling some political nonsense

>billionaires work harder than a pet cat

LMFAO you retards and your Stockholm Syndrome

im unemployed, gib half ur money

enlighten us, professor

The US just ran the largest monthly budget deficit in history. Thanks socialism! Oh, wait!

>$15 an hour
so, they had planned to pay everyone at least minimum wage?

You live in a benevolent society. Part of the social contract is that you help your fellow countrymen. You’re just a NEET with an inferiority complex that’s projecting.

We'll then don't expect anyone to have any obligation to your welfare.

He doesn’t have to. Not that he has a job. But mommy takes care of him and that’s all that matters.

haha this one is mad because he didn't get his tendies

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I own some of your money. Its mine. It was never yours to begin with. It was always property of the U.S. government. If they say I get to have a turn to play with it, then I do.

You see... You are the fool. You spent the vast majority of your conscious experiences in education, employment, and training. You did all of this for your own selfish benefit, but you forget that you don't make the rules. They do.

If we, the people can get the government to teach you a lesson in humility, and charity.. If we can provide a better place for our children using everyone's SURPLUS income... We will.

Expect us.

Fucking non-Americans always rattling off like they matter

He doesn’t have to. Not that he has a job. But mommy takes care of him and that’s all that matters.

And ppl that worked hard should not get compensated after the fact because they are not useful anymore. EVEN AFTER THEY GO TO IRAQ, THEY NEED TO FIND THERE OWN WAY WHILE DISABLED!

That's not what socialism is.

I work hard for my money and I'll be damned if I give it to some lazy low-life who just wants a handout.

tough shit faggot

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Lazy good-for-nothings don't deserve help. Show me you're willing to put in work and actually try to better yourself and I'm all for helping you. Sit back with your hands out expecting me to give you something or feeling like you're entitled to something you didn't work for and I'll gladly walk right on past you.

Just came here to post this

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What do you do for a living? Just curious

lol tough shit, faggot. don't have to show you nothing. socialsim will save america

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Cucked by a big titty Latina politician

I'm not Spanish so no worries

Fuck off commie, what's the point in taking the "surplus" if people only get to barely live then what's the fucking point? You advocate the very thing you're against, you don't want to help the poor, you want to make the rich and middle class poor as well and then take away any rights we had.

That's how it currently works retard, hard workers are broke, uber rich have all their money and don't work at all...

Yes it is

Do you know how much of the Earth is either ocean or being bombed by us?

if you need to "work hard" for a days living then you need an education and stop being poor trash

We have zero social contracts, and this is not a benevolent society.
You’re delusional or naive - take your pick, either which way, you’re wrong on all accounts.

I don’t. If I get to the point I am feeble or infirm, I’ll eat a bullet, just like you should so you’re not a burden on people.
Project much?

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>Or was it funding illegal immigrants ability to change genders?
That's not the case today. IIRC the largest block of mandatory spending is pensions for old people.


I bet they were all in diapers when GWB was fucking up the economy.

>We have zero social contracts

I work in a count room at a casino.

She's the Democrat flavor of the month. Everyone will forget about her soon enough.

This is such bullshit. The recent scandal with parents bribing University employees to ensure their children are accepted at "prestigious" institutions is the tip of the iceberg of corrupt wealthy individuals using wealth to ensure personal benefit. The wealth aristocracy has been ensuring its hegemony for hundreds of years and your jejune ignorance is laughable.

You are clearly from a middle class origin story and have idea how the world really works.

Stop spreading your propaganda. A super worker like yourself would never be wasting time on /b. (right?) You're a joke.

>implying hard work is how people get rich

Oh sweet Summer child. This must be your first winter.

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"People who Work hard"

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That's the problem.
Were almost all poor.
Nearly everyone.
Anyone that isn't filthy stinking rich.
Is poor.

Don't you get that maybe people who work hard should get a fair wage instead of whatever they can be forced to take?

Ain't it pretty clear that not everyone poor is incompetent?

That if you work.
You shouldn't be on the brink of collapse every fucking day?

If hard work has value.
Pay for it.

Thing is I don't think that's the real issue.
What's really going on is that you think people aren't worth paying for.
You don't care about hard work.

You just want to feel better than others.

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‘Why should I pay for the poor’, from the perspective of billionaires, Is because - the tax you avoid paying is responsible for the societal infrastructure that allows your business to exist, and therefore allows you to reap the profit of other people’s hard work.

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Ah. You’re an asshole.
Explains it all really

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You're aware that most large are depleted within two or three generations right? This myth of the robber baron tycoon being a new form of noble through generational wealth is preposterous. Yes, the upper middle class and wealthy have more opportunities to assist their children, but ultimately maintaining such a fortune require skill, desire and some luck.

