I wanna an hero, live in spain, too much of a pussy to do it in a potentially painful way...

I wanna an hero, live in spain, too much of a pussy to do it in a potentially painful way, heard about helium tanks being mixed with oxigen to avoid exit bag usage, is there any way to buy a pure noble gas in spain? other painless methods are also welcome, I have been wanting to kill myself for such a long time but every time I come close I pussy out due to potentially surviving with painful side effects... ty in advance...

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shameless self bump pls help a bro out there is nothing in my life worth living for I will never contribute positively to humanity all I do is eat, shit and sleep pls pls pls help me kill myself in a painless way I never asked to be born

And because you want to kill yourself nigga ??

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doesn't matter, would you ask someone why they are hungry if they ask for a repice for an apple pie? I want to kill myself and I have thought it out thoroughly.

I am literal cancer, will probably end up killing innocent people if I don't kill myself pls help me die

The reason you keep "pussying out" is because deep down you want to keep living. Get help and talk to people. That is all you can do. More importantly, get the fuck off Yea Forums. It can't be helping your mental state.

no, I want to die but I do not want to suffer, which is why I can't just jump off a building or in front of a moving train. Those acts imply an intense physical pain that I am too much of a pussy for. Hence why I am asking for a painless way out. Not here looking for mental or emotional support. Please help me with actual an hero logistics.

If you were a cancer, I doubt very much that in your heart you are afraid of hurting other people. You're not a garbage, you're just confused, maybe you have a grudge against someone who hurt you, but equally love. Nothing is reason for you to leave this world so easy, be a hero overcoming every shit that you want to throw life

I would shoot myself in the head with a hunting shotgun but I have been told I cannot obtain a weapons license due to my criminal background, so unless I can borrow one from my uncle, which is unlikely, that option is too complicated

I am not here to discuss about wether or not I have legitimate reasons to kill myself, my first post was very clear in its intention, please if you have the info I need share it with me, been researching for months, haven't found an appropriate method yet

slitting my wrists for example is not an option. I am a massive pussy and want to avoid pain as much as I can, I am a massive good for nothing whimp, there has to be some way to kms painlessly

www.lostallhope.com can help you find your method. I suggest dynamite if you can get it, strapped to your head.

They have statistics on suicide methods and how painful they are, pussy

Any death implies a high degree of stress, if you are so cowardly for free suicide by hitting or throwing yourself from a great height, that makes you think you will be able to withstand the stress of a "quiet" suicide. Better stop being a crying little shit, tie up your pants well and find a solution to your problem. Your antecedents are in the past, your mistakes are in yesterday, your misfortunes are fleeting, don't be a fucking idiot and take advantage of every second you have to live a new life.

will look into it, thanks

>Live in Spain
>wanna an hero
fuck you faggot...try surviving a NY winter before you off yrself. All that sun and your still not happy? Eat a dick faggot

Go fuck yourself hes not gonna listen to u. He mentioned that thats not what hes here for. You tie up your pants, cuck

if you cared about dying you would give a shit if it hurt doing so. just off a cliff or something. walk down the street and wait to get stabbed. nobody cares spanish fucktard.

Shut up lil shit. I live in ny, too and the summer is usually more shit than winter, and not all of spain the vacation resort you imagine, faggot

just walk into your uncles house, grab the gun, and pull the trigger. bam.
you dont have to make it complicated. you dont have to return the gun when you are done

No te suicides user, no merece la pena. Valora la vida que tienes, aunque tenga algún que otro problema, e intenta mejorarla poco a poco.
La muerte no merece la pena, no hay ni cielo ni infierno, no hay nada después de ella. Disfruta de tu vida, porque es la única que jamás tendrás.

At least you get to eat and shit and sleep. I can't do none. I'm in constant pain from chronic instestinal damage, a massive hiatal hernia and several other ailments. And I keep on living.

Don't be a pussy. Marica.

