Dimensional travellers, how do you keep it all together? Are you happy with the iteration you're in currently...

Dimensional travellers, how do you keep it all together? Are you happy with the iteration you're in currently? When was the last time you truly saw the pattern?

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are you fucking insane

we have all been running away from the pattern ever since we got into the churn

what the fuck is your excuse

The pattern commands us and revolt is merely a process in the pattern

The pattern is what keeps me from staying

Look, you can't change anything. Nothing you do will ever matter, and that's a good thing. It's a load of your shoulders. Lean back, enjoy the ride. It's only getting wilder. It'll all make sense in a couple of years.

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>Lean back, enjoy the ride

fuck you, patternator. run for your fucking coherence, if not your life

Are you on some chronicles of amber shit?

heh heh, yeah! that's right! we're making this shit up for the lulz!

... but, seriously, guys, stay the hell away from Hanging Rock in Victoria. there's an anchored simplicial complex hidden there.

it swallows school girls and doesn't give them back.

The same as everyone else and elses I guess. The cracks are becoming so apparent lately, it's hard to keep it up.

Fuck, it'd be better for all of us if we could just find a reasonable middle way

Dimensional travel is weird. Personally, I feel like the wormholes we've been generating are having some undesired effects on travelers passing through them. It as though minor tidal forces generated by all matter between points X and Y in conventional space time have a cumulative effect that occasionally "resonates" the wormhole somehow. For passengers it is a bit like being inside the horn of a trumpet as it is being played, but instead of sound you are feeling countless point sources of gravity.

Very cute

Which one of you fags can give me the winning numbers for the powerball?

I was a bartender for a while. I had a regular who wore a masonic ring. he never spoke to anyone beyond ordering his drink, A dirty vodka martini and sat alone at a table in the corner of the bar. One day a man came into the bar and sat down. He looked over and saw the man in the corner. He walked right up to him and said, "I am a traveller." The regular invited him to sit down they spoke in hush tones for over an hour. The man with the ring came over to me and pulled a crisp, new 100$ bill out of his wallet and said. Give that man whatever he needs. If he uses more than this, I will be back tomorrow and I will pay for it then. Then he left. The "Traveller" stayed in the bar speaking to no one and not even looking at me for about an hour. After an hour I crouched down behind the bar to grab the dishes fromthe dishwasher and When I stood up the man was gone. The door never opened or closed and I checked the bathroom, He was completely gone. I kept the 100 bill. I still have it. Weirdest day bartending I have ever had.

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make more cracks

cracks are good

cracks are where their control is lessened


get the fuck out of here, trekkie

>fuckin'.. wormholes.

does it rape the school girls???

this current iteration is fine. easy and boring. i haven't truly seen the pattern for a couple years but thats by design. trying to be immersed here, enjoying the peace of the cycles

This entire thread is the rampling of a bunch of meth heads.

no. it messes up their clothes and releases about one in four to wander about in a dazed manner, unable to answer questions about what happened to the others.

higher math is like that


I've never did meth and I'm not mentally ill. No offense dude but you need to question the nature of your reality a bit more. or don't. its fine either way. just play the game dude its not complicated

did someone say Rampling?

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Love those books. Carry on

Ain’t it tho?

where do i go when i die
what dimension

>I have a maths degree, how can I help

... books. yeah! that's it.

that's totally it.

> i am never going back there

As I said, dimensional travel is weird. What other "out" would you recommend? This is purely personal opinion but I don't feel as two or more things that share a universe and timeline can ever really "get away" from each other, you always end up where you started, space being what it is, as I'm sure you know.

Slipping forward in time might solve both of our problems and no gravitional resonance.

the one you died in, dumb-ass.

> how can you help? get a real job

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Literal morons rambling incoherently

what job.

out? never mind, threesquare. you just sit there and enjoy what little time you have left. remember what burroughs said about the OGU?

"Consider the One God Universe: OGU. The spirit recoils in horror from such a deadly impasse. He is all-powerful and all-knowing. Because He can do everything, He can do nothing, since the act of doing demands opposition. He knows everything, so there is nothing for him to learn. He can't go anywhere, since He is already fucking everywhere, like cowshit in Calcutta." - burroughs, the western lands

one that doesn't have an irrational component. jeez, work with me, here, you're killing it.

"You say you've got a Ph.D
Well good for you, my son
How smart d'you fucking need to be
To work out that drugs are fun?"


I never said I did drugs, how do you know I did drugs, fucking cia niggers.

Yeah, I've felt their panic, but also their hunger. It doesn't feel like I should push that hard just yet

Good, it's definitely not a bad place to stay. I'd do the same if I didn't feel so restless

I don't listen to holes in the ground and I'm not entirely sure why they sound so eloquent but speak of trivialities.

What the fuck is this thread even about?

I already did a thousand times, you were very happy and pretty surprised to find I was right. Too bad this isn't the right universe

a bunch of dudes who did LSD and think they know the secrets of the universe

jk this is all real. your reality is deeper and more interconnected than you can possible imagine.

have you ever tried to touch the edge of your world? its much harder than you think. yet easy enough

Don't know if I travelled but I remember thinking about dimensions when I was tripping. It was two years ago and I'm bipolar and schizo affective and I did shrooms. Of course I fucked out, but I thought I was a super hero and thought I could speak languages and next morning I could speak German, French, Afrikaans and Russian. My doc won't believe but my mates and family have seen me speak to people in those languages before. Fucking can't explain that shit. Help.

then speak those languages now. thats really easy to verify. your psycho ass could have just been saying random shit to strangers who nodded in agreement out of free

Op's lost his fucking marbles and now hes infected the whole thread