What is clear is that you've embraced this myth that you're doomed to failure and it's someone else's fault. You'll never achieve more than eking out a meager existence. Unfortunately for you. Your problems won't be solved by receiving gifts. There aren't enough resources to sustain every lazy slob with their hand out and you've already decided you won't support yourself, so you'll be deprived of the true richness of life.

The really disgusting part is that you set yourself on some pedestal like your some downtrodden serf. You've never experienced true poverty in your life. I doubt you could even conceive of it. You have more opportunity to thrive than most people have ever had and you cast it away demanding that society take care of you because your very existence is so special and worth while. You're worth as much as you can provide for society and I'd wager that isn't a whole lot.

All opinions on this matter are moot. It has been heavily researched. We know that progressive taxation is the way to go to fund everything. Arguing is pointless. If you disagree, you are an idiot.

No, it isn't.

How much do you make and how much did you start with.

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Nah bruh I bike to work.
You should try it, it'll take the flab off and save you money

>Because the Looney tunes cronyism of the Republicans and establishment democrats is the epitome of the free market

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Fuck off you strawmanning shitspammer

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Not true. By law any income is taxable. Without a job it's difficult to track, but any income regardless of source is required to be reported.

That is kinda true, you dont see the right pushing transgender surgey do you

fuck off nigger

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Kind of late for this

>The left is pushing for mandatory gender reassignment

Gotta love the heritage foundation

No you fucktard, we should use automation to eliminate as much work as possible and share the bounty.

Why don't you stop looking for a handout and start planning for your future? And I mean a real plan. Waiting for the government to pass out NEET bucks doesn't count.

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>anything left of republican lunacy is literally socialism and socialism literally killed 6 million jews in the holocaust


>works hard

choose 1,there's a reason companys like ford wanted to move to mexico and china

americans are lazy and stupid

>transgenders and illegal aliens are literally the same people
Are you serious or are you just parodying republicans? because I sure as hell can't tell.

That's great! You must be an engineer?

No? You're looking for someone else to automate your job and expect to continue to collect a paycheck?

Sounds about left to me.

you probably support farm subsidies though
>a stupid faggot is a stupid faggot

Nope, that's Christian logic in Jesus' words:
"Give to Ceasar what is Ceasars"

1) You'll never earn enough money for this to apply to you, cos you're a fucking idiot
2) The people this will apply to have, by and large, never done a days hard work in their lives - they reinvested inherited wealth

But yeah, dying through lack of meds is fine so some cunt can add a nought to his already ridiculous bank balance...

You, fucker, are the cuck - but that cock is so far down your throat you can't even taste it any more.


I am left AF, and automation is coming, so start killing the poor or what?

>they reinvested inherited wealth

I didn't I'm not exactly rich, but I make six figures. No inherited wealth here. All hard work.

So go fuck yourself.

You are not a capitalist, bad luck can wipe you out, you are rich when nothing can touch you.

Why you against the military, faggot?

>We should take the money of people who worked hard in the past off of their families because I'm a lazy faggot.

1) move closer
2) ride a bike

Any quesitons?

>You are not a capitalist, bad luck can wipe you out, you are rich when nothing can touch you.

Oh, I am very much a capitolist, and luck rolls over the rich as well as the poor, the capiltolist as well as the poor dumb commie bastard. One day you're dear leader's sweetheart, the next you spill your drink on his uniform and you're spending 20 years in a gulag...

Rolls both ways my dear commie bastard friend.

Capital is just work that somebody did in the past.

>I'm lazy and I want others to give me money for doing nothing
Great civics user

That surplus is created by the entrepenour, you dumb marxist mouthbreather.

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Gas isn't quite the gold standard like it was 10 years ago, unless you live in the EU or something. They're giving gas away in Venezuela, you could move there... ANOTHER communist paradise, BTW...

Human meat is the next big thing!

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No you are not at part of the capitalist class (why are americans so fucking dumb) you have to sell your work to them, you don't have capital to do the "work" for you, so lets say you get hit by a car and you live but something is fucked up and you are gonna be on pain meds from now on, then your house burns down, how long are the money in your bank gonna last? what about when they are gone?

Ooh, a whole six figures?

You're not rich then, Paco, so sit the fuck down. One property deal gone bad and you'd be sucking cock behind a 7-11 for change.

>No you are not at part of the capitalist class (why are americans so fucking dumb) you have to sell your work to them

America; where even dumb faggots can make 6 figures, apparently. Something tells me you're looking at this picture the wrong way...

