Hunger games first 24

Hunger games first 24

Island code

Special thanks to Rigs for making this image for me.

Attached: by Rigs.png (1528x930, 451K)


Attached: sayorihappier.jpg (530x530, 72K)


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Attached: NV.jpg (1280x720, 65K)


Attached: D1D798KU4AYOG6I.jpg (1836x1940, 249K)

The Empire

Attached: the empire.png (400x267, 93K)

Uncle Rad

Attached: FB_IMG_1540272991161.jpg (500x718, 39K)


Attached: 1492843520992.jpg (300x460, 32K)

sexy gay hot luigi

Attached: 250px-Luigi_SSBU.png (250x274, 63K)


Attached: 1537911374281.png (566x591, 1.28M)


Attached: anger.png (599x510, 356K)

child asshole licker

Attached: YFbLicV.jpg (316x347, 20K)

>not running incredibly fast

Fernando & Gooseman

Attached: Goosenando_2.jpg (1919x1079, 578K)

The Arbiter

Attached: Engel.jpg (1920x1080, 1.21M)

Hat Goomba


Attached: 1545499929263.png (578x448, 412K)


Glad you liked it

Attached: Rigs.jpg (79x116, 6K)

Attached: anchor dee.png (336x600, 216K)

Isabelle but its Dark Souls

Attached: 1541666400797.png (490x648, 20K)

Goomba = Arbiter???

Tom is calling the cops

Attached: policee.jpg (569x319, 32K)


Attached: 46F28F25-7C7D-4AD5-B000-0BA62DEF0A70.png (671x969, 436K)

Unlucky girl

Attached: 7ee.jpg (680x681, 37K)


Attached: Noodle.gif (500x275, 1.87M)

Attached: 6276819394.jpg (908x1586, 137K)


All Might

Attached: allmighto.png (1920x1080, 1.61M)


Story so far:
Possibly Sakuya
and now maybe Arbiter



Attached: Abaddon.jpg (1080x1457, 200K)

Goomba = Lain

Prove me wrong

need 2 more.

The Democrat

Attached: IMG_20190320_212204.jpg (1325x2325, 192K)


>He doesn't know Hat Goomba is every ava.
>Hat Goomba


Attached: 1553313731015.gif (266x270, 532K)

Attached: profproofs.png (692x853, 208K)


Smokey DK

Attached: 483727.jpg (716x958, 93K)

I remember that game


Attached: rigsn-nani.jpg (498x499, 74K)

One final adjustment before I start.

Gonna swap in.

Attached: Screenshot_455.png (675x747, 650K)

You cannot be serious.
Hat Goomba got this.

Attached: bandana ritual.jpg (990x1200, 118K)



Attached: Dh1XyNTUYAA1FXo.jpg (1000x1000, 95K)

And we're off! Welcome to island! This wont be a fun family vacation though.

Attached: 02.jpg (670x2837, 413K)

Attached: 1546837661751.png (472x587, 262K)




Attached: sbd.png (367x385, 26K)

It will be fun though.

Attached: 1EC283E5-2364-401A-B7EA-D4C05C01C9D5.png (500x478, 56K)

Dysentery is the frozen lake of medical conditions.

I bet if you were wearing clothes this mosquito's wouldn't have gotten you so easily.

You really weren't kidding about megumi killing you

Attached: 03.jpg (670x2404, 372K)

Bad day for the gensokyo gang.

A few others go with them.

Attached: 04.png (670x967, 240K)

I'm sorry again
RIP Doremy

Attached: 1488856679628.jpg (1280x720, 223K)

Allmight! You're supposed to be a force for good! How cool you lead Karen down the path to bullying Sayori.

Not a comfy night for Isabelle.

Attached: 05.jpg (670x1739, 291K)

how could*

rip child asshole licker

The dream was about her being an actual noodle

Attached: rigsissleepy.jpg (503x506, 49K)

it's fine

Attached: 69561449_p0.png (2293x2614, 1.64M)

Why, All Might

Attached: RIPSayori.jpg (1280x720, 308K)

No room for imperialist on this stretch of wilderness.

Should have kept better company Arbiter. This was bound to happen roaming around with someone this unlucky.

>crushed by a boulder.
I sense all might in this.

Attached: 06.jpg (670x1739, 285K)


Attached: 07.png (670x952, 217K)


Attached: noodle.png (1500x1600, 645K)

Goodluck Megumi

Attached: 1531954223473.png (720x960, 495K)

Too bad you never managed to light that bonfire isabelle.

Poor Noodle becomes the latest victim of the mad plumber rampage.

