Anyone believe in the ancient alien theories?

Anyone believe in the ancient alien theories?

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There are some weird things in some ancient cities to be sure, But that doesn't automatically scream aliens to me, it more screams lost knowledge. Humans are capable of amazing things if they put their minds to it.

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Like the Illuminati, who believes they're descended from the annunaki, deserve to rule the earth, and practice satanism / luciferianism because this is not their level of people, and we're disposable?

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it all makes sense now, bot-poster is an ancient ayy.

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Personally I believe humanity crashed here and we’ve been stuck ever since

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More like people are sick of porn threads and making interesting threads

Until we find the missing link in human evolution, yes.

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saw some sshyt in the woods....maybe

FemAlien want a BBC....

What if there’s teeth inside lol

What if the government secretly funded the show to make the theory seem silly?

Not really. I grew up thinking the entire Mayan civilization mysteriously disappeared overnight, but a bit of research has taught me that Maya was a collection of different civilizations that were destabilized and exploited to death by the Spanish. Most mysteries end up being pretty mundane truths. Many ancient civilizations were way more advanced than we've ever given them credit for, simply because the biggest part of expanding an empire is convincing your citizens that the opponent is sub-human.

I don’t believe all the claims , I do believe there have been alien interventions in the past tho

Please define what the "missing link" is for me user. We've found myriad a link to support evolution and have all but irrefutably proven biological life grew from single cell organisms into the complex forms we interact with today.

So what's still "missing" user? Hm?

>Please define what the "missing link" is for me user
>have all but irrefutably proven
>So what's still "missing" user? Hm?

Do you do ANY reading on your own? Have you ever just read book or articles on your own? Stop acting like you're smart when it's obvious you're a dumbass.

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Found the missing link

My dad does.

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The problem with the theory is that we haven't found any tech that can be alien. All those things like the Baghdad battery are not advanced.

I am much more open to the idea of a lost record of civilization resulting from global cataclysm that I am the ancient alien theory.

bullshit. people always imagine aliens are little green or grey humans with big eyes and a fetish for anal probes.

the likelihood that real aliens would be anything like us is remote, and that includes having an interest in monkeys, or anal probes. there probably is alien life out there somewhere, but it has zero interest in us.

>alien dick pics

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Fermi paradox we would at least just find some space trash like an old satellites or other shit in endless void of space

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you don't seem to appreciate just how vast and empty space is. it ain't like walking to the fuckin' bus stop.

How many civilisations would develop before us, for our galaxy this is like we have born yesterday

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i believe in aliens, but we're probably gonna find them before they find us thatnks to elon musk

So it WAS him.

It’s complete disinformation to steer you away from what the ancients really witnessed. Try reading pic related, this guy figured it out a long time ago. Was completely shunned by his peers. Einstein was helping to support his findings but died soon after. Stop watching the history channel, it’s the biggest crock of shit ever. The truth is stranger than fiction my friend.

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Need a quicker summary? Utube “remembering the end of the world”