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"Entrepenour" meens nothing, capitalist exploits workers buy paying them less the the value of there labor.

Sure, that's precisely what I meant. Thanks for confirming you'll never earn enough for it to affect you, cunt.

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Its "entrepreneur". And I'm the stupid one.

The reason the us doesn't get as fucked over like a lot of countries would like is because they have access to a world reset button, so you do get benefits from it.

>"Entrepenour" meens nothing, capitalist exploits workers buy paying them less the the value of there labor.

"entrepreneur" and "their". "There" mean, like, "over there". Ya dumb commie cunt.

Well yeah, cos I copied that from you, English is not my first language, so ...

Wow you are really winning this argument now user, look at all the spelling errors and gramma mistakes.

The only reason you see that low income people "work harder" is because they do more physical work than those in white collar positions, and the reason they do that is because they don't have a lot of education to do anything else so they do jobs that pretty much anyone can do, give a CEO a shovel and they know how to dig, put a construction worker in front of a company and it goes to shit.

Keep crying for gibs nigger

>Pays fair market value
These don't mean the same thing

So you're a fucking illiterate fuck face.

Anyone who accuses ME of being stupid would do well to at least use proper English.

That's the fun thing about this site, it's an extreme case of Poe's law. Is it just another edgy teen, or someone with swastika tattoos on their face, who can tell?

Labor giving to shareholders is voluntary based on employment. Socialism is forced distribution.

What if forced charity is needed to reduce crime and create a stable society? Don't let your principles get in the way of pragmatism, let them guide the pragmatism.

Just because the only thing you can do can also be done by a monkey doesn't mean you are a hard worker, you just don't have other choices since you lack talent for everything else, don't expect much money out of that.

Like people who scrub toilets and stack shelves don't work hard. Their work is essential, but apparently not enough to deserve healthcare.

No, its not essential. If it were toilet scrubbers would make $100K/yr. Its not. You lack basic understanding of the value of labor. Toilet scrubbers make what they make precisely because of the value of that labor, its not much.

Or you could tell me of on another language, ohh you only know the one, that's a huge intellect your are swinging around there.

Klap dig selv på ryggen min dreng

>What if forced charity is needed to reduce crime and create a stable society?

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>but apparently not enough to deserve healthcare.

And the healthcare nob is a separate argument. I believe in universal healthcare.

Sukebe da to kami ga nobiru no ga hayai tte hontō?

Spent two years in Japan, went to high school there.

Your unqualified assumptions are a bad look on you.


Fuck society, what has society thats done worth a fuck? Public education? The police department? The military? Fuck em.

Yes the key problem is that capitalism only produces for profit, this drives costs down, AND in late stage capitalism it gets harder and harder to make a profit cos everything equals out, how much profit can you make on a brick, on a beer on a phone, not enough to be nice about it, so we need a crises to break some shit and make a profit on rebuilding it, sounds like a great system in the long run.

>Or you could tell me of on another language,
you seem to be having a hard enough time with basic English, we'll not beg for disaster...

They make that much because society believes they only deserve that much, and is engineered to ensure that people will work for that little because they're desperate.

Did you know that nearly every conservative policy can be explained by the term "cheap labour"? Opposition to abortion? Keep women desperate. Opposition to free healthcare? Opposition to minimum wage? Keep poor people desperate. States rights? Keep black people down and desperate.

Desperate people will work for less, that way the hierarchy is maintained, and the "right" people are at the top.

Yes you win the internet, I made a typo, good job.

Yep, this user gets it.

Dismantle the hierarchy. It's not a question of the "wrong people" being at the top, it's the existence of a top at all.

>hey make that much because society believes they only deserve that much

Its not a belief. Workers aren't paid for their labor because the employers are basing the wage on a political philosphy, the wage is based on its value alone. You say on one hand (in your horrible English) that business is a for profit concern then toss that statement out in the heap by saying the wage is based on some philosophy. You can't have it both ways.

Sarani anata wa bakadesu. You assumed I don't know another language, you assume I have what I have by way of inheritance, you assume a lot of nonsense don't you?

I'm so shamed by your ridiculous spelling. Your points are made all that more salient with your misspelling.

>You say on one hand (in your horrible English)
You may be mistaking me for that other user. English is my first language, and I write for a living, so no, my English is fine thanks.

Oh, sorry, your name tag is on backwards, writer boy. Point made, whomever its targeted to. F'cissakes.


that's what paying taxes is. literally. politicians don't do shit and take everything from workers.

fucking moron.

