Name my invention

name my invention

Attached: 7C310D1C-2D15-47BE-AB91-103236D7AC24.jpg (468x468, 74K)

Monday morning 01:36

Flitz prototype.

The only bike a nigger wont steal

A gayike

The auto-jew

Queer n' Steer

it's a fliz.

too much free time-cycle


When life nails you to the cross, make a bicycle out of it


The Bibummer, peddle your way to easier bowel movement.

Attached: Belize_Speed_Bump_Sign.jpg (2272x1704, 1.63M)

call it the hey I saw return to OZ too


Make a 1 wheel version of it

Gotta go fast!

Attached: fliz-pedal-less-bike-concept-designboom-02.jpg (818x546, 116K)

wasnt this a meme?

>voluntary suicide machine
>immafaggot 2000
>spine breaker 2.0

And this...


Attached: streetflyer.jpg (450x530, 91K)


the "I wanna look like a dick and not wear a backpack"

And this... Is... to go... even further beyond!

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 162K)

The Fliz-cally Responsible.

Just Fucking No!

Hangtime cycle

Vegana-grabbing machine.

Ah, the teethcrusher 3000.

this someone out there must have the sketches

Yeah, I forgot what to google to find it

found it

Attached: thefliz.png (1383x1631, 311K)

for closer inspection

Attached: Goddammit+its+the+hanging+unicycle+all+over+again.jpg (495x363, 25K)

It shall be named the Faggotron 9000

The Opioid Crisis IV, Hardmod