The classic rope around the neck should be enough if you do it from a considerable height, it should break your neck and you should die instantly

hermano todo lo k toco se convierte en mierda, soy como el polo opuesto al rey midas, estoy harto de esforzarme a cambio de nada, cada vez estoy mas solo y por buenas razones, los pocos amigos que me quedan siguen conmigo por interes económico o por pena, no conozco a nadie que se alegre al verme, en pocas palabras, sobro. gente como yo hay mucha y no hacemos falta. pero gracias de todos modos

Difference is you're a FUCKING NIGGER.

>estoy harto de esforzarme a cambio de nada
¿Y en qué te esfuerzas si te estás queriendo suicidar? Vamos tío, que la vida no es tan mala. Tienes un problema químico en el cerebro o alguna mierda de esas.

u know what the best method may even be as simple as that. thought hanging was super painful thanks to hollywood, if it turns out it isn't the semprona police are going to find an early halloween decoration in the middle of the forest, gonna look up just how painful hanging is brb

Wait. So you'll shoot yourself in the face.... but not jump off a building. Making excuses to live. Pussy

Lo primero, intenta ir a un psicologo/psiquiatra, si te vas a suicidar supongo que no importa el dinero que te gastes en eso, si despues de eso sigues con tu plan, gastate toda la pasta que te quede haciendo lo que sea que siempre has querido hacer y despues an hero

Ponme ejemplos de tus problemas y el por qué piensas que todo lo que tocas se convierte en mierda. Dime también lo que has intentado para mejorar tu vida.

También podrías hacer esto; si no te importa el dinero, ve a un psicólogo, hazme caso y prueba por lo menos.

instant death vs intense panic and physical pain, not even remotely close

You're going to die eventually. Have a few more shots of whiskey. A few more pieces of ass. A few more bags of nachos...And most importantly get the fuck away from other people for a while. Guarantee the unbearable feeling is 90% dealing with other people. People are the worst.


Yeah, this is true, experience life bro, and try getting away from other people for a while, or if you want, just grab a backpack and travel around Spain or Europe, just get up and leave. No responsibilities and you can exploration and enjoy the world all you want

chavales gracias por el apoyo pero si sigo igual antes de que llegue el verano me van a encontrar en medio del campo sin vida, de verdad que os agradezco que os preocupeis pero el mundo seguira girando sin mi, no se va a perder nada de valor, no soy el siguiente nikola tesla, cuanto más tiempo pasa conmigo la gente más se deprime... no quiero parecer condescendiente pero estais barriendo el desierto... es tarde para psicologos o psiquiatras, lo he probado todo varias veces, ciao y gracias, a ver si le echo huevos de una vez y dejo de molestar

that actually makes a lot of sense lol

Porque te quieres matar lobezno?

And because not.

pues tio, pilla toda la pasta que tengas y haz una gran locura, algo que siempre hayas querido hacer y despues te matas

espera a que vox gane las elecciones y legalice las armas y pegate un tiro en la cabeza, yo si fue se a quitarme la vida, creo que elegiría ese método, tiene pinta de ser instantáneo.

>helium tanks being mixed with oxigen to avoid exit bag usage
that's fucked up, actually.

Nunca es demasiado tarde, sigue sí es posible los consejos productivos que te han dado aquí, no te convezcas a tí mismo de que nada sirve o de que nada funciona, es tu vida, eres libre de hacer todo lo que tú quieras antes de morir, explora el mundo, vete a follar por ahí, aprende a hacer cosas nuevas , dices que no serás el siguiente Tesla, pero si que podrías serlo sí te apetece coger libros y estudiar, sácate una carrera , busca trabajo, o hazte voluntario y ayuda a otros , porque aunque el mundo pueda seguir girando o no, puedes hacer tanto tu vida coma la de los demás mejor. Suicidandote no vas ni a conseguir nada ni a hacer la vida de los demás mejor.

El mundo está lleno de posibilidades, y sí no tienes nada atandote, son literalmente ilimitadas. Búscalas.

Puedes meterte una mansa de droga y morir de sobredosis, tiene pinta de ser bastante indoloro y contrata a una puta, si te vas al otro barrio, vete con las botas puestas y por la puerta grande no crees ??, piensa que solo tendrás una oportunidad para hacerlo, asi que al menos hazla potente