I only wear a name tag when I go to conferences. I'm in academia (that awful socialist institution) in Scotland (that wonderful socialism loving top of the UK).

Put a bunch of monkeys together in a cage with a bunch of bananas, and the larger monkeys will have all the bananas.

Do the same with an economy, same result.

What's the result in a communist economy? Those in power will have all the bananas. Has happened every time its been implemented. The only difference between a capitalist society and a communist one is fewer monkeys have all the bananas, and beat up the ones who speak up about it. I don't think a communist society will solve all the problems claimed by pro-communists.

Hey, how's that Brexit thing going, Sotland boy?

Isn’t that the current system? I mean look at the lowliest employee in an office building and the fucker in charge who is probably golfing more often than not.

>I only wear a name tag when I go to conferences.

RIGHT. We're not wearing name tags here. I'll assume you got my point.

It's going shit, thank you far asking uh... America boy.

Scotland voted more strongly to remain in the EU than it did to remain in the UK back in 2014. In 2016 we were the only country to vote for majority non-brexit supporting parties. We've offered up solutions and been ignored.

Basically I can't see the UK remaining particularly united after this. *shrug*. Still, here's hoping for an Independent Socialist Scotland that's part of the EU in a few years time!

The trick is to have a socialist economy without the hierarchy (yes, libertarian socialism is a real thing). Always examine the hierarchy and see if it can be dismantled (I know this goes totally contrary to conservatism, that's kind of the point).

What if the monkeys build a machine that makes bananas, more bananas then the monkeys need, but the big monkey still takes them all?

ok johnny time to back to bed you said you were sick today

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???? Why should that works 8 hours a day to put food on the table be obligated to pay for some retard that doesnt work? if that was possible then nobody would work at all

Then you eat the big monkey, and tell anyone who tries to take all the bananas that they're next.

>Forgetting the French Revolution

Allowing those who are unable to succeed to have a life tends to prevent revolts. The rhetoric that the majority of people on social networks are lazy bums is incorrect. The pareto distribution virtually guarantees that they will exist and ignoring them leads to instability.

That's not even remotely what socialists are demanding. They're saying that if you do work a 40 hour week, then you should have food and healthcare, not crippling anxiety and debt.

The issue is that the American healthcare system is so fucked that demanding access to it is out of scope.

You can't pay for everyone's health care in the current paradigm and everyone knows it, so the people asking for it look like loons.

well since you like communism why don't you go there? I'm giving away free ammunition to communists, but you have to catch it at 2500 fps

Sounds like an awful system prime for abuse

>Communism is so violent
>So I'll threaten violence.

Haven't you got a tyrant to overthrow somewhere?

Christianity 101
Fucking cult

LoL, make Venezuela great again, I am voting for her, I cant imagine the white men face of hatred good enough, good thing I am getting this view in life, btw , weak and predictable.

Just buy an electric car you freaking Luddite.

exactly how did you come up with that? all evidence suggests health care for all will actually lower spending by $303 billion

And the right wants to fuck you in the ass with it... Enjoy picking a side!


People who aren’t in big cities don’t have said amenities dumb fuck. What you’ve just said here is that YOU wouldn’t care to pay 15$ a gallon because YOU don’t need gas. Newsflash asshole most people do need it. Especially farmers, truck drivers, airlines. Literally everything that gets your food to you and your fucking Amazon packages. You don’t think 15 a gallon wouldn’t have a huge ripple effect?

I see you understand libertarianism as much as a trump-tard understands socialsim.

this cunt is so far fucking out there that her own party has turned their backs on her. she should have stuck to giving quarter handjobs.

Wrong. It's that people who have excess wealth should have a duty to their country and community to assist in infrastructure, healthcare, and other essentials the same way anyone else's duty in work is to keep the community going through their labour. You can't have infinite profit with finite resources.

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Fuck the military or make them do roads and bridges and build shit here.

Damn right, fucking welfare queens, they get 3 meals and a cot for fuck all. Standing around jumping up and down, free travel. They even get to shoot brown people for fun, and get their welfare benefits every-month on top of it.

The least they can do, is be productive and repair this shit hole they're making America by draining the GDP by close to a trillion dollars a year!

In that case, if you have something we need, we will just take it from you. By force if you make it necessary.

>so far fucking out there that her own party has turned their backs on her
And? Wasn't that the point of Trump?
Isn't shaking the system up the entire point of supporting people like that?
She scares her own party? Good, shit doesn't work as it should now, shake the fuck out of, burn it down if need be and start again, maybe some of the shit she throws in there will actually stick. Make a decent brick to build something sustainable on.