Attached: 08.jpg (670x1606, 233K)

That doesn't look like a noodle tho, it looks like a person

Attached: rigsfinnafight.jpg (512x509, 75K)


Attached: E84E535B-E145-41FA-AD43-1D45DE7A416B.jpg (640x640, 61K)

Tom decides the cops are taking too long and hunts down a Waifu on his own.

Luigi! Keep it PG in here! This is a christian thread!

Attached: 09.jpg (670x1207, 178K)

Looks like a noodle to me?

Attached: 10.png (670x671, 106K)

Fuckin' hell.

Attached: Captain_2.jpg (701x540, 40K)

Oh no

Attached: 1432453675252.gif (500x281, 1.08M)

Ginko, want to explain to me how a 17 year old girl just beat you in a fist figh....

Gooseman and Fernando! Do you want to explain how a special needs toddler just stealth killed you both?!

Attached: 11.png (670x1091, 383K)

Now it looks like the best member of the band

Attached: rigsreadsdanoos.jpg (500x492, 93K)

Too much alcohol.

Attached: Fernando_11.jpg (960x540, 104K)

Got shot?

Attached: 23.jpg (1280x720, 52K)

Its time for a feast!

Get gnomed gnome!

Normally I'd shame you for killing a little special needs girl but she's a fighter.

Rigs, you better run before he gets the pie off his face.

* silently agrees *

Attached: 12.png (670x975, 321K)

I guess she was armed.

Drink responsibly.

Attached: 13.png (670x819, 155K)

Also checked, lucifer.

Attached: AACD8B82-7F30-4C54-885C-3F4C8F7E0C8B.png (480x480, 93K)

* Silently Z E B A T H S *

Attached: hedeniaistheASIANCOMUNITY.jpg (860x893, 106K)

I always do.

Attached: fernando_1.gif (300x169, 202K)

Karen killed the cat!

Tankfu has been blessed!

Rigs you're not good at making those.

Attached: 14.png (670x958, 311K)

No more kitty.

Attached: 15.png (670x375, 47K)

Sorry bitter, Tankfu is too blessed to die to a simple witch doctor, you're on your own.

Alright Luigi, kinda mean but whatever.

Allmight still leading Karen down the wrong path. SMH

Attached: 16.png (670x542, 143K)

Oh great, now Allmight has 2 of them on his side.

Rigs, you saw that trip wire righ- *crack* Ok guys, we lost Rigs.

Attached: 17.png (670x409, 108K)

F Bitters

>mfw got logged

Attached: rigscries.jpg (157x120, 10K)

Attached: 18.png (670x656, 102K)

What did i do to deserve this god?

Attached: 7bIXZZw0_400x400.jpg (400x400, 22K)

>Killed by an unknown creature.
Smells fishy.

Tankfu already corrupted beyond all expectation.

All might is the greatest tree house architect in the world.

Attached: 19.png (670x542, 86K)

The end is near! The island has taken many lives but there is still one too many tributes left alive. Place your bets!

>All Might

Attached: 68248320_p0.png (868x868, 578K)

rooting for Tankfu

Attached: Reimu63 1538882339064.jpg (324x422, 43K)

Betting on the All Might

Attached: HB reporting.png (600x600, 6K)

Bettin' on All Might.

Attached: Ginko.png (987x618, 689K)

Tankfu got this

Attached: rigsracing.jpg (512x507, 105K)

All Might

All might

Attached: 8CF91044-7620-4AE4-89C7-2996653177E2.jpg (320x180, 12K)

So.. She was taken by a crocodile..? Thats the story we're going with all might?

Attached: 21.png (670x276, 31K)


Attached: 22.png (670x286, 35K)

Attached: Smash.webm (1920x1080, 1.48M)

Gg tankfu
Thanks for hosting Mado

Attached: rigsthanksyouforhosting.jpg (491x512, 79K)

gratz All Might
thanks for hosting

Attached: Reimu88 72058004_p0.png (353x486, 217K)

No witnesses

Game overu.

Come check out your placements!~

Attached: 23.jpg (670x821, 257K)

Have no fear, I am here.

Attached: ALLMIGHT.jpg (1920x1080, 224K)

Thanks for the game Mado

Attached: 1541493703798.png (430x430, 88K)

Thanks for the game, Mados.

Attached: 3.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

Thanks for hosting.

Attached: Goosenando_3.gif (500x282, 660K)

Thanks, Mado

Attached: sayorisads.png (340x489, 275K)

Thank for host

Thanks for hosting

Attached: 1468378889531.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

Thanks for playing!


Attached: 57873902_p0.png (1000x1331, 625K)

